Page 11 - The Indian EYE 091324
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         OPINION                                                          SEPTEMBER 13, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 11

        in 2020. The 27th iteration of the   ests”. India and Australia have also
        Malabar Exercise was held off the   played an important role in the Indi-
        coast of Sydney, in 2023, “showcas-  an Ocean Rim Association (IORA).
        ing strong cooperation, shared val-  Besides, IORA, their presence in   ‹ËΉÌfl ¿S›ÎHÎ ±fiı ω¿ÎÁ ÀˇVÀ ‹ËΉÌfl T≤©Îl‹fiÌ Áı‰Î ¿Î›˝fl÷ »ı. ±Î T≤©Îl‹‹Î_ fiÎ÷-Ω÷, µE«-
        ues and the collective ability of the   many  multilateral  and  plurilateral   fiÌ« ‘‹˝ ¿ı ¤ıÿ¤Î‰ ÏÁ‰Î› ’˛‰ı ±Î’‰Î‹Î_ ±Î‰ı »ı. µ’fl ±Î¿Î ˢ› fiÌ«ı ‘fl÷Ì‹Î÷ÎfiÎ ÁËÎflı ∞‰fi
        four participating nations to ensure   platforms like the G20, East Asia   √Ωfl÷Πˢ› ÷ı‰Î ÏfiflΑÎfl …ı‹fiÌ ¿˘≥ ÁÎflÁ_¤Î‚ flάfiÎfl fi ˢ›, ÏfiflΑÎfl ω‘‰Î ⁄Ëıfi˘, ±_‘-±’_√,
        a free, open and inclusive Indo-Pa-  Summit (EAS), ASEAN Regional    ⁄ËıflÎ-‹_√α˘fiı ’˛‰ı ±Î’‰Î‹Î_ ±Î‰ı »ı. ±Î Á_V◊Î Ïÿ·ıfl ÿÎ÷α˘fiÎ ÁË›˘√◊Ì «Î·ı »ı. ¿˘fl˘fiο΂‹Î_
        cific  promoting  peace  and  security   Forum (ARF) and the Quad pro-  ±‹ÎflÎ CÎHÎÎ-⁄‘Î ÿÎ÷Îḻ˘ V‰√˝‰ÎÁ ◊›Î ±ı‹fiÌ ±ÎI‹Îfiı ’fl‹¿Ú’΂ ’fl‹ÎI‹Î ¬Ò⁄ ¬Ò⁄ ÂÎ_Ï÷ ±Î’ı ÷ı‰Ì
        for all”. In addition to interactions at   vides opportunities for diplomatic   ’˛¤ ’˛Î◊˝fiÎ. ±Î Á_V◊Îfiı Ïÿ·ıfl ÿÎ÷ÎfiÌ ÷Î÷Ì …wfl »ı. e· fiËŸ ÷˘ e·fiÌ ’Î_¬ÕÌ w’ı ¤ıÀ ‹˘¿·Î‰Ì ¿˘ »˘.
        multilateral exercise, regular bilater-  cooperation with key regional part-  T≤©Îl‹‹Î_ ÿkο ›˘…fiÎ Âw ¿fl‰Î‹Î_ ±Î‰ı· »ı. ¿˘≥ ’HÎ Áı‰Î¤Î‰Ì ¤Î¥-⁄Ëıfi˘ ±Î ÿkο ›˘…fiÎfi˘ ·Î¤ ·≥
        al exercise, the AUSINDEX, have   ners on regional and global issues.   ¿ı »ı. ±ı¿ ‰Ê˝ ‹ÎÀı w. 20000, » ‹ÏËfiÎ ‹ÎÀı w. 10000 Á_V◊Îfiı FCRAfiÌ ‹_…^flÌ ‹‚ı· »ı. ÿÎ÷ÎlÌfiı flÁÌÿ
        been held between navies of the two   While  significant  progress  has   ¥-‹ı¥· ‹ÎflŒ÷ı ‹˘¿·‰Î‹Î_ ±Î‰Âı. ¿˘fl˘fiÎ ¿Î‚‹Î_ V‰…fi˘ Q≤I› ’΋ı·Î ˢ› ÷ı‹fiÎ fi΋fiÌ fi΋Ή·Ì ÷¿÷Ì
        countries since 2015. Naval  inter-  been made in the area of maritime   ‹¿‰Îfi_ ±Î›˘…fi Âw ¿fl‰Î‹Î_ ±Î‰ı· »ı. ±Î_√‚Ì Ï«_K›Îfi_’ÒH› V‰ˆ„E»¿ Á_V◊α˘, Ï·Ï‹ÀıÕ ¿o’fi̱˘,
        actions between the two countries   cooperation between the two coun-  Áı‰Î¤Î‰Ì ¤Î¥-⁄Ëıfi˘, Á_√Ãfi˘, ‹ÏË·Î ‹_Õ‚ ›◊΄@÷ ŒÎ‚˘ ‹˘¿·Î‰Ì ¿ı »ı. ¤Ï‰W›fi_ ¤Î◊ …L‹Ïÿfi,
        have been regular. Recently in May   tries a lot more can be done. There is   lÌ‹_÷, ‰ÎV÷, ’ÒH›◊ÌÏ÷ fi˘¿flÌ ‹‚‰‰ÎfiÌ ¬ÂÌ T≤©Îl‹‹Î_ ÷ÌÏ◊ ¤˘…fi ±Î’Ì Â¿Â˘. ωÿı‹Î_ flËı÷Î ‹ÎflÎ
                                                                             ¤Î¥-⁄Ëıfi˘ ±Î’÷˘ ÿÎfi-’ÒH› …wfl ¿fl÷Î_ Ë¢. ‹ËΉÌfl T≤©Îl‹fiı ·Î_⁄˘ ËÎ◊ ¿flÌ ‹Îfi‰÷ÎfiÌ F›˘÷
        2024, the 16th Indian and Australian   still a need and scope for enhancing   ’˛√ÀΉ˘. ±Î F›˘÷ «Î·_ »ı, Œ@÷ F›˘÷‹Î_ CÎÌ ¥…‰ÎfiÌ …wfl »ı. ¤Ò·˘ ¤·ı ⁄Ì…\ ⁄‘ _‹Î-⁄Î’fiı ¤·Â˘ fiÏË.
