Page 16 - The Indian EYE 091622
P. 16
North The Indian Eye
16 SEPTEMBER 16, 2022
Mydream entertainment made sure to highlight a very important message
around Women Empowerment at the event
New York, NY
n the occasion of 75th In-
dependence Day of India,
ORashmi Bedi of Mydream
TV USA, a New Jersey-based media
and entertainment company associ-
ated with Mydream Entertainment
LLC, successfully organized INDIA
NYFW at The Edison Ballroom,
Manhattan, New York for four in-
credibly talented designers for whom
more than 100 models came from all
over the US to walk on the ramp.
Kunjita Vijan- Winner - Mrs
South Asia World 2020 hosted the
event along with Rashmi Bedi (CEO
& Founder Mydream TV USA). The
event was full of glamor and beauty
and was covered by a lot of interna-
tional media. The show was very well
conducted and kept the audience
captivated from 5.00 pm for an hour
when all the designers showcased
their extremely beautifully created
and intricately designed pieces of
According to public review this
was one of the best Indian New York
fashion shows in a long time with
it setting up a new standard for all ferent walks of life. She is a part of a South Asia World 2022 , Nisha Sund- - Mydream Miss Asia World 2022 ,
shows. The entire collection was very legacy which shows true accomplish- ara Gopal - Vice President - Miss Gaganpreet – Winner- Miss Bharat
well received by the audience with ment. The company made sure to Bharat Texas , Dr Rachita & Bhanu Elite USA 2019, Paromita – 1st Run-
huge cheering and encouragement bring together so many shining stars Sharma – Winner - Mydream Cou- ner Up – Mrs Bharat DMV 2022 ,
words coming from every attendee. all under one roof. ple India 2022, Vijeta Gupta - Win- Gunjan Pawnikar – State Director
The entire exhibit was mesmerizing. The Tradition Oitijhyo from At- ner Mydream Couple India 2002, AZ – Miss Bharat USA walked for
However, rather than just be- lanta, Randhawa Brands from Vir- Riddhima Gupta -1st Runner Up different designers.
ing a show, Mydream entertainment ginia, Aattire_ Boutique from India Mydream Teen India 2022 , Rahat Company CEO & Organizer
made sure to highlight a very import- and Vastra from Virginia showcased Katyal - 1st Runner Up , Mydream Rashmi Bedi & Janak Bedi shared
ant message around Women Em- their collection. RK Jewels from Mrs India 2022, Rishabh Ramchan- that the presence of the audience
powerment. Oaktree Road New Jersey sponsored dani - Winner - Mr Teen South Asia helped to make this event a suc-
The primary goal of this INDIA the jewelry for all the models. Kimmi world 2022 , Meeta Ramchandani cessful one. Everyone worked really
NYFW was to bring forth women of Verma Indian Punjabi actor walked - Franchise Owner - Miss Bharat hard to make this show turn into an
all age and size, to showcase their tal- for Randhawa brands. DIvya Mowar Tennessee , Dlipreet Kaur - Winner accomplishment. The best part was
ents be it the organizers, designers or - Winner- Mrs Bharat Elite USA - Miss South Asia World 2022 , Sabri- how everyone’s enthusiasm and pos-
models. The company CEO & main 2021 , Meenal Mankandan - Winner- na Kasim- Winner Mydream Miss In- itive attitude helped make this time
organizer Rashmi Bedi is extremely Mrs Bharat USA 2021 , Aishwarya ternational Beauty 2021 , Surya Bedi spent together not just productive
proud of creating a common plat- Nag - Winner - Mydream Teen India - Vice President Mydream TV USA but fun too.
form for all women coming from dif- 2022, Komal Kherde – Winner -Mrs , Aisha Kamboj - Winner Pre-Teen Continued at next page... >>