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OPINION                                                           SEPTEMBER 23, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 12

                The Ukraine–Russia Conflict

                            and Spread of Nuclear


                   The conflict, it seems, has acquired its own momentum. Both sides, in order to outgun each other,

          possibly unintentionally, enter into the danger zone, or are crossing the red lines. Afterward, to escape from global
                                            criticisms, both indulge in a misinformation campaign


               n 21 September 2022, and to
               an extent, even on 22 Sep-
        Otember 2022, Indian and in-
        ternational  media  flashed  the  state-
        ment of President Vladimir Putin
        that Russia “…will certainly make
        use of all weapon systems available to
        us. This is not a bluff.” Some media
        reports also carried Putin’s remarks
        prefacing the above sentence “In the
        event of a threat to the territorial in-
        tegrity of our country and to defend
        Russia and our people…”.
            Both the sentences in combina-
        tion  convey  a  different  meaning  as
        against only the remarks threatening
        nuclear  war.  The  remarks  denoting
        the nuclear threat, seen in isolation,
        gives an impression of an aggressive
        nuclear  Russia  ready  to  use  its  nu-
        clear weapon to accomplish its war
        aims. The remarks in combination
        though change the impression of
        Russia from being a blood-thirsty         Russian President Vladimir Putin holds talks with Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko to discuss the Ukraine issue
        country to one that intends to defend
        its territorial integrity through nucle-  This does give the impression   threatening to use WMD and blamed   are indulging in such acts. This kind
        ar weapons.                       that Putin’s statement was in re-  them for shelling Zaporizhzhya Nu-  of information warfare campaigns
            Admittedly, the threat to use   sponse to some perceived saber-rat-  clear  Power  Plants,  it  is  difficult  to   have become an accepted practice
        weapons of mass destruction (WMD)   tling  by  the  other  side,  and  Russia   find  a  single  high  representative  of   and  essential  component  of  hybrid
        has generated intense debates. Pu-  was responding to such belligerence.  any NATO country who has public-  warfare.
        tin’s  statements brought into focus   Putin went on to flag:       ly threatened to use WMD against      Quite  significantly,  in  the  Rus-
        Russian nuclear policy thinking. Pu-      “Western-encouraged shelling   Russia. Even so, selective quoting of   sia–Ukraine  conflict,  we  find  that
        tin stated:                       of the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power   Putin’s statements on nuclear issues   not only the direct parties to the con-
                “I would like to remind those   Plant, which poses a threat of a nu-  gives the impression of a Russia that   flict  are  indulging  in  this  game  but
        who make such statements regarding   clear disaster but also to the state-  is nuclear saber-rattling.  also  indirect  or  supporting actors.
        Russia that our country has different   ments  made  by  some  high-ranking   Information warfare or propa-  At times, it appears the agencies or
        types of weapons as well, and some   representatives of the leading NATO   ganda, no doubt, is used to mobi-  forces involved in this game become
        of them are more modern than the   countries on the possibility and ad-  lize public opinion for and against a   autonomous and perhaps exceed
        weapons NATO [North Atlantic      missibility of using weapons of mass   country.  From the very beginning of   their brief. As a result, they become
        Treaty Organization] countries have.   destruction – nuclear weapons –   this conflict, media has been used as   a matter of concern for their own
        In the event of a threat to the terri-  against Russia.”            an instrument to wage misinforma-  governments  or  parties.  For  exam-
        torial integrity of our country and to   Russia has time and again, used   tion warfare. Either select facts or   ple, The Washington Post published
        defend Russia and our people, we   nuclear rhetoric to promote its stra-  interpretations of the facts are pro-  an investigative report, predomi-
        will certainly make use of all weapon   tegic objectives in the conflict. While   jected to create an illusionary repre-  nantly, shaped by Graphika and the
        systems availa2ble to us. This is not   Putin tried to paint Western coun-  sentation.  It is to be borne in mind   Stanford Internet Observatory study,
        a bluff.”                         tries as a villain by accusing them of   that both Russia and its opponents   Continued at next page... >>

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