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NATION                                                            SEPTEMBER 23, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 10

                 Indian TV channels, anchors under the

              Supreme Court’s scanner for hate speech

             Hate speech benefits politicians the most and TV news channels give platforms for hate
                         speech, says top court as it takes government to task for not tackling it

          United Hindu Front members stage a protest against the Organization called USCIRF (ANI)  A protest against the rise in the alleged anti-Muslim violence in New Delhi (ANI)

        OUR BUREAU                        without any sanctions.            appearing for one of the petitioners in   hate oxygen.
                                              “Role  of  the  anchor  is  very  im-  the case also agreed with the bench and   To this, Justice Joseph respond-
        New Delhi
                                          portant. These speeches are on main-  said, “Channels and politicians feed   ed, “Not one bit. We cannot give hate
              he Supreme Court on Wednes-  stream media or social media that is   on  such  speech.  Channels  get  mon-  any air.”
              day asked why the government   unregulated.  Mainstream  TV  chan-  ey. They keep ten people in debates.”  The top court further added that
        Twas remaining a mute specta-     nels still hold sway. The role of the   The bench further observed that   nowadays nobody reads because of
        tor to hate speech and also pulled up   anchor is critical. The moment you   freedom of the press is important and   the paucity of time, but visual media
        mainstream TV news channels for   see somebody going into hate speech,   ours is not as free as the US but we   has a power that has been recognized
        holding debates that often give space   it is the duty of anchor to immediately   should know where to draw a line.  by this court in censorship cases.
        for hate speech.                  see that he doesn’t allow that person,”   Citing an instance, Justice Jo-  During the hearing, the bench
            A bench of Justices KM Joseph   said Justice Joseph.            seph said that one news channel was   asked why the Central government
        and Hrishikesh Roy said the role of   The apex court was hearing a   fined  heavily  in  the  United  King-  was  remaining  a  “mute  spectator”
        anchor in the TV channel debate is   batch of  pleas seeking direction for   dom. “We don’t have that here. They   on the hate speech issue. “What’s the
        “very important” and “critical” and   steps against hate speech incidents.   (news channels) are not being dealt   problem?
        observed that it’s their duty to ensure   The bench further said that hate   with firmly. They can be taken off air,   Why government of India not
        that guests invited to the show don’t   speech  benefits  politicians  the  most   fined, if such sanction comes....” Jus-  taking a stand? Why is the govern-
        indulge in  hate speech. The  bench   and TV news channels give platforms   tice Joseph opined. Hegde told the   ment remaining a mute spectator?”
        also said that TV channels which of-  for hate speech.              bench that on Tuesday, US President   asked the bench from Additional So-
        ten give space to hate speech escape   Senior advocate Sanjay Hegde   Joe Biden said that we cannot give   licitor General KM Nataraj.


                he Election Commission    said that the issue of hate speech had   ifying it or its members, if a party or   measures to curb hate speech.
                of India (ECI) has told the   been dealt with by the top court in   its members commit the offence of   The panel further said that
          TSupreme Court that the         a matter and the court had referred   hate speech nor expressly made any   “in the absence of any specific law
          poll panel does not have the legal   the matter to the Law Commission   recommendations to the Parliament   governing ‘hate speech’ and ‘ru-
          power to withdraw the recognition   of  India  to  define  hate  speech  and   to strengthen the Election Commis-  mor mongering’ during elections,
          of a political party or disqualify its   make recommendations to Parlia-  sion of India to curb the menace of   the Election Commission of India
          members if a party or its members   ment to strengthen the ECI to curb   hate speech.               employs various provisions of the
          indulge in hate speech.         its menace.                           However, the Law Commission   IPC and the Representation of
              The  affidavit  of  the  Director   The poll panel said that the Law   suggested that certain amendments   People Act, 1951 to ensure that
          (Law) of the ECI pointed out that   Commission of India’s 267th Report   be made to the Indian Penal Code   members of political parties or
          hate speech has not been defined   neither answered the Court’s ques-  and the Code of Criminal Procedure,   even other persons do not make
          under any existing law in India, but   tion as to whether the poll panel   the affidavit added.     statements to the effect of creat-
          there are a few legislations that   should be conferred the power to   The response of the Election   ing disharmony between different
          have a bearing on hate speech. It   derecognize a political party, disqual-  Commission came on a PIL seeking   sections of society.”

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