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BIG STORY OCTOBER 08, 2021 | The Indian Eye 7
proceed against the accused Earlier on Wednesday, Pri-
while adding that the killing yanka had said that voices of
of eight people in Lakhimpur justice for the farmers are being
Kheri is a “brutal murder” and muffled by the Bharatiya Jana-
law must take its course against ta Party (BJP) government.
all accused. Interestingly, the issue is
The top court asked the Ut- also affecting the internal dy-
tar Pradesh government wheth- namics of Bharatiya Janata
er in other murder cases the Party, which announced the
police issue summons instead list of 80-member national ex-
of arresting the accused. Not ecutive council on Thursday.
arresting the accused is sending While many Union Ministers
a “wrong message,” the Bench and veteran leaders like LK
observed as the police have not Advani and Murli Manohar
arrested Ashish Mishra. The Joshi are on the list, party MPs
Bench further observed that and mother-son duo Mane-
transferring the case to CBI for ka Gandhi and Varun Gandhi
investigation is also not a solu- have been excluded from the
tion. “We are not making com- Congress leader Rahul Gandhi meets the family of deceased farmer Love- executive council. The removal
ments. CBI is not a solution preet Singh in Lakhimpur Kheri on Wednesday (ANI) comes even as Varun Gandhi
for reasons known to you... be- has been quite vocal regarding
cause of the persons involved... the Lakhimpur Kheri incident
better some other people look and has been demanding an in-
into it,” Chief Justice told se- vestigation into the incident.
nior advocate Harish Salve ap- Sources in the party said
pearing for the Uttar Pradesh that Pilibhit MP’s stance on the
government. incident was not taken well by
The apex court ordered the the top BJP leadership. “He
DGP of the Uttar Pradesh gov- projected as if the entire fault
ernment to protect evidence lies at the doorsteps of the
and other materials in the case leaders. We are awaiting the in-
and not destroy all in the inter- vestigation report and believe
im by the time another agency that incident was unfortunate.
takes it over. It listed the mat- He should have been patient at
ter for hearing on October 20 a time when the entire opposi-
as the first case. Salve told the tion is targeting the party,” said
Bench that what has been done a senior BJP leader.
by State is not satisfactory and Not just Varun, even his
assured it that remedial action mother and Sultanpur MP
will be taken soon. A protest march against the violence that occurred in Lakhimpur Kheri (ANI) Maneka Gandhi too has been
Meanwhile, the Bharatiya excluded from the body. The
Kisan Union (BKU) spokes- accused of killing the farmers compensation. national executive council is
person Rakesh Tikait on within a week. “Those who Congress delegation includ- one of the most powerful pan-
Thursday urged the govern- crushed people to death cannot ing Rahul Gandhi and Party el’s in the party which takes
ment to immediately “arrest be men nor can they be lead- General Secretary Priyanka crucial decisions on shaping
the culprits of the Lakhimpur ers. They were ‘cold-hearted’ Gandhi Vadra had met the fam- the future course of action for
massacre”. Tikait in a tweet people. The government has a ily of deceased farmer Naksha- the BJP and the government.
today said, “The government week’s time to arrest the cul- tra Singh in Naya Purwa village However, a senior leader
should immediately arrest prits. If they fail to serve justice, in Lakhimpur Kheri district. from Uttar Pradesh said that it
the culprits of the Lakhimpur then we will announce our next While speaking to the media, is the prerogative of the party
massacre.” A total of eight strategy after that,” he said. Priyanka said, “The families of President JP Nadda to decide
people including four farmers Earlier, a five-member del- deceased farmers do not want who to admit to the national
died in the violence that took egation of the Shiromani Akali compensation, they want jus- executive council and claimed
place in Lakhimpur Kheri on Dal (SAD) has left from Chan- tice. Justice cannot be possible that they had been replaced by
October 3. digarh for Uttar Pradesh’s unless MoS Home Ajay Mishra equally able leaders from the
Earlier on Wednesday, Ti- Lakhimpur Kheri to meet the Teni resigns from his post. An state.
kait said everyone should be kin of the victims in the incident. impartial probe is not possible “There are other senior
allowed to meet the families Also, Congress General Secre- under him. If the Uttar Pradesh leaders from UP who have
of victims killed in the violence tary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra government can arrest us with- become part of the council in
in Uttar Pradesh’s Lakhim- on Thursday said that families out FIR, why cannot they arrest their place. There are at least
pur Kheri and also asked the of the deceased in Lakhimpur him MoS Home Ajay Mishra’s ten. They must have lost their
government to arrest all the Kheri violence want justice, not son, Ashish Mishra?” Continued on next page... >>
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