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BUSINESS EYE                                                         OCTOBER 06, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 29

                                                              TECH T@LK

                  Spotify introduces                                                  Google celebrates

           auto-generated podcast                                                  25th birthday with a

                           transcripts                                                     special doodle

              ove listening to podcasts on the                                   earch engine giant Google
              audio streaming platform Spo-  Beyond transcripts, mobile          turned 25 on Wednesday. Mark-
        Ltify? If yes, then there’s good   podcast listeners global-        Sing the special occasion, the
        news for you. Spotify has announced                                 company  unveiled  a  special  doodle
        the rollout of auto-generated podcast  ly will now be able to jump  on its homepage. The doodle shows
        transcripts. The text transcripts will   around an episode using    all the previous logos of the company
        also be time-synced so listeners can                                and ends with the letters ‘oo’ replaced
        visually follow along as a podcast epi-  chapters as well. Podcasters  by ’25’ in the word ‘Google’.
        sode progresses, as per The Verge.  can add time-stamped chap-          Google  was  founded  by  Larry
            One can access this feature by                                  Page and Sergey Brin in September   globe use Google to search, con-
        scrolling down below the podcast  ters to their shows that brief-   1998, as part of a PhD project. The   nect, work, play, and SO much more!
        player and tapping into a “read   ly describe a segment of the      two ideated the firm in 1995. By 1996,   Thank you for evolving with us over
        along” section. A transcription of a                                they had reportedly built a search en-  the past 25 years. We can’t wait to see
        show makes the podcast more ac-   show, allowing listeners to  gine, initially called ‘BackRub’, that   where the future takes us, together,”
        cessible to users and allows listeners   preview topics or start listen-  used links to determine the impor-  the Google Doodle blog stated.
        to skip around and skim an episode                                  tance of individual web pages.        Interestingly, Google was origi-
        without listening through.        ing at specific points.               “Much  has  changed  since  1998   nally founded on September 4, 1998.
            Spotify said “millions” of pod-                                 — including our logo as seen in to-  According to reports, in 2005, the
        cast episodes will get the tool, and in   The auto-transcription feature   day’s Doodle — but the mission   company changed the birth date to
        the future, creators could add media   follows the recent addition of an   has remained the same: to organize   September 27 to make it coincide
        to transcripts — a useful feature if a   AI-generated voice cloning tool that   the world’s  information and  make   with the announcement of the record
        creator is describing an image on the   translates podcasts into different lan-  it  universally  accessible  and  useful.   number of pages that the search en-
        show, for example.                guages.                           Billions of people from all over the   gine was indexing.

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