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BUSINESS EYE                                                         OCTOBER 06, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 26

              iPhone 15 mania grips India as the

         latest version from Apple goes on sale

        The iPhone 15 is priced starting at USD 799 for a 128GB model and the iPhone 15 Plus starts

          at USD 899 for a 128GB version. The 15 Pro starts at USD 999 with 128GB of storage, and

                                        the Pro Max at USD 1,199 with 256GB of storage

        OUR BUREAU
              pple’s much-anticipated iPhone 15 series
              went on sale in India on last Friday (Septem-
        Aber 22). Apple’s much-anticipated iPhone
        15 series (iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Plus, iPhone 15
        Pro, and iPhone 15 Pro Max) as well as the Apple
        Watch Series 9 and Watch Ultra 2 were announced
        at their “Wonderlust” event recently.
            Long queues of people were seen outside the
        Apple store at Mumbai’s BKC - India’s first Apple
        store. People were also seen standing outside the
        Apple Store at Delhi’s Select Citywalk Mall in Saket.
            Rahul, the first customer at the Apple Store
        at Select Citywalk Mall in Saket, said, “It was a
        great experience. I was in the queue since 4 am
        and then purchased the phone. I have always had
        top phones with me. I have an iPhone 13 Pro Max
        and an iPhone 14 Pro Max. After the 15 series was
        announced, I wanted to get the iPhone 15 Pro Max
        - that too before everyone else.”
            A customer outside the Apple store at Mum-
        bai’s BKC shared, “I have been here since 3 p.m.
        yesterday. I waited in the queue for 17 hours to get
        the first iPhone at India’s first Apple store. I have
        come from Ahmedabad...”
            Another customer, Vivek from Bengaluru
        added, “I am happy I am getting my new iPhone     Customers queue outside the Apple Inc. store during the first day sale of the newly launched iPhone 15 smartphone
        15 Pro. I am very excited...” Aan from Ahmedabad                           in New Delhi (ANI Photo/Sanjay Sharma)
        says, “I flew in yesterday. I was here at the store
        at 5-6 o’clock. I was at the store opening a few   Verge.                                     Camera functions have been improved. On
        months ago where I was fortunate enough to meet   The iPhone 15 has a 6.1-inch screen while iP-  the iPhone 15 Pro Max (but not the regular iPhone
        Tim Cook for the second time.”                hone 15 Plus comes with a 6.7-inch screen.   15 Pro), there’s a new telephoto camera, with a
            iPhone 15 and the iPhone 15 Plus, both ver-  Both versions will be available in pink, yellow,  new tetra-prism design, increasing the zoom up to
        sions come up with the dynamic island feature that   green, blue, and black colours.       5x (the iPhone 15 Pro maxes out at 3x).
        first debuted on the iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max   The iPhone 15 is priced starting at USD 799   But the main, wide camera, as well as the ul-
        and the USB-C type charging.                  for a 128GB model and the iPhone 15 Plus starts   trawide camera (which are the same on both the
            As per The Verge, an American technolo-   at USD 899 for a 128GB version. The 15 Pro starts   iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max) have received signifi-
        gy-based website, the iPhone 15 also has an OLED   at USD 999 with 128GB of storage, and the Pro   cant improvements as well.
        Super Retina display, which supports Dolby Vision   Max at USD 1,199 with 256GB of storage. Both   Meanwhile, a video of scuffle that broke out
        content with 1,600 nits of brightness. The peak   will be available for preorder this Friday and on   between customers and employees at a retail store
        brightness of this display is 2,000 nits in sunlight,  sale September 22, as per The Verge.  in Kamla Nagar in Delhi has taken the internet by
        double that of the iPhone 14.                    Both are powered by the A17 Pro chip, which   storm. The video showed several customers pull-
            Apart from this, the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15  Apple says has the fastest performance in any   ing punches at the store employees and tearing off
        Plus also has an improved camera system.      smartphone and can even challenge some high-  an individual’s clothes.
            The main camera sensor is moving to a     end PCs. Along with a redesigned GPU, Apple     The customer was apparently enraged as the
        48-megapixel one, up from the 12-megapixel one   seems to think these devices could be poised to   sales personnel allegedly refused to sell an iPhone
        found on the previous iPhone 14. There’s also a   level up the kinds of games you can play on your   15 model to him. The incident took place on Friday
        12-megapixel telephoto and improvements to the   phone. Also, both phones have a USB-C port on   as all iPhone enthusiasts across the country were
        portrait mode mean you won’t have to manually   the bottom rather than the old Lightning port, re-  excited to see the newly launched model that hit
        switch to portrait mode anymore, reported The   ported The Verge.                          the shelves on that very day.

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