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OP-ED                                                             SEPTEMBER 16, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 13

             The Queen’s stamp, caste quota

                                      and Chinese media

                                   Views and opinions from the top commentators in Indian media

                 hen  he  died  a  premature
                 death in 1952, George V’s
        Whead graced not  only  the
        stamps of  the Old Dominions —
        Canada, Australia and New Zealand
        — but it also covered now-forgotten
        territories such as Aden, Basutoland,
        Southern  and Northern Rhodesia,
        the Ascension Island, British Guy-
        ana and, of  course, Zanzibar. India,
        Ceylon and Ireland had departed
        and  South  Africa  was  in  a  twilight
        zone after 1948, but the red-colored
        British Empire — the largest empire
        in history — was still a living reality.
        By the time she departed, there were
        doubts whether Scotland would re-
        main a part of the United Kingdom.
            The territorial truncation was,
        however,  accompanied  by  a  signifi-
        cant enlargement of Blighty. During
        the high noon of Empire, Great Brit-
        ain was principally a white country    The Indian flag at half-mast at Victoria Memorial as India pays tribute to Britain’s late Queen Elizabeth II in Kolkata on Sunday (ANI)
        with regional variations. As decol-
        onization took shape,  the Mother   Jharkhand government’s decision   employment  and  official  schemes.  online in China.
        Country, or the mythical ‘Home’,  to expand OBC reservation to 27%   That’s true in a limited sense – be-  The Chinese strategic communi-
        became the favored destination of   are part of a long list of  additions   cause the number of government jobs,  ty and political leadership view Modi
        large numbers of migrants from the   to  official  backwardness  classifica-  seats in government education insti-  as being politically astute in pursuing
        Indian subcontinent, the West In-  tions. These additions don’t always   tutions and even welfare schemes   India’s national interests by balancing
        dies, different parts of Africa and,  go smoothly, and they are also piling   face hard budget constraints, and   relations with major powers. Many in
        of course, Ireland. In 1975, when   up. Hattees’ demand  for ST status   relative to demand their availability   China also believe that Beijing should
        I  first  went  to  Britain,  most  of  En-  in HP is resented by Dalits in the re-  is going down. So, more and more   have pursued a similar balanced ap-
        gland — apart from London — was   gion. Gujjars in Rajasthan agitated   castes end up fighting for a shrinking   proach to the Ukraine conflict. Chi-
        White; now, there are times you feel   for ST status, driven  by the grouse   pie – while the one big truth about   nese public opinion seems to be of
        that English is the third language in   that Meenas benefited from it. Now   India’s socio-economic change in   the view that the Indian government
        parts of the Kingdom. Until the mid-  they  are slotted as MBCs in a 5%   the last three decades is that reforms   has been more successful than China
        1980s, there wasn’t a Black or Asian   bracket. Meanwhile, Maharashtra’s   have pulled millions out of poverty.   in convincing its public to support its
        face in the House of Commons (al-  OBC quota in local body elections   -- Editorial, The Times of India  position.
        though three Parsee gentlemen won   has been ratified by SC after the state                               It was a revelation to the Chinese
        elections before 1945). Today, under   satisfied the triple test laid down by   Modi and media        public that India could pull-off such
        two consecutive Conservative prime   the court to grant reservation. In the                           an intricate diplomatic manoeuvre in
        ministers, the posts of home secretary   south, Tamil Nadu has mastered this   rime Minister Narendra Modi   a heightened international crisis situ-
        and chancellor of the exchequer have   dubious game.                     and President Xi Jinping are   ation. One consequence of this seems
        been given to non-Whites. The pos-    From the earlier formulation of  Pmeeting for  the  first  time  in   to be that many in China are begin-
        itive aspect is the sense of inclusion;   reservation as an exception to the   the post-Covid world, at the 22nd   ning to challenge the strongly-held
        its negative feature is  the creeping   norm, the exception has begun to   Council of Heads of State of the   official  view  that  India  has  already
        overdose of Woke attitudes.       dwarf the norm. EWS quota, cur-   Shanghai Cooperation Organization   aligned with the US to contain Chi-
                                          rently before a constitution bench,  at Samarkand, Uzbekistan. At least   na. They notice India’s assertion of its
               -- Swapan Dasgupta,
               The Telegraph (India)      tips central reservations well over the   one reason why this meeting could   strategic autonomy.
                                          50% line. And it’s not just that 77%   be happening is the visible change in   -- M S Pratibha, The Indian Express
                A shrinking pie           of Jharkhand’s government jobs will   Chinese public opinion about India,
                                          now be in the reserved pool, many   and especially Prime Minister Modi,   Every week, we look at what the top
              he  Centre’s  decision  to  grant   states are similarly inching towards   in the wake of India’s principled   commentators in the Indian media are
              ST status  to the Hattee com-  the 100% mark, leaving little for merit.  stand on the Ukraine crisis. India’s   talking about and bring to you a slice
        Tmunity  in  poll-bound  Him-         Many see quotas as avenues eas-  assertion of an independent foreign   of their opinions and comments
        achal Pradesh and  the in-trouble   ing their access to higher education,  policy has generated much discussion

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