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OPINION                                                          SEPTEMBER 13, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 10

                              India-Australia Maritime

         Cooperation: Strengthening a Robust

                     Partnership in the Indo-Pacific


              he recently held Maritime Se-
              curity Dialogue further reflects
        Ta greater strategic alignment
        between India and Australia, with
        their commitment to a transparent,
        open, secure, inclusive, rules based
        maritime  order  in  the  Indo-Pacific
        and an effort towards fostering prac-
        tical maritime cooperation.
            Taking forward the 2020 Joint
        Declaration on Shared Vision for
        Maritime Cooperation in the In-
        do-Pacific,  the  6th  India-Australia
        Maritime Security Dialogue was
        held on 13 August, 2024 in Canber-
        ra, attended by senior officials from
        both sides. The Indian Ministry of
        External Affairs’ press release men-
        tioned that, during the Dialogue the
        two sides discussed ‘ways to sustain
        a safe and secure maritime envi-
        ronment conducive for inclusive        India and Australia are close maritime partners and cooperation between the two is crucial for the larger Indo-Pacific region (ANI)
        growth and global well-being’. Both
        sides also shared views on issues of
        mutual interest including ‘maritime   1st Annual Leaders’ Summit was   Strategy (NDS). Highlighting the   portunities in the Indo-Pacific. The
        security  in  the  Indo-Pacific,  Mari-  held in March 2023 in New Delhi   importance of Australia’s partner-  agreement allows both the countries
        time Domain Awareness (MDA),      during Prime Minister Anthony Al-  ship  with  India  in  the  Indo  Pacific,   to use each other’s strategic bases
        Humanitarian Assistance and Disas-  banese’s visit to India, followed by   the NDS mentions that “India is a   for logistics support facilities.
        ter Relief (HADR) and Search and   PM Modi travelling to Australia in   top-tier security partner for Austra-  Maritime cooperation between
        Rescue (SAR), pollution response,   May 2023, later the two PM’s also   lia and practical and tangible coop-  the two countries is a crucial aspect
        blue economy and multilateral en-  met when PM Albanese visited In-  eration with India directly contrib-  of the CSP. For both Indian and Aus-
        gagement and sustainable use of   dia to attend the G20 summit in New   utes to the Indo-Pacific stability”.  tralia, their geographical location
        ocean resources. Australia and India   Delhi in September 2023. Australia   Australia is also one of the few   inextricably links their security and
        are intensifying their maritime co-  has also enhanced its diplomatic   countries with whom India has a   prosperity to the waters surround-
        operation in the Indian Ocean, the   presence with the opening of new   2+2 arrangement. In pursuance of   ing them. Australia, with its unique
        Dialogue “presented an opportunity   Consulate in Bangalore in May 2023.   the CSP, India and Australia have   two-ocean geography, located at the
        for two sides to discuss shared pri-  From the perspective of relationship   instituted  2+2  format  meeting,  at   crossroads between the Indian and
        orities.” wrote the Australian High   with India, there is a bipartisan com-  the Foreign and Defence Ministe-  Pacific Ocean, around 99% of Aus-
        Commissioner to India on X.       mitment in Australia. The rationale   rial level since 2021. At the second   tralian exports are transported via
            India and Australia are close   for positive upgrade in bilateral ties   2+2 Dialogue held in 2023, the two   sea routes. India, with its central lo-
        maritime partners and cooperation   over the past decade has been the   sides reiterated that “positive and   cation in the Indian Ocean, its exten-
        between the two  is crucial for the   growing convergences between the   increased momentum in their coop-  sive coastline and numerous islands,
        larger  Indo-Pacific  region.  Regular   two sides in the backdrop of con-  eration served to reinforce an open,   is an important maritime player in
        maritime dialogues are one of the   stantly evolving geopolitical situa-  inclusive, stable and prosperous In-  the region. Therefore, a stable and
        many mechanisms for enhancing     tion in the Indo-Pacific. Today both   do-Pacific”.They also acknowledged   secure maritime order is a priority
        maritime cooperation between the   countries are collaborating not only   the positive impact of the Arrange-  for both the countries.
        two countries. The relationship be-  on bilateral security and strategic is-  ment concerning Mutual Logistics   In a significant development, in
        tween India and Australia was up-  sues but also in broader formats of   Support (MLSA) signed in June   August 2023, for the first time Aus-
        graded to Comprehensive Strategic   trilaterals and quadrilateral.   2020, in increasing interoperability   tralia hosted the Malabar Exercise.
        Partnership (CSP) in 2020. There      Under the current Albanese    between the forces of the two coun-  Australia re-entered in Malabar ex-
        have been frequent high level inter-  government, Australia recently pub-  tries, for enhancing MDA, critical to   ercises with other Quad countries
        actions between the two countries,   lished its 2024 National Defence   managing shared challenges and op-   Continued on next page... >>

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