Page 18 - The Indian EYE 091622
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           SEPTEMBER 16, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 18

               NAINA biennial conference to be held

                                    in New Jersey in October

        OUR BUREAU
        Edison, NJ
              he National Association of
              Indian Nurses of America
        T(NAINA) is hosting their 8
        biennial conference in New Jersey
        on October 7  and 8 . NAINA is a
        non-profit organization whose prima-
        ry goal is to unite nurses and nursing
        students of Indian heritage as a pro-
        fessional body under one umbrella.
        The purpose of this conference is to
        promote professional growth through
        education, networking and collabo-
        ration.  Our conference theme, From
        Surviving to Thriving: Growth, Wellbe-
        ing and Innovation,  is  a  reflection  of
        the post COVID world.
            Since this conference will be held
        in NJ (at the Crowne Plaza in Edison),
        the American Association of Indian
        Nurses of New Jersey- Chapter 2 (AA-
        IN-NJ2) is taking the lead in planning
        and organizing this event with nation-
        al conference  planning  committee
        members. NAINA president, (and
        founding president of AAIN-NJ2),
        Dr. Lydia Albuquerque, along with
        Accamma Kallel, NAINA Executive
        VP and conference convener, joined
        by a group of vibrant, and commit-
        ted leaders from various chapters of
        NAINA across the US, have been
        working tirelessly for several months
        to make this conference a success.
            NAINA and AAIN NJ2 are hon-
        ored to present a group of nationally
        and internationally renowned speak-
        ers on both days of the conference.
        Our keynote speaker will be none
        other than Dr Ernest Grant, president
        of the American Nurses Association.
        Other dynamic speakers include Dr
        Franklin  Shaffer,  CEO,  CGFNS  In-
        ternational, Inc; Dr. Vinciya Pandi-
        an, John Hopkins School of Nursing,
        Baltimore;  Dr  Gaurav  Gupta,  neu-
        rosurgeon, Rutgers, RBHS NJ; Dr.
        Leo Felix Jurado, Commonwealth
        University of Pennsylvania; Judith
        Schmidt,  CEO,  NJSNA;  Dr.  Briga-  focused on leadership, research and   at discounted rates and will have the   ing a popular DJ.  A souvenir will be
        dier Rajkumar, Director KEM Hospi-  evidence-based practice. Attendees   opportunity to enjoy delicious Indian   released to commemorate the con-
        tal, Pune, India; Dr.  Margaret Ames,   will receive 10.25 contact hours for at-  food and go shopping during and af-  ference. NAINA and AAIN-NJ2 are
        CNO &VP JCMC; Dr. Karen Cox,      tending both days.                ter the conference at the neighboring   grateful to our sponsors for their sup-
        President, Chamberlain University;    The conference is not all work   restaurants and malls. The cultural   port.  We expect this to be a memora-
        and Deepthy Varghese, NP, Northside   and no play! The Crowne Plaza is lo-  events team has created an entertain-  ble conference with conference plan-
        Hospital, GA.  In  addition,  several   cated in the heart of Little India and   ment program that allows everyone to   ners and the hotel management taking
        break-out sessions will be held, cover-  is home to an authentic Indian expe-  showcase their talents while enjoying   several steps to ensure a safe but in-
        ing a wide range of educational topics,   rience.  Attendees will receive rooms   an evening of dance and song, featur-  teractive and enjoyable experience.

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