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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              OCTOBER 06, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 22

            IAPC presents social media influencers

                       and their challenges and scopes

        OUR BUREAU
                                                                                                                        MEERA NAIR
        New York, NY                                                                                              Meera Nair donned many hats,
                                                                                                              including those of Cine actress, poet,
           NDO     AMERICAN      PRESS                                                                        dancer,  writer, and  media person.
           CLUB (IAPC) proudly presents
        Ifor  the  first  time  in  the  history                                                              She holds an MBA, M Com, and a
                                                                                                              Diploma  in  Journalism.  She holds a
        of  Media  Conferences, Social  Me-                                                                   first rank and gold medal in journal-
        dia Influencers- their challenges and                                                                 ism from the Press Club, Trivandrum.
        scope.  “We  are  presenting  selected                                                                Meera has been writing poems and
        social media influencers to share their                                                               short stories from a young age. She
        thoughts and challenges, on a seminar                                                                 published  her  first  book  of  poetry
        and panel discussion during the Inter-                                                                in 2015. The book Grey, born when
        national Media Conference at Con-                                                                     black invaded white (Authors Press
        necticut USA during October 7-9th,                                                                    2015), won her second place at the
        2023,” IAPC said in a statement.                                                                      Muse India YoungWriters Award
            A  Social  Media  Influencer  is  a
        user on social media who has estab-                                                                   2015. Meera went on to bring out
                                                                                                              more volumes of poetry and stories,
        lished credibility in a specific industry.                                                            published by Penguin. Meera’s poems
        These content creators have access to                                                                 have been adapted for the stage. She
        a large audience and can share infor-                                                                 was chosen by Alliance Francais along
        mation  to  persuade others  through                                                                  with the Embassy of France in India
        their authenticity and reach. Social                                                                  for an Indo–French poetic collabora-
        media influencers often partner with                                                                  tion. Meera’s poem titled ‘Woman’
        brands,  promoting products or ser-                                                                   was adapted to the stage as a dance
        vices, or promote various thoughts on                                                                 drama on women empowerment and
        media,  literature,  visual  media,  gar-                                                             performed by the students of JG Col-
        dening, cooking, motivation etc. Now                                                                  lege of Performing Arts, Ahmedabad.
        these social media influencers and the                                                                Her poems have been displayed at
        public are syncing and glued to the                                                                   ‘Crossing Boundaries’ an Internation-
        smartphone screens.
                                                                                                              al Art Exhibition in Sweden.
                 SHAJAN SCARIA                                                                                    Meera is now increasingly mak-
            Shajan Scaria, is an Indian Jour-                                                                 ing a name for herself in the world of
        nalist and writer, Founder Editor                                                                     cinema. Her debut was in the Sathyan
        of Marunadan Malayali and British                                                                     Anthikad movie Njan Prakashan. She
        Malayali. He is the former Sub-Edi-                                                                   has thereafter acted in several movies.
        tor of Deepika. Shajan has more than   A true journalist must report on   da, Las Vegas for the last five years.
        25 years of experience in the field of   stories that are relevant to the com-  Before that, she was a tenured pro-  NISHA JUDE
        Journalism. He holds MA Sociology,   munities they serve, that is Shajan   fessor in Ohio and relocated to Las   Nisha Jude has been working as a
        PG Diploma in Journalism, and after   Skariah doing everyday boldly.   Vegas near her son and grandkids.   nurse in New York for the past eigh-
        which he was working as a freelance     KORASON VARUGHESE           She has been teaching for 16 years.   teen years. Her family, close friends
        Journalist for a number of South In-  Korason  profile  Columnist  with   She is well-known as an inspirational   and relatives are always encouraging
        dian Publications. Now as an advocate   Malayala Manorama the leading Ma-  professor and a motivational speaker.   and supporting her little writings on
        specializing in Cyber Law and defa-  layalam News, Interviews notable per-  She has conducted many podium and   social media. That’s why, from writing
        mation and he is currently pursuing   sonalities with Kalavedi TV named   poster presentations throughout the   small notes on Facebook since 2008,
        an MA in Criminology.             Valkannadi. Regional Director, Y’s   U.S. and won many prizes. She did   social  media has slowly  taken  her
            Shajan Scaria, and his online                                   PhD in Education at the age of 60 and   to the circle of friends, reading, and
        news channel, Marunadan Malayali   Men International  Club and UN   started a YouTube channel at the age   many writers who love Malayalam
                                          Representative, Past IAPC Executive
        are  currently  grappling  with  a  series   VP, General Secretary, and Active   of  66.  She  has  revolutionized  back-  from all over the world, big and small,
        of accusations and legal challenges   political and Church engagements.   yard gardening in the desert of Las   famous and rising to fame.
        instigated by the government. These   First book published in 2016. FOKA-  Vegas. To proclaim that achievement,   She  says “I’m  still  a child-like
        actions stem from Shajan’s bold cri-  NA 2022 Media Excellence Award,   she started the YouTube channel.   wonder at the wider world of reading
        tiques directed at the ruling party and   Emalayalee Popular writer Award,   Now, her channel is a hit for her moti-  rather than the world of writing. The
        his fearless approach to uncovering   Kalavedi USA Award for media pre-  vational talks. She is passionate about   reason for that is that honest world-
        the illegal activities of the corporate   sentations.               cooking, gardening, and traveling. She   class creations happen in the world
        leaders, businessmen, land and drug                                 participated in Udan Panam Chapter   of writing when every single piece of
        mafias, political leaders, and terrorist   DR. ALICE MATHEW         4 in Mazhavil Manorama. She is a re-  writing is accepted by the whole world
        groups whose works are deeply rooted   Dr. Alice Mathew, Ph.D has been   cipient of the International Women’s   without thinking about who wrote it
        in Kerala society.                a professor at the University of Neva-  Day Award from NADE in 2023.   and for whom it was written!”.

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