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NATION                                                            SEPTEMBER 23, 2022  |      The Indian Eye                     8

           Gehlot vs Tharoor? Finally, Congress party

                    ready for a non-Gandhi as president

              Describing the post of Congress president as an “ideological post”, Rahul Gandhi says the

                          position “represents a set of ideas and belief system and vision of India”

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi/Jaipur                                                                                         RSS CHIEF MEETS

              ajasthan Chief Minister Ashok                                                                       MUSLIM CLERIC;
              Gehlot on Friday confirmed his
        Rcandidature for the upcoming                                                                             Congress calls it
        Congress president election and said                                                                      ‘impact of Bharat
        that Rahul Gandhi has made it clear
        that “no member of the Gandhi fami-                                                                           Jodo Yatra’
        ly” would become the next party chief.
            Speaking to the media, Gehlot,
        who is in Kerala to take part in the                                                                         ongress leader Gourav Val-
                                                                                                                     labh on Thursday claimed
        Bharat Jodo Yatra, said, “I said ear-                                                                  Cthat the meeting of RSS
        lier that I will request him (Rahul                                                                    chief Mohan Bhagwat with the
        Gandhi) to accept this post when all                                                                   All-India Imam Organization
        the Congress Committees are passing                                                                    president is the impact of the par-
        resolutions in this regard. He made                                                                    ty’s Bharat Jodo Yatra, and asked
        it clear that no one from the Gandhi   Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot announced that he will file a nomination for the Con-  the RSS chief to join Rahul Gand-
        family will become the next chief. He                    gress presidential poll (ANI)                 hi in uniting the country.
        said he has decided this due to some                                                                       The RSS chief, who is en-
        reasons; a non-Gandhi family mem-                                                                      gaged  in  a  campaign  to  increase
        ber will become the party chief”.                                                                      contact with Muslims, on Thurs-
            When asked if it is because of the
        BJP’s allegations of nepotism, he said,                                                                day visited Masjid and Madarsa
                                                                                                               in Delhi and met Chief Imam of
        “Rahul Gandhi said it in 2019 that he                                                                  All India Imam Organization Dr
        would work more without any post. He                                                                   Umer Ahmed  Ilyasi, who called
        had said this in the working commit-                                                                   the RSS chief “the Father of the
        tee. He said that he still stands on his                                                               Nation”.  His  visit  to  the  Masjid
        statement that he would work for the                                                                   earlier and to the Madarsa has
        party without a post, as the party says.”                                                              grabbed eyeballs, as it is for the
            Congress’ presidential post-elec-
        tion will be held on October 17 and                                                                    first  time  that  he  has  been  to  a
        the election results would be declared                                                                     Speaking to media per-
        on October 19. “It’s decided that I’ll                                                                 sons, Vallabh said that the re-
        contest (for the post of Congress pres-                                                                sults of the party’s Bharat Jodo
        ident). I’ll fix the date soon (to file his                                                            Yatra are evident from the fact
        nomination). It’s a need for the Op-     Congress leader Shashi Tharoor and Selja Kumari click photographs during    that  for  the  first  time  Bhag-
        position to be strong, looking at the                                                                  wat has visited a Madarsa.
        current  position  of  the  country,”  he                the Bharat Jodo Yatra (ANI)                       “Only 15 days have passed
        said while adding that Congress Gen-                                                                   since the Bharat Jodo Yatra has
        eral Secretary Ajay Maken and party   The Congress had decided on a   that has “captured the institutional   begun and the results are out. A
        interim President Sonia Gandhi will   set of organizational reforms during   framework” of the country.  BJP spokesperson has said Godse
        decide the further proceedings “if he   the Udaipur Chintan Shivir held ear-  “We are fighting a machine that   Murdabad on television. Mohan
        becomes the party president”.     lier  this  year.  The  declaration  said   has captured the institutional frame-  Bhagwat went to the house of a
            Earlier on Thursday, Rahul    that the principle of “one person, one   work of this country and has unlimit-
        Gandhi emphasized the “one person,   post” should be followed.      ed money, unlimited ability to pres-  person of another religion. This is
                                                                                                               the effect of Bharat Jodo Yatra,”
        one post” norm and said he believes   Party MP Shashi Tharoor has   surize, buy and threaten people. The   said Vallabh.
        the commitment to the party’s Udaipur   also given an indication of contesting   yatra is designed to tell the people of   He further said that by the
        declaration would be maintained in the   polls and had met Sonia Gandhi on   India that they need to be united and   time the Bharat Jodo Yatra is
        election for the party’s topmost post.  Monday.  He  met  Congress  Central   need to go back to an India that was   completed, the hate and the di-
            Describing the post of Congress   Election Authority chief Madhusu-  loving and affectionate,” he said.
        president as  an  “ideological post”,   dan Mistry on Wednesday.        The nomination process for the   visions created by the ruling dis-
                                                                                                               pensation will disappear from the
        Rahul Gandhi said the position “rep-  Taking a veiled jibe at the Bhara-  post of Congress president will begin   country.
        resents a set of ideas and belief system   tiya Janata Party, Gandhi today said   on September 24 and conclude on
        and vision of India”.             that Congress is fighting a “machine”   September 30.

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