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OPINION                                                              OCTOBER 06, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 12

        page throughout the country and even                                                                  es and prominent TV journalists. The
        targeted security institutions.                                                                       diary has details about Imran Khan’s
            This was unprecedented in Paki-                                                                   daily  routine  and  engagement  on
        stan’s history. It is interesting to note                                                             a day to day basis. It seems such ex-
        that while security installations were                                                                clusive information was provided
        under attack, military did not try to                                                                 to Javed Chaudhry to malign Im-
        stop those involved in it. Initially, the                                                             ran Khan and dent his public image.
        official line was that military practiced                                                                 It  is  difficult  to  predict  the  out-
        restraint and did not go after the ci-                                                                come of the ongoing political crisis
        vilians. Later it was decided to take                                                                 in Pakistan. However, analysts rightly
        stern action against those involved.                                                                  believe that this election, whenever it
        Some people believe that Imran has                                                                    takes place, is going to be a test of Ar-
        done the unthinkable in Pakistan—he                                                                   my’s predominance in Pakistani poli-
        has successfully divided the Pakistan                                                                 tics. The Army is considered to be the
        Army from within. It is believed that                                                                 only well founded ‘Political Party’ in
        the lower rung of the Pakistan Army                                                                   Pakistan that never contests election
        is favouring Imran Khan. The recent                                                                   directly but remains in power all the
        amendments  to  the  Official  Secret   The New Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa may have his issues with Imran Khan and the establish-  time. Nothing can be conclusively said
        Act and Pakistan Army Act indicate   ment in the past, but he has been an upright judicial officer throughout his career (File photo)  about the fate of Imran khan and PTI
        that the argument regarding a division                                                                at this juncture. Imran Khan’s favou-
        in Pakistan Army appears plausible as   has assumed charge.         (PILDAT) Chairman Ahmad Bilal     rite Chief Justice Umar Ata Bandial
        these amendments are aimed to reg-    Article 224 of the Constitution   Mahboob in his Op-Ed for The Dawn   has retired.
        ulate armed forces personnel, even   says that “A general election to the   argued that ever since the first direct   The New Chief Justice Qazi Faez
        after their retirement.           National Assembly or a provincial as-  election in 1970, none of the political   Isa may have his issues with Imran
            Using the 9 May incident as Paki-  sembly shall be held within a period of   parties were allowed to regain power   Khan and the establishment in the
        stan’s 9/11, the security establishment   sixty days immediately following the   immediately at the federal level after   past, but he has been an upright ju-
        has come up with a new strategy to   day on which the term of the assembly   it was removed or fell out of favour   dicial  officer  throughout  his  career.
        marginalise Imran Khan and his Pa-  is due to expire, unless the assembly   with the Pakistan Army.   In the past, he has not shied away
        kistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) from the   has been sooner dissolved.”     Although Pakistan Army has al-  from questioning the role of powerful
        political landscape. Trying civilians in   After the dissolution of Nation-  ways tried to craft new political narra-  stakeholders including politico-securi-
        military courts under Pakistan Army   al Assembly, a number of PML-N   tives at home and mainstream it effec-  ty elites in the country. He is known
        Act and Official Secret Act is part of   leaders, including former Cabinet   tively, in case of Imran Khan, this isn’t   for his suo motu notices on Hazara
        the strategy. Top PTI leadership in-  Ministers, are talking about election   working as efficiently as it was expect-  Killings in Balochistan by Lashkar-
        cluding Imran Khan and Shah Mah-  happening in February 2024. PML-N   ed to. His imprisonment in Attock   e-Jhangvi, the killings of Baloch Na-
        mood Qureshi might be the ones be-  leader Rana Sanaullah, who served as   Jail, instead of putting a dampener to   tionalist leaders in 2009, and the role
        ing tried under these acts, as had been   the interior minister during PDM gov-  his popularity, is in fact increasing it.   of state functionaries during Faizabad
        indicated by Chief of Army Staff Gen.   ernment’s tenure, in an interview to   Pakistan Army is determined to not   sit-in by Tahreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan
        Asim Munir in Formation Command-  Geo TV’s anchor Shahzeb Khanzada   let Imran Khan come out of prison   (TLP) in 2017. Isa has also questioned
        ers Conference held on 7 June 2023.  stated that “Nawaz Sharif is sure that   and lead his party in the elections. So-  the dubious role of state agencies in-
            After initial denial, the ruling es-  elections will take place in February.   cial media is hyperactive and polarised   cluding ISI and noted his disappoint-
        tablishment moved forward to bring   Delimitation of constituencies has to   between pro and anti-Imran Khan.   ment in the way ISI interferes in mat-
        another technicality in play to further   be completed before then, and it will   Army’s narrative is challenged by PTI   ters of political significance.
