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P. 18

North                       The Indian Eye


         18                                                                                                           SEPTEMBER 23, 2022

                      US India Security Council President

            Hosts Fund-Raiser Lunch for Congressman

                                           Raja Krishnamoorthy

             Raja Krishnamoorthy spoke about his journey from his humble beginning to being a house of
           representative and said he will always stand with the Indian American Community and celebrate

                              their journey and success in the greatest country in the world - USA.

        OUR BUREAU
        Winchester (MA)
              he US India Security Council
              (USISC)  President  Ramesh
        TViswanath Kapur hosted a
        lunch and fund raiser for Congress-
        man Raja Krishnamoorthy  at his
        home in Winchester (MA).
            The lunch was attended by
        many prominent Indian Americans
        like  -  Vikram  Rajyadhaksha,  Dr.
        Dinesh Patel, Abhishek Singh, Amar
        Sawhney, Deepika Sawhney, Dr.
        Raj Raina among others. The event
        was held to support Congressman
        Raja Krishnamoorthy for his forth-
        coming election in November and
        also  express  the support  of  the  In-
        dian-American Community for the
        Congressman’s consistent and con-
        stant stand supporting causes that
        help the Indian American Commu-
        nity and also build stronger US-India
            The event raised around US$
        40,000 and there are more events
        planned to help the congressman.
            Speaking at the event, Ramesh
        Viswanath Kapur welcomed the
        Congressman to his home and ex-
        pressed gratitude to Raja Krishna-  home.                           stand with the Indian American    sistent stand he has been banned by
        moorthy for his support in the past   Ramesh Kapur also added that   Community and celebrate their jour-  China and Russia. He said that the
        and urged the community to come   Raja   Krishnamoorthy   attended  ney and success in the greatest coun-  ISI in Pakistan also views him as an
        forward and help the congressman   ‘The Kashmir Files’ program in the   try in the world - USA.       enemy for his stand against radicals
        in his tough election.            House of Representatives and was      The Congressman also spoke    in Pakistan. He reiterated that he
            He said that Raja Krishnamoor-  the keynote speaker at the ‘Indian   about his trip to Taiwan with speak-  respected all religions and never dis-
        thy has been identified as one of the   Americans  against  the  genocide  in   er - Nancy Pelosi and the stare down   criminated against any color, race or
        candidates  by  the  republican  party   Ukraine’ event on the Capitol Hill.   with the Chinese during the historic   religion. He assured that if he wins,
        that wants to defeat him to reclaim   The Congressman arranged for the   flight. He said that the delegation led   he will continue to support strategic
        the  majority  in  the  house.  He  said   room and assisted with his staff for   by the speaker arrived to a massive   relations between USA and India so
        that he is proud of the congressman   the event.                    gathering of  people  who welcomed   that this friendship can deter China
        who has never shied away from his     Raja Krishnamoorthy spoke     the speaker and delegation in Taiwan   from its ambitions in the pacific.
        roots. He said that Raja Krishna-  about his journey from his humble   and were seen as national heroes in   The event ended with an infor-
        moorthy  is  first  Indian  American   beginning to being a house of rep-  the country.               mal interaction with the Congress-
        Congressman he is hosting at his   resentative and said he will always   He also said that due to his con-  man and a sumptuous lunch.

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