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OPINION                                                              OCTOBER 06, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 10

              Pakistan’s Multifaceted Political

         Crisis and the Possible Road Ahead

          It is difficult to predict the outcome of the ongoing political crisis in Pakistan. However, analysts rightly believe
            that this election, whenever it takes place, is going to be a test of Army’s predominance in Pakistani politics

        ASHISH SHUKLA                                                                                         government and went on to blame se-
                                                                                                              curity establishment.
             olitical crises are not a peculiar                                                                   On 10 April 2022, Imran Khan
             phenomenon associated with                                                                       was  removed  from  office,  as  he  lost
        PPakistan. Nation states through-                                                                     the  No-Confidence  Vote  in  the  Na-
        out the world have faced some sort of                                                                 tional Assembly. Shehbaz Sharif was
        political crisis at one point of time or                                                              sworn in as the new Prime Minister
        the other. However, mostly they learn                                                                 next day and since then Imran Khan
        from the crisis, take necessary mea-                                                                  resorted to open accusations against
        sures and precautions and work hard                                                                   the  powerful  security  establishment,
        to ensure that they do not have to face                                                               especially the top brass. As he was still
        a similar situation again. However, un-                                                               popular with the masses, he thought of
        like most other nations in the world,                                                                 taking advantage of his popularity and
        Pakistan it seems refuses to learn                                                                    tried to force the new dispensation for
        and has been struggling to cope with                                                                  an early election. On 11 April 2023, to
        crises one after another, since 1947.                                                                 pressurise the new government, 123
            The present political crisis in Pa-                                                               PTI Members of National Assembly
        kistan is multifaceted. In order to un-                                                               (MNAs) resigned en mass. With secu-
        derstand and analyse various aspects                                                                  rity establishment backing the PDM,
        of the crisis, it is important to look into   In October 2021, the difference between Qamar Javed Bajwa and Imran Khan came to the fore   Imran Khan’s pressure tactic did not
        the context in which it is unfolding. In                                                              result in a favourable outcome.
        its 14 September editorial, the prom-    over the alleged transfer of the then DG-ISI Gen. Faiz Hameed (File photo)  In January 2023, Imran Khan
        inent English daily newspaper The                                                                     decided to dissolve the provincial as-
        Dawn wrote that “The economy is in   system and structures it had evolved   they  were being publicly blamed for   semblies in Punjab and Khyber Pukh-
        a historic mess … Households can-  after Gen. Pervez Musharraf’s depar-  bringing him into power by the oppo-  tunkhwa so that the federal govern-
        not pay their electricity and food bills   ture from the political scene. From   sition. In a recent discloser by Shahzad   ment is forced to announce provincial
        … Terrorism, too, is on the rise. The   2008 till 2018, there was smooth pow-  Akbar, who earlier served as Imran   elections. The ruling dispensation and
        state of human rights in the country is   er  transfer  at  the  federal  level.  The   Khan’s advisor for accountability and   Election Commission did not go by the
        dire. And political space is as narrow   governments, if not the Prime Minis-  interior, Gen. Qamar Javed Bajwa   constitutional rule book. They refused
        as ever.”                         ters, completed their five-year tenures   and Gen. Faiz Hameed did not help   to conduct the election within the stip-
            Pakistan has barely come out of   in office.                    PTI candidate Abdul Hafeez Shaikh   ulated period of 90 days from the date
        an imminent economic default in late   The security establishment, us-  who  hotly  contested  electoral  battle   of dissolution. Whereas National As-
        June 2023 when International Mone-  ing Panama Papers disclosures, built   for Senate membership against former   sembly did not sanction the required
        tary Fund (IMF) agreed to dispense   the case for Nawaz Sharif’s remov-  Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gillani.  budget, the security establishment,
        US$ 3 bn as part of US$ 6.5 bn bailout   al. Many considered it a soft coup   In October 2021, the difference   citing internal security challenge, ex-
        package signed in 2019. As per the re-  through judiciary to oust Nawaz Shar-  between Qamar Javed Bajwa and Im-  pressed its inability to provide securi-
        cent data available in public domain,   if from power. The allegation against   ran Khan came to the fore over the   ty personnel for the smooth conduct
        Pakistan received US$ 1 bn from   him was that he did not declare a   alleged transfer of the then DG-ISI   of elections. Chief Justice Umar Ata
        China in June, US$ 2 bn from Saudi   salary of 10,000 dirham as part of his   Gen. Faiz Hameed. The COAS want-  Bandial took suo motu notice of the
        Arabia4 and US$ 1.2 bn from IMF5   income in his nomination papers. No-  ed Gen. Nadeem Anjum to take over   delay in holding polls in Punjab and
        in July which ensured that the country   tably, Nawaz Sharif assumed the po-  as new DG-ISI, whereas Imran Khan   Khyber Pukhtunkhwa assemblies.
        did not default.                  sition of Chairman in his son Hasan   wanted to retain him till the next gen-  Later, when the apex court passed a
            Ethnic and sectarian fault lines   Nawaz’s company Capital FZE to se-  eral election. Despite attempts made   judgement to conduct election in Pun-
        are starkly visible. The indigenous   cure an Iqama—a UAE work visa that   by Imran Khan, the rift widened to the   jab on 14 May, the ruling elites locked
        terror  outfits  that  politico-security   facilitated his access to the Gulf state   extent that Pakistan Army refused to   horns with the judiciary itself and went
        elites consider belonging to ‘Bad Ter-  during his years in exile. The Supreme   back him on internal political matters.   on to violate its judgement.
        rorist’ category – especially the Teh-  Court held him guilty under Article   This was the time when Army started   Amid demands to conduct elec-
        reek-e-Taliban Pakistan  (TTP),  have   62 (1) (f) of the Constitution which   claiming to be ‘neutral’. The opposi-  tions as per the date given by the
        renewed their momentum with a se-  requires a member of the National   tion People’s Democratic Movement   Supreme Court, Imran Khan faced a
        ries of attacks against the Pakistani   Assembly to be Sadiq and Ameen   (PDM) sensed an opportunity to get   tough situation on the political front.
        armed forces in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa   (Honest and Righteous).        rid of Imran Khan from power. A No   The National Accountability Bureau
        and elsewhere. Pakistan, at present,   Initially, the establishment’s ‘Proj-  Confidence Motion was tabled in the   (NAB), the anti-corruption watchdog,
        has a highly fragmented society and   ect Imran’ was going well but in due   National Assembly in March 2022. In   arrested him on 9 May 2023 following
        an even more  fragmented  political   course of time, Army became frustrat-  the wake of an imminent defeat, Im-  which his supporters went on a ram-
        class which is on the way of destroying   ed with Imran Khan’s failure to deliver   ran Khan started raising the point of a
        whatever semblance of democratic   good governance, and perhaps at how   foreign funded conspiracy against his   Continued on next page... >>

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