        delay the election. On 5 August, the   be completed by December.”   supporters and sympathizers on vari-  It was Justice Isa who had also
        government called the meeting of the   Some of the opposition parties   ous social media platforms. They see   opposed Nawaz Sharif’s removal un-
        Council of Common Interest (CCI)   are objecting to such statements com-  the development as Imran Khan vs   der Article 62 (1) (f) which required
        to approve the new digital census.   ing not from the Election Commission   Army top brass and are not ready to   a member of National Assembly to
        The CCI in its meeting unanimously   but by the PML-N leaders. PPP in   accept even logical arguments against   be Sadiq and Ameen (Honest and
        approved the digital census to make   particular has questioned such state-  Imran Khan.              Righteous). Justice Qazi Faez Isa,
        way for new delimitation of the con-  ments. Amid debate over the tim-  Although the mainstream me-   therefore, has displayed courage to
        stituencies.                      ing of general election, the Election   dia is not favouring Imran Khan, it is   confront powerful actors including
            With this new development, un-  Commission on 21 September 2023   also not helping the establishment to   political elites, the military establish-
        der Section 17 (2) of Election Act,   announced that the election would be   propagate its narrative in a big way. At   ment, and religious outfits. A lot will
        fresh delimitation of the constituen-  held in the last week of January 2024.  present, the Army is finding it difficult   depend on what kind of role he plays
        cies are required. The Section 17 (2)   As the Chief Justice Umar Ata   to control the mainstream media. Giv-  in the coming days.
        of the Election Act categorically states   Bandial, considered to be a protector   en the situation, it seems that Pakistan
        that ‘The commission shall delimit   and saviour of Imran Khan, has re-  Army has resorted to a new tactic
        constituencies after every census is of-  tired on 16 September 2023 and Jus-  which focuses on social media influ-  Dr Ashish Shukla is Associate Fellow at
        ficially published’.18 As expected, the   tice Qazi Faez Isa has taken over as   encers to propagate its point of view   Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence
        Election Commission announced to   the new Chief Justice, analysts believe   to the people of Pakistan. These influ-  Studies and Analyses
        take up the delimitation process and   the judicial cushion will no longer be   encers are regularly given access to ex-  Views expressed are of the author and
        made it clear that the elections would   available to Imran Khan. In such a sit-  clusive information and documents to   do not necessarily reflect the views of
        not take place within 90 days after the   uation, remnant of PTI, if not banned   ensure their credibility in people’s eye.  the Manohar Parrikar IDSA or of the
        dissolution of the National Assembly,   on the pretext of 9 May violence, will   For example, Javed Chaudhry,   Government of India.
        as indicated by the ruling dispensa-  have to participate in the next election   who runs a YouTube channel ‘Neu-  The full version of this article first
        tion. On 9 August 2023, President Arif   without Imran Khan and Shah Mah-  tral by Javed Chaudhry’ got access   appeared in the Comments section of
        Aliv dissolved the National Assembly   mood Qureshi. If this happens, the   to Bushra Bibi’s diary, which Imran   the website ( of Manohar
        on advice of the Prime Minister Sheh-  electoral outcome could be on famil-  Khan used to carry with him all the   Parrikar Institute for Defense Studies
        baz Sharif following which a caretaker   iar lines. Pakistan Institute of Legisla-  time. He disclosed things that were   and Analyses, New Delhi on September
        set-up under Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar   tive Development and Transparency   unknown to mainstream media hous-          21, 2023

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