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NATION                                                                  OCTOBER 08, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          10

                                    pandora paperS

               How the rich and powerful from

               India and pakistan are stashing

                                and hiding their wealth

           Indian government says it will investigate cases pertaining to the massive leak of

                                      financial documents and take appropriate action

        our Bureau

        New Delhi/Islamabad

                 ramped-up drive against
                 the black money men-
        A ace by several countries
        has forced wealthy elites, in-
        cluding from India, to adopt a
        new method to ring fence their
        wealth, revealed the ‘Pandora
        Papers’, the latest leak of off-
        shore files. Pandora Papers talks
        about  those  beneficial  owners
        who have assets placed in an
        offshore  trust--in  conjunction
        with foreign entities- holding all
        sorts of investments, cash, prop-
        erties, shareholdings on behalf
        of these owners.

                                                                                  Indian business tycoon Anil Ambani
        more than 300 Indians,

        including business peo-                 The central government  sociated with such leaks.                     need to fund quality public ex-
        ple, figure in the ‘pandora          said on Monday that it will in-         Rights group Oxfam India         penditure, he added. Many of
                                                                                                                      those featured in the leak have
                                             vestigate cases pertaining to the  has called for immediate action
        papers’ that has uncov- massive leak of financial docu- by authorities and abolishing tax                     rejected  allegations  of  misdo-
        ered the financial assets            ments, being dubbed the “Pan- havens following the expose of             ings. Among others, Kiran Ma-
                                                                                                                      zumdar-Shaw  on  Monday  said
                                             dora  Papers”,  and  take  appro- the  ‘Pandora  Papers’.  “Tax  ha-
        of rich individuals across  priate action, as per law.                   vens cost governments around         her hubsand’s offshore trust was

        the world. anil ambani, vi-             “The  government  has  tak- the world USD 427 billion each            bonafide and legitimate.
                                             en note of these developments.  year. Developing countries are               Meanwhile, the Pandora
        nod  adani, Jackie  shroff,  The relevant investigative agen- being hardest hit, proportion-                  Papers has revealed names of
        Kiran       mazumdar-shaw,           cies would undertake an investi- ately.  Corporations  and  the          700 Pakistani individuals and
                                                                                                                      members of Prime Minister Im-
                                             gation in these cases and appro- wealthiest individuals that use
        niira  radia,  sachin  ten- priate action would be taken in  tax havens are outcompeting                      ran Khan’s cabinet, inner cir-

        dulkar and  satish  shar-            such cases as per law,” the minis- those who don’t. Tax havens           cle, including cabinet ministers,
                                             try of finance said in a statement.  also help crime and corruption
                                                                                                                      their families and major finan-
        ma, among others, figure                The ministry went on to say  to flourish,” Oxfam India CEO            cial backers, who have secretly
        in the list of Indians in the        that the Indian government is  Amitabh Behar said.                       owned an array of companies
                                                                                     Abolishing tax havens can
                                                                                                                      and trusts holding millions of
                                             part of an inter-governmental
        ‘pandora papers’ revealed  group that ensures collabora- go a long way towards ensuring                       dollars of hidden wealth, ac-
        so far.                              tion and experience sharing to  that government actually have            cording  to  International  Con-
                                             effectively address tax risks as- the access to tax revenue they            Continued on next page... >>

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