Page 14 - The Indian EYE 091324
P. 14

North                       The Indian Eye


         14                                                                                                           SEPTEMBER 13, 2024

          IAPAC Co-Hosts “Into the Light”

               Conference to Address Human

               Trafficking in Greater Houston

           Each panelist emphasized that tackling human trafficking requires a comprehensive,

                                                  united effort from the community

                                                                               Panelists with IAPAC board members
        OUR BUREAU
        Houston, TX
                                          the region. The event was supported  Al Green. Seher Alpaslan, Executive   human  trafficking  in  Houston.  He
               n August 20th, the Indian   by the United Nations Association -  Director of the Raindrop Women’s   introduced Dr. Hamilton and Ms.
               American Political Action  Houston (UNA-Houston) and the  Association, then introduced the  Griffin, both survivors of human traf-
        OCommittee (IAPAC), in col- Houston Community College.              work of the Raindrop Foundation  ficking,  who  shared  their  powerful
        laboration with Harris County and     The conference opened with  and extended thanks to everyone in-  stories of resilience and recovery.
        the Raindrop Foundation, hosted a  Ananya Gupta, IAPAC Board Mem- volved in organizing the event.         Dr. Hamilton emphasized the
        pivotal conference at the Raindrop   ber and Event Chair, expressing    IAPAC President Roopa Gir  importance of incremental prog-
        Turkish House. The event, titled   gratitude to the collaborating or- introduced the event’s moderator,  ress and courage in facing challeng-
        “Into the Light: Confronting Human  ganizations and their leaders. She   Sami Khaleeq, the City of Houston’s   es, noting that every survivor forges
        Trafficking  in  Greater  Houston,”  welcomed Jagat Kamdar, one of  Commissioner of Planning and De- their  own  path.  Ms.  Griffin  echoed
        aimed to raise awareness about the  IAPAC’s co-founders, who read   velopment. Khaleeq highlighted the   this sentiment, discussing the vulner-
        pressing issue of human trafficking in   proclamations  from  Congressman   persistent and damaging nature of   Continued on next page... >>

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