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BIG STORY                                                         SEPTEMBER 23, 2022  |      The Indian Eye                     6

         Police personnel detain a Popular Front of India worker for allegedly vandalizing shops and vehi-  Members of Popular Front of India (PFI) raise slogans during the one-day state-wide over the
         cles during a protest as a part of the statewide strike called over NIA raids, in Kochi. (ANI Photo)  NIA raids in Kottayam and Kochi, on Friday. (ANI Photo)

        angana  PFI  head  office  in  Chan-  fice in Mattannur in Kannur, police   tional Investigation Agency (NIA),   washing the youth with Salafi Wahha-
        drayangutta, Hyderabad in connec-  said. Additional Director General of   Muslim Students’ Organization of   bi ideology against PFI, MSO Of India
        tion with a case registered earlier by   Police (ADGP), Law and Order, Vi-  India on Thursday appealed to Mus-  said Muslims should help the country
        the agency. In Mumbai, Anti-Terror-  jay Sakhare told ANI that 500 people   lim youth to stay patient.  in its pursuit of stability and peace.
        ism  Squad  (ATS)  arrested  five  sus-  had been arrested so far in connec-  “Muslim youth should be patient   It said the Muslims of the coun-
        pects related to the Popular Front of   tion with the protests.     on the action taken on PFI. Appeal   try PFI and organizations of Sala-
        India (PFI) on Thursday.              “500 people have been arrested   of Muslim organizations Tanzeem   fi  Wahhabi  ideology  are  basically
            The   National  Investigation  in connection with that and 400 more   Ulema-e-Islam, Kul Hind Markazi   brainwashing the youth which is not
        Agency (NIA) court of Delhi on    have been put under preventive de-  Imam Council and MSO have said in   in the favor of Islam, country and
        Thursday sent 18 persons of the Pop-  tention in connection with a hartal   their statement that if this action has   humanity. “PFI and such Salafi Wah-
        ular Front of India (PFI), arrested   called by the Popular front of India   been taken for compliance of law and   habi organizations want to trick them
        from different parts of the country in   (PFI). An incident of stone pelting   prevention of terrorism, then every-  against the basic ideology of Sufi ma-
        a multi-agency operation led by the   was also reported at the RSS office   one should be patient on it,” tweet-  jority population of the country but
        NIA, to a four-day remand.        at Mattanur,” the ADGP said.      ed Muslim Students’ Organization   this situation is not in the interest of
            The 18 accused were produced      Earlier in the day, a petrol bomb   (MSO) of India. It said the charges   Islam, country and humanity. The
        in NIA court under heavy security.   was also hurled at the RSS office in   of murder, violence and possession   organizations  expressed  confidence
        All were produced before the NIA   Mattannur during the protest against   of weapons against those arrested   that they have faith in the judicial
        Judge  Shailendra  Malik.  The  court   the arrest of the PFI activists. Ac-  were serious. “However, these alle-  system, law and constitution of the
        sent them to a four-day remand.   cording to reports, two persons on a   gations have to be proved in court.   country,” it said.
            According to the NIA, 19 arrests   scooter hurled a petrol bomb at the   All the organizations said that for the   While condemning the raids by
        had been made in connection with an   Sangh  office  which  resulted  in  the   last several days there are continuous   the National Investigation Agency
        FIR registered in Delhi. Apart from   shattering of window panes.   reports of anti-national activities of   (NIA) and the Enforcement Direc-
        the 18 produced in court, one more    After the arrest of 106 Popular   PFI,” said MSO of India.      torate (ED) against its leaders, PFI
        accused from Karnataka and is being   Front of India (PFI) cadres by Na-  Keeping allegations of brain-  stated that it will “never surrender”
        brought on transit remand.                                                                            and alleged that the agency’s claims
            According to the NIA, all the                                                                     are aimed at “creating an atmo-
        accused would be kept in four differ-                                                                 sphere of terror”.
        ent police stations. Moreover, NIA                                                                        But All India Muslim Jamaat
        has told the court that neither FIR                                                                   president Maulana Shahabuddin
        nor the remand copy would be given                                                                    Razvi on Friday called upon the Mus-
        to the accused persons owing to the                                                                   lim community to stay away from the
        national  security  risk involved. “In-                                                               Popular Front of India (PFI) calling it
        vestigation is preliminary, and more                                                                  a “radical group” and urged the cen-
        remand might be needed later. The                                                                     tral government to impose a ban on it.
        investigation is sensitive in nature                                                                      Maulana Razvi  welcomed the
        and more people are likely to be                                                                      arrest of the PFI leaders across the
        identified”, said the NIA.                                                                            country. “PFI is a radical organiza-
            Meanwhile, as many as 500 peo-                                                                    tion. Its members follow a radical-
        ple were arrested and 400 others put                                                                  ized ideology. I would appeal to all
        under preventive detention on Friday                                                                  Sufi and Sunni Muslims to stay away
        in connection with violent protests                                                                   from this organization. The PFI has
        during the twelve-hour strike called                                                                  been named in many incidents across
        by PFI to protest the arrest of the   Popular Front of India (PFI) members Dr. Minarul Seikh and Bazrul Karim being taken to the   the country. It is necessary that there
        organisation’s leaders. The protests   CJM court after their arrest by Assam Police, in Guwahati on Friday. (ANI Photo)  should be a ban on these kinds of or-
        also saw stone pelting at an RSS of-                                                                  ganizations,” said Razvi.

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