        Navy Staff Talks were held in Kochi,   information sharing arrangements
        aimed at “enhancing interoperabil-  between the two to enhance joint   ‰‘ ‹ÎÏË÷Ì ‹ÎÀı Á_’¿Û— ’˛‹¬ lÌ ‹Î‘‰·Î· ’fl˘ÏË÷ (‹ËΉÌfl T≤©Îl‹, ωl΋B≤Ë ±Î√‚, ⁄Ì·Ì‹˘flÎ
        ity, MDA and new avenues of co-   MDA capacities. The first trilateral               (Ô‰ıVÀ) 396321, ÷Î. √HÎÿı‰Ì, Ï…. fi‰ÁÎflÌ, √…flÎ÷
        operation in maritime partnerships,   Maritime Partnership Exercise with   Mobile +91 99256 73021 (Office) +91 2634 285121 Email : [email protected]
        bridging oceans and deepening ties”.   the ships and aircraft from India,
        The Australian Navy has also sent   Australia and Indonesia in Septem-
        liaison officers to the Indian Navy’s   ber 2023, was a welcome progress in   competition for access and influence   ties, can help not only through bilat-
        International Fusion Centre for the   “improving their collective capabili-  across the Indo-Pacific region along   eral cooperation but also by taking
        Indian Ocean  Region  (IFC-IOR),   ty by sharing each others’ experience   with challenges like climate change   along other littorals in multilateral
        as the nodal centre for sharing mari-  and expertise. It showed how the   it remains ‘essential for Australia to   efforts to maintain stable, secure and
        time security related information for   trilaterals can be used for enhancing   keep on investing in its Indo-Pacific   a rules based order in the region.
        the  region,  facilitating  India’s  role   interoperability in the crucial water-  regional partnerships, for regional   The relationship has witnessed many
        as a ‘net security provider’ in the re-  ways of the Indo-Pacific.   architecture and collective security   positives in recent years that can be
        gion.                                 Political leadership from both   in the Indo Pacific with key powers   used to further maritime coopera-
            With an increasing convergence   the sides has invested in enhancing   including India’.          tion between the two.
        of interests in the maritime domain   of a mutual trust and understanding   There is a great deal of strategic   Dr. Pragya Pandey is a Research
        there is immense scope for the two   between the two countries resulting   uncertainty in the world, at present,   Fellow at the Indian Council of World
        Indo-Pacific  partners  to  enhance   in significant elevation of relations in   including  in  the  Indo-Pacific,  it  is,   Affairs, New Delhi. Views expressed
        cooperation to secure the global   recent years. India is a major stake-  thus, important for regional coun-     are personal.
        commons and cooperatively support   holder  in  the  IOR  and  the  wider   tries to work together for a stable
        economic prosperity in the wider   Indo-Pacific. India’s partnerships in   and secure maritime order in the   This article first appeared in the
        Indo-Pacific  region.  Australia  is  an   the region are naturally collabora-  region. India and Australia, the two   Viewpoint section of the website (www.
        important partner in India’s the In-  tive. Australia on the other hand rec-  important navies in the region, with of Indian Council of World
        do-Pacific Oceans Initiative (IPOI),   ognises that at a time of increasing   their enhanced maritime capabili-  Affairs, New Delhi, in August 30, 2024
        leading the Maritime Ecology pil-
        lar of the IPOI.  Australia is one
        of the first partners in the IPOI, to
        have started practical collaboration.
        Two rounds of grants have been an-
        nounced under Australia-India In-
        do-Pacific Oceans Initiative Partner-
        ship (AIIPOIP). The AIIPOIP has
        been initiated under the Joint Dec-
        laration on Shared Vision for Mari-
        time Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific
        agreed between the two countries in
        2020. The AIIPOIP focuses on prac-
        tical  cooperation,  sharing  of  best
        practices,  scientific  collaboration,
        on  reducing marine  pollution,  with
        a focus on plastic waste. It aims at
        promoting intergovernmental activ-
        ities involving Indian and Australian
        stakeholders-across  government,
        businesses and researchers-in a col-
        laborative way to share expertise and
            Both countries are willing to
        work  closely  at  the  “bilateral,  re-
        gional and multilateral level to sup-  Both countries are willing to work closely at the “bilateral, regional and multilateral level to support regional architecture in line with their
        port regional architecture in line                                      shared values and interests” (ANI)
        with their shared values and inter-

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