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SPECIAL FEATURE                                                      OCTOBER 06, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 14

                                               TOWARDS BETTER LIVING

                                          Journey of Enlightenment:

                           Exploring Nilkanth Plaza at BAPS

           Swaminarayan Akshardham, Robbinsville, NJ

                                A garden serene, a peaceful sight; Tapomurti radiating divinity so bright
                                Kamandal’s wood, simplicity’s embrace; Batvo’s path, seven years trace
                                 Left foot firm, on earthly ground; Resolve in strength, knows no bound
                                  Right food posed in yogic grace; Aura of austerities woven into space
                            Shaligram rests, upon a heart’s pure beat; Bhakti and breath, in harmony meet
                                An innocent face, so calm and pure; A steadfast spirit, splendid and sure
                                  Eyes closed, unwavering in sight; Ears attuned to prayers taking flight
                       Mala’s unifying string, resonates passion strong; From every bead, echoes devotion song
                           Wisdom profound, in the raised left hand; An ideal of balance, flawlessly planned
                                        49 years, a selfless legacy; The lucid life of Neelkanth Varni

                                                                                                          Canopies of Contemplation
                 elcome to a sanctuary of spiritual seren-                                            Ten canopies, crafted from the warm embrace
                 ity and cultural richness - BAPS Swam-
        Winarayan Akshardham in Robbinsville,                                                      of red sandstone, stand sentinel around the plaza.
        New  Jersey.  At  the  forefront  of  this  magnificent                                    These tranquil alcoves provide spaces for intro-
                                                                                                   spection, where visitors can clear their minds and
        complex lies Nilkanth Plaza, a place of profound                                           cultivate inner stillness before continuing their
        significance and beauty.                                                                   journey through Akshardham.
              The Journey of Nilkanth Varni                                                             Incense, Fragrance of Devotion
            Central to Nilkanth Plaza is a towering
                                                                                                      Near the resplendent murti of Nilkanth Var-
        49-foot-tall sacred image of Bhagwan Swamina-                                              ni, devotees offer incense sticks, infusing the air
        rayan, known as Nilkanth Varni during his forma-                                           with fragrant devotion. These scents serve as a
        tive years. This awe-inspiring statue, meticulously                                        bridge, inviting visitors to experience a deeper
        crafted from copper alloy, serves as a visual tribute                                      sense of peace and connect with Nilkanth Varni
        to the 49 years he graced this earth. It encapsulates                                      in heartfelt dialogue.
        the essence of his 7-year, 8,000-mile pilgrimage
        across India - a journey that traversed mountains,                                                  A Timeless Experience
        rivers, villages, and cities, while enduring extremes                                         Nilkanth Plaza is more than a location; it is an
        of climate.                                                                                immersive experience. Here, you can lose yourself
            In his yogic posture, Bhagwan Swaminarayan                                             in moments of quiet contemplation, surrounded
        embodies spiritual focus and discipline. This stance                                       by the embrace of family and friends. The plaza’s
        mirrors the transformative odyssey that cultivated                                         tranquil ambiance and profound significance with-
        virtues of compassion, empathy, and selfless ser-                                          in the Akshardham campus invite you to linger,
        vice, leaving an indelible mark on all who encoun-                                         allowing its essence to seep into your soul.
        tered him.                                    sacred sites he visited during his transformative   Behind the murti of Nilkanth Varni is a stepwell
              Legacy of Reform and Values             journey.                                     modeled in the tradition of historical stepwells and
            Bhagwan Swaminarayan’s legacy extends be-    Adorning the plaza are 14 stone plaques, each   architectural masterpieces of his time, such as Rani
        yond personal enlightenment. In the 18th century,   bearing messages and values shared by Nilkanth   ki Vãv in Patan, Gujarat. The stepwell has been
                                                                                                   sanctified  with  the  waters  from  108  sacred  rivers
                                                      Varni during his travels. These inscriptions serve
        he enacted sweeping reforms aimed at uplifting   as touchstones of wisdom, resonating with visitors   of India, four of which (Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswati
        society and instilling timeless values. These foun-  seeking spiritual guidance.           and Saryu) have been represented by bronze murtis
        dational principles have endured through the ages,                                         on each of the four sides of the stepwell.
        shaping the Swaminarayan Sampraday into what it                                               As you step into Nilkanth Plaza, you embark
        is today. Globally, the spiritual and social endeav-                                       on a journey through time, tracing the footsteps of
        ors of BAPS stand as a living testament to these                                           a spiritual luminary. The legacy of Bhagwan Swa-
        enduring ideals.                                                                           minarayan lives on, inspiring generations with its
               Symbolic Treasures Abound                                                           unwavering commitment to compassion, service,
            Stepping beyond the sacred image, visitors will                                        and timeless values. Experience this extraordinary
        encounter treasures of symbolism that enrich the                                           tapestry of faith, culture, and devotion at BAPS
        plaza’s narrative.                                                                         Swaminarayan Akshardham, where history and
            A meticulously detailed map traces the pil-                                            spirituality intertwine, inviting you to explore the
        grimage route of Nilkanth Varni, illuminating the                                          depths of the human spirit.

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