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OP-ED                                                             SEPTEMBER 23, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 16

                Social media likes, hate and

                                         the NATO game

                                   Views and opinions from the top commentators in Indian media
              study of American college
              goers,  conducted  around the
              time of Facebook’s staggered
        rollout in US campuses between 2004
        and 2006 (it was thrown open to the
        general public in 2006) shows what’s
        been widely apprehended for  years
        – regular use of social media has a
        pronounced negative  effect on men-
        tal  health. Scoping out the research
        for current times, researchers also at-
        tributed 24% of the jump in depression
        rates in the US over the past two de-
        cades to Facebook use. The US CDC
        had found that relatively stable suicide
        rates among 10–24-year-olds between
        2000 and 2007  had shot up 57% be-
        tween 2007 and 2017. India also tells
        a similar story. There were 43,000
        victims of  suicide  in  the  sub-30  age
        group in 1991, which rose marginally
        to 45,000 in 2006, but then saw a near
        50% rise to 67,000 in 2021. This is the
        time social media usage spread rapidly.
            There’s much worse. Last year,                       Prime Minister Narendra Modi meets Russian President Vladimir Putin (ANI)
        a  leak revealed Facebook had kept
        secret for two years internal research   and  broadcasting,  Anurag  Thakur,  — with television channels leading   outcome of which will phenomenally
        suggesting its Instagram app made   stated that the pursuit of a narra-  the pack — plays a principal, regres-  affect world politics and fundamen-
        body image issues worse for teenage   tive of polarization has undermined   sive, role in the poisoning.   tally alter the world order. For Russia,
        girls. While Indian authorities take   the credibility of the media. Truth   -- Editorial, The Telegraph (India)  the struggle is no less than its survival
        great pains to criminalize addictions   and  representativeness,  Mr  Thakur                          as a civilizational state, while for the
        of many kinds, social media in many   added, were the kernels of journal-   Russian roulette          US, this boils down to the preserva-
        ways is a worse menace. Facebook’s   ism.  The apex court has been even                               tion of its global hegemony — the
        poor  track  record  in  filtering  out   more forthright in its censure while   oscow has decided to draw  “rules-based order”.
        hate content and fake news, Twitter’s   responding to a clutch of petitions   out the United States into   The fact of the matter is Wash-
        seeming helplessness in face of fake   against the venom spewed on screen.  Mthe open from the low-cost   ington never accepted Russia’s resur-
        content and fake accounts, all social   Describing the visual media as the   proxy war it has been waging against   gence in the post-Cold War era. Its
        media employing scandalously few  “chief medium of hate speech”, the   Russia on Ukrainian soil throughout   agenda  remained  consistent  through
        content checkers – all of this adds up   Supreme Court has stated  that de-  the  past  quarter  century.  President   the Chechen insurgency in the Cauca-
        to a real and deepening 21st century   bates on television channels played   Putin’s speech on Wednesday under-  sus in the 1990s, the dismemberment
        problem. Governments need to think   an instrumental role in the vilification   scored that this is an existential strug-  of Yugoslavia, NATO’s eastward ex-
        beyond the usual regulations.     of communities, adding that such tox-  gle and the Kremlin is  determined   pansion since 1999, and the color rev-
                                          ic content came in diverse forms and   to defend the Fatherland, no matter   olutions in Georgia and Ukraine, cul-
           -- Editorial, The Times of India
                                          had a devastating effect. The bench   what it takes.  He explicitly warned   minating in the coup in Kyiv in 2014
                    Hate TV               has also stipulated that till a law is   Washington, London and Brussels   masterminded by the Obama admin-
                                          put in place, it would be inclined to   that Moscow “will certainly make use   istration whose point person was the
              he media in New India have of-  set some guidelines.          of all weapon systems available to us,”  then vice-president, Joe Biden. That
              ten been ridiculed as a poodle   The stinging rebuke from the   in the period ahead.            agenda is to encircle Russia with hos-
        Ton the lap of the ruling regime.  highest court and the observations of   The obfuscations in the Western   tile states under the NATO banner.
        The media’s docility is, however, not   the union minister are well warrant-  narrative — this is about aggression,   -- M K Bhadrakumar, The Indian Express
        a  certificate  of  its  benign  character.  ed. There has been an unprecedent-  national sovereignty, UN Charter,
        There  is a dark underbelly that has   ed strain on India’s inclusive body   democracy versus authoritarianism,   Every week, we look at what the top
        been brought to light,  once again,  politic that has corresponded with   etc — are no longer sustainable.   commentators in the Indian media are
        by  criticisms from two  ends of the   the Bharatiya Janata Party’s political   Pared  to  the  bone,  a titanic power   talking about and bring to you a slice
        spectrum. While addressing an event,  ascendancy and it has been proved,  struggle looms ahead. Both sides are   of their opinions and comments
        the Union minister of information   time and again, that the visual media   preparing to fight tooth and claw, the

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