Page 19 - The Indian EYE 091622
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SEPTEMBER 16, 2022  |
         NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                         B:10"                        The Indian Eye 19


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                                                                                    us most.                                                   S:6.5"  T:7"  B:7"

                                                       Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.

              IAPAC to hold events for Harris County and

          Fort Bend County Judges and their Challengers
                                                                                                         Printed At
                                                                              Jennifer Chiocchi / Jennifer Chiocchi
                       Saved at
                                 9-16-2022 10:53 AM
                                                                            Fonts & Images
        OUR BUREAU      Job info          30 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at India   Fort Bend County boasts of one of   paramount. IAPAC encourages bud-
                                                        Creative Dir
                                                                 Sheila R.
                        Job     HBC-22-23746  House. Alexandra Mealer, a mom,   Fonts                         ding entrepreneurs, businessmen,
                                                                            the most ethnically diverse elector-
        New York        Client  Horizon BCBSNJ          Art Director  None  Univers LT Std (65 Bold, 47 Light Condensed, 45 Light)
                        Media Type  Program Ad  wife, West Point grad, Harvard JD/  ates, one of the fastest-growing coun-  women entrepreneurs, and others
                                                        Account Mgr
                                9.5" x 6.5"
                                                                            ties in the nation is currently repre-
              he Indian American Political   MBA, and oil and gas banker is   Images                          who are politically inclined to join us
                                                                            MB26103_GettyImages-1182464864_NEW.tif (CMYK; 1153 ppi; 26%), HorizonClosedGap_Cam-
                                                                 Sean L.
                                                        Project Mgr
                                10" x 7"
                                                                            sented by an Indian-American as the
              Action Committee (IAPAC)    challenging Judge Lina Hidalgo in   paign_KO.eps (46.79%)           as we ensure accountability from our
                                                                 Jenn C.
                                                        Studio Artist
        Thas over the past three decades   the upcoming November 8 general   incumbent who made history as the   elected representatives, work towards
                                The Indian EYE USA LLC
                                                        Production Mgr None
                                                                            first Indian-American elected as the
        represented Indian American inter-  elections. She will be in attendance   Inks  Cyan,    Magenta,    Yellow,    Black  protecting our freedoms and endeav-
        ests, promoted candidates and served   while Trever Nehl’s who is challeng-  county judge. The  upcoming elec-  or to build our community and nation.
        as a platform for elected officials to   ing Judge K P George is unable to   tions for both top posts promise to   In the famous words of JFK, “Ask not
        interact with the community. To that   make it due to a scheduling conflict.  be an exciting time for voters and is   what your country can do for you, ask
        end, IAPAC is hosting a “Fundrais-    Harris County, by population, is   especially important at this juncture   what you can do for your country”.
        er” on Thursday, September 22 from   the  most  populous  county  in  Texas   of our politics. Both these special   The Indian American Political
        5:30pm to 7:30pm at India House   and the third most populous county   IAPAC events present an excellent   Action Committee of Greater Hous-
        for the democratic incumbent candi-  in the United States. Its county seat is   opportunity  for our community  to   ton (IAPAC) is the only non-partisan
        dates, Lina Hidalgo for Harris Coun-  Houston, the largest city in Texas and   know the candidates and their vision   PAC representing Indian Americans
        ty Judge and KP George for Fort   fourth largest city in the United States.   for the future. Our hope is for the   of the Greater Houston since 1996.
        Bend County Judge.                    It is a very diverse community,   candidates to have a meaningful dia-  IAPAC’s mission is to be a voice for
            As a non-partisan organiza-   both by ethnicity and languages spo-  logue with the people they represent.   Indian  Americans  in  the  political
        tion, IAPAC has acquiesced to a   ken. Thus, it comes as no surprise    As Indian Americans, who are   arena, to facilitate partnerships with
        request by Alexandra Mealer to    that the election to the topmost post   now known for their success in the   governing  elected  officials,  and  en-
        host a “Meet and Greet” for the re-  at the County will be a hotly contest-  business world, political action and   gage Indian Americans living in the
        publican candidates on September   ed race. In addition, the neighboring   the need for representation becomes   region in the political process.
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