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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              OCTOBER 06, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 18

         BAPS Festival of Inspirations to Culminate in the Grand

           Inauguration of the BAPS Swaminarayan Akshardham

        OUR BUREAU

        Robbinsville, NJ
              obbinsville, New Jersey,recent-
              ly has become the epicenter of
        Rprofound spiritual fervor as the
        BAPS Swaminarayan Akshardham
        hosted the three-month-long “Festi-
        val of Inspirations.” Uniting various
        events under its umbrella, the festival
        was a clarion call for unity, spiritual-
        ity, and community service, echoing
        Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s life mot-
        to, “In the joy of others lies our own.”
            In the last week, on September
        23, 2023, the Indian Community day                                                                     Mr. Shrikanth Datta expressed, “Witness the
        celebration  brought  dozens  of  or-
        ganizations to celebrate the spirit of                                                                 glory of our sanatan dharma and Pramukh
        selfless  service.  Pujya  Gnanvatsaldas                                                               Swami Maharaj’s vision in Akshardham: a
        Swami initiated the evening, empha-  The soon-to-be inaugurated BAPS Swaminarayan Akshardham in Robbinsville, New Jersey  temple built by volunteers.”
        sizing the profound meaning behind
        the motto,  “In the Joy of Others,”
        showcased by Pramukh Swami Ma-
        haraj and carried forward by His Ho-
        liness Mahant Swami Maharaj. High-
        lights included powerful addresses
        from Mr. Anurag Kumar, President
        of the Bihar Jharkhand Association
        of North America, Mr. Syam Kosigi,
        Vice President of Seva International
        USA, and other notable figures who
        echoed the ideals of unity, spirituality,
        and the essence of community service.
        Mr. Shrikanth Datta, a member of the
        Shri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Gita
        Foundation, summed up the evening’s
        sentiments quite eloquently when                                                                      Wilson, a Korean contractor, recalls his bond
        he said “Bhagwan Shri Krishna says                                                                    with Pramukh Swami Maharaj and how his gen-
        whatever you see which is powerful                                                                    uine love embodies “The World is One Family.”
        and magnificent, understand that to be
        a splendor of mine. We are witnessing
        the glory of our sanatan dharma, the   Pujya Gnanvatsaldas Swami initiated the evening, emphasizing the profound meaning behind   Pramukh  Swami  Maharaj,  the  fifth
        glory of the Bhagwan, and the power-  the motto, “In the Joy of Others,” showcased by Pramukh Swami Maharaj and carried forward   spiritual successor of Bhagwan Swam-
        ful vision of Pramukh Swami Maharaj                  by His Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj.            inarayan, envisioned a majestic Hin-
        in the form of Akshardham. Take this                                                                  du mandir and campus in the United
        as a valuable treasure for generations;                                                               States that would integrate and con-
        this is a temple built by volunteers.”   cased Akshardham’s mission in up-  the world is one family. We’re all God’s   solidate thousands of years of inspir-
            Another pivotal event took place   holding timeless values.     children.’ This is an unalterable truth.   ing Hindu culture and architecture.
        on  September  16,  2023,  focused  on   One of the most touching mo-  As long as our actions reflect moral-  BAPS Swaminarayan Akshard-
        “Vasudhaiva  Kutumbakam:    The   ments was a recount of an incident   ity  and  our  character  remains  pure,   ham, a campus spread over 185 acres,
        World Is One Family.” Through mes-  involving His Holiness Mahant Swa-  we are esteemed in the eyes of God.”  has been built by 12,500 volunteers
        merizing stage performances, guest   mi Maharaj and Steven, a young man   The Festival of Inspirations   who devoted millions of hours of self-
        addresses, and personal narratives,   from Africa, underscoring the depth   united attendees from varied back-  less service.  The breathtaking BAPS
        the attendees were urged to look be-  of selfless connection beyond cultural   grounds under shared ideals, it illus-  Swaminarayan Akshardham, carved
        yond superficial differences, embrac-  boundaries.                  trated the magnificent vision of Pra-  from 1.9 million cubic feet of stone
        ing the universal family’s essence.   His Holiness Mahant Swami     mukh Swami Maharaj, illuminating   will be inaugurated by His Holiness
        Esteemed guests like City of Edison   Maharaj, in his addresses across the   the path for present and future gener-  Mahant Swami Maharaj.
        Mayor Sam Joshi, Bawa Jain, Secre-  events, consistently emphasized unity   ations to tread upon.         The inaugural festivities will be-
        tary-General for the World Council of   and universal brotherhood. He beau-  The final phase of the festival is   gin on September 30, culminating in
        Religious Leaders, and others shared   tifully summed up, “Our scriptures   the inauguration of the BAPS Swam-  a grand dedication ceremony on Oc-
        insights and experiences that show-  profess ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam -   inarayan Akshardham. His Holiness   tober 8, 2023.

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