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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              OCTOBER 06, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 25


                          SUSTAINABILITY SUMMIT IN LA

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            and initial findings of an LABC In-
                                                                                                              stitute-commissioned study by ME-
        Los Angeles, CA
                                                                                                              TRANS – a joint partnership of USC
              os  Angeles  Mayor  Karen                                                                       and Cal State Long Beach – which
              Bass joined the Los Angeles                                                                     analyzes the prospects, pathways and
        LBusiness Council for its Sus-                                                                        challenges presented by California’s
        tainability Summit VIP Reception                                                                      Advanced Clean Fleets Rule that
        & Awards. The awards were held at                                                                     sets targets for zero emission truck
        City Hall, recognizing changemakers                                                                   fleets in California.
        in Los Angeles whose work in policy                                                                       The LABC Sustainability Sum-
        and entrepreneurship is imperative                                                                    mit and VIP Awards Reception
        to  advancing  the  region  toward  its                                                               are high-level convenings  of lead-
        climate goals in 2030 and beyond.                                                                     ers in one of the most environmen-
            At special awards reception,                                                                      tally forward-thinking cities of the
        LA  Councilmember  Blumenfield                                                                        world. The Los Angeles Business
        received the Environmental Lead-                                                                      Council has been a leading pro-
        ership Award for his long advocacy                                                                    ponent of embracing the green
        for environmental issues; LA Coun-  LA County Supervisor Lindsey Horvath, awardees Katy Yaroslavsky, Bob Blumenfield, Mark   economy, with a strong belief that
        cilmember Katy Yaroslavsky and LA                                                                     environmental  stewardship  and
        County Public Works Director Mark             Pastrella, LABC President Mary Leslie & Rajendra Vora (R)  economic growth go hand-in-hand.
        Pestrella received the Sustainability                                                                     Leading Indian American Ra-
        Team Leadership Award for their   roofing materials.                tual address from California Gover-  jendra  Vora  in  attendance  congrat-
            role in passing and implement-    The reception was held following   nor Gavin Newsom.            ulated  Mayor  Karen  Bass,  LABC
        ing Measure W, which has allocated   the Los Angeles Business Council’s   The summit featured panels dis-  President Mary Leslie, Supervisor
        over $670 million since 2018 to cap-  17th Annual Sustainability Summit,   cussing L.A.’s 2035 100% clean en-  Lindsey Horvath for their leader-
        ture, treat, and recycle stormwater;   which gathered hundreds of govern-  ergy goals, the region’s push towards   ship and all the winners LA Council
        and GAF Energy received the Inno-  ments, business and environmental   decarbonizing its transportation sec-  members Katy Yaroslavsky and Bob
        vation Award for pioneering technol-  leaders at the University of Southern   tor, navigating California’s increas-  Blumenfield,  and  Mark  Pastrella
        ogy that integrates solar panels into   California and featured a special vir-  ingly unpredictable water supply,   also.

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