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ENTERTAINMENT EYE                                                    OCTOBER 06, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 32

        All-time number one: ‘Jawan’ great run

              takes it to top spot of Bollywood hits

                  Nayanthara, Deepika Padukone, Priyamani, Sanya Malhotra, Ridhi Dogra,

               Lehar Khan, Girija Oak and Sanjeeta Bhattacharya bring depth and strength to
                               the characters in the film Jawan, which is directed by Atlee

        OUR BUREAU

             uperstar Shah Rukh Khan’s re-
             cently  released action thriller
        S‘Jawan’ continues to achieve
        new heights as the movie has now
        become the highest-grossing Hindi
        film  in  the  country.  On  Thursday,
        the  film  collected  Rs  5.82  crores
        which took the film’s total collection
        to Rs 525.50 crores. With this, SRK’s
        action thriller film has surpassed the
        lifetime collection of Sunny Deol
        and Ameesha Patel starrer ‘Gadar
            Post the success of the movie,
        the makers had held a press confer-
        ence in Mumbai. The event was at-
        tended by SRK, Deepika Padukone,
        Sanya Malhotra, Sunil Grover, and
            Sharing his excitement for the
        success of the movie Shah Rukh
        Khan said, “It’s a celebration. We
        rarely get a chance to live with a   Bollywood actors Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, Sanya Malhotra, Sunil Grover, filmmaker Atlee Kumar and others perform during a press
        film for years. The making of Jawan
        has  been  going  on  for  four  years               conference on the success of their film ‘Jawan’ at Yash Raj Films Studios in Mumbai (ANI)
        due to Covid and time constraints.
        There were a lot of people involved   tegration. Anyway, when my film is   To this SRK replied, “She loved   Mumbai for the last four years and
        in  this  film,  especially  people  from   released, it is Eid.”   Vikram and the bald Azad. Didn’t   working day and night for this film,
        the South who came and settled in     Shah Rukh Khan is basking in   like the voice I had used so I re-  which is the hardest work ever.”
        Mumbai and have been living in    the enormous success of his recent   dubbed it actually!! #Jawan.”      Shah Rukh Khan hailed Nayan-
        Mumbai for the last four years and   action-thriller film, ‘Jawan.’ Recent-  During #AskSRK session Shah   thara’s character Narmada as a single
        working day and night for this film,   ly, the actor took to X to facilitate   Rukh answered several questions re-  mom in the film ‘Jawan’ and admitted
        which is the hardest work ever.”  an interactive ‘AskSRK’ session with   lated to his film, and industry friends.  that  she  ‘couldn’t  find  more  screen
            Nayanthara, Deepika Padu-     his fans. During the interaction, one   Previously, post the success of   time but was wonderful. During
        kone,  Priyamani,  Sanya  Malhotra,   of the users asked SRK, “@iamsrk   Jawan, the makers held a press con-  the session, one of the fans lauded
        Ridhi Dogra, Lehar Khan, Girija   What about fake collection numbers   ference in Mumbai a few days ago.   Nayanthara representing the sto-
        Oak and Sanjeeta Bhattacharya     of Jawaan? So many news that pro-  The event was attended by SRK,   ryline of a single mom in the movie.
        bring depth and strength to the char-  duces are spreading fake collection   Deepika Padukone, Sanya Malho-  The tweet read, “I loved Azad’s bond
        acters in the film Jawan, which is di-  numbers.”                   tra, Sunil Grover, and Atlee.     with Suji …the single mom storyline
        rected by Atlee.                      To this, the ‘Jawan’ actor replied   Sharing his excitement for the   was so subtly done and really refresh-
            Shah Rukh Khan also confirmed   in a witty style, “Chupp baith aur   success of the movie, Shah Rukh   ing. Thank you for representing wom-
        the release date of his upcoming   ginta reh…bas!!! Don’t get distract-  Khan said, “It’s a celebration. We   en from all walks of life. Love you
        movie ‘Dunki’ at the success event of   ed in counting!!! #Jawan.”  rarely get a chance to live with a   Shah @iamsrk #AskSRK #Jawan.”
        ‘Jawan’.                              Another  fan  inquired  as  to   film for years. The making of Jawan   King  Khan  responded to  this
            He said, “We started on January   which of his characters his wife   has  been  going  on  for  four  years   and said, “I also felt that the story of
        26,  Republic  Day  (with  Pathaan),   Gauri liked the most. He asked, “I   due to Covid and time constraints.   Narmada as a single mom was amaz-
        then on Janmashtami we released   heard that #Gauri is always brutally   There were a lot of people involved   ing. Unfortunately, in the scheme
        Jawan, now New Year and Christ-   honest about your performances, so   in  this  film,  especially  people  from   of things couldn’t find more screen
        mas are round the corner, we will   did she like #jawan and which char-  the South who came and settled in   time but as it was also wonderful.
        release ‘Dunki’. I keep National in-  acter #AskSRK.”               Mumbai and have been living in    #Jawan.”

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