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BIG STORY                                                        SEPTEMBER 13, 2024        |  The Indian Eye                    5

        their big campaigns, they are focusing                                                                tional Conference is not a compul-
        on different issues.                                                                                  sion but a necessity.
            Congress and the National Con-                                                                        He said, “I am going to meet him.
        ference are fighting the assembly polls                                                               We will succeed in the alliance that
        in Jammu and Kashmir together. Ac-                                                                    has been formed between Congress
        cording to a seat-sharing agreement,                                                                  and National Conference. This is a big
        the National Conference (NC) will                                                                     voice for our entire country, a slap on
        contest  51  of  the  90  seats,  and  the                                                            the face of those who used to say that
        Congress will contest 32.                                                                             we are Pakistanis, Khalistanis, I hope
            The two parties will also contest                                                                 the  people  of  India  will  understand
        five seats against each other. One seat                                                               that we want the state to progress and
        each has been allocated for CPI (M)                                                                   come out of this problem. I have seen
        and Panthers Party.                                                                                   the state becoming a Union Territo-
            The Samajwadi Party (SP) has                                                                      ry for the first time, we have to bring
        also extended its support to the Con-                                                                 back the status of statehood and we
        gress and National Conference alli-                                                                   are making efforts for this. This (Con-
        ance in the J-K polls.                                                                                gress-National  Conference  alliance)
            BJP election in-charge for Jam-                                                                   is not a compulsion but a necessity, we
        mu and Kashmir assembly elections,                                                                    have to take everyone along.”
        Ram Madhav, exuded confidence in                                                                          Ahead of the assembly polls in
        the party emerging as the biggest par-   Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) election in-charge for Jammu and Kashmir    Jammu and Kashmir, Congress leader
        ty in the Union Territory.           Assembly elections Ram Madhav speaks to the media on the J&K Assembly elections,    and Rajya Sabha MP Pramod Tiwari
            Ram Madhav accompanied BJP                                                                        asserted on Thursday that Congress
        J-K chief Ravinder Raina as he filed                   in Srinagar on Wednesday (ANI)                 will bring back Jammu and Kashmir’s
        nomination for the upcoming assem-                                                                    statehood after coming into power in
        bly  polls.  He  also  expressed  confi-  Gandhi and their alliance partner, the   Congress  leader  said,  “For  the  first   the state.
        dence in Raina “winning big” in the   National Conference,” the BJP chief   time in the history of India, statehood   “Our leader has promised as
        polls.  Ravinder  Raina  filed  nomina-  said.                      has been snatched away. Union Ter-  soon as we get the opportunity, we
        tion from Naushera assembly constit-  Raina earlier held a roadshow in   ritory was first made a state... A state   will bring back the statehood of Jam-
        uency.                            the constituency before filing his nom-  has been abolished and the rights of   mu and Kashmir and National Con-
            “The support and excitement   ination.                          the people have been snatched away.   ference is with us in this,” said the
        seen  ahead  of  filing  the  nomination   But the Congress party seems to   First of all, the statehood of Jammu   Congress Rajya sabha member.
        proves that Ravinder Raina is going   focusing on restoring the statehood.   and Kashmir has to be returned be-  ‘It is shocking that the status of
        to win big in the elections. We have   Congress MP Rahul Gandhi on   cause not only your state has been   a sensitive state on the border of the
        faith that the BJP will emerge as the   Wednesday advocated for the res-  snatched away, your rights, your   country, has been reduced to a Union
        biggest party in the Union Territory.   toration of the region’s statehood,   wealth, everything is being snatched   Territory from the status of the state,
        We  have  fielded  strong  candidates   asserting  that  the  withdrawal  of  its   away from you.”   the senior Congress leader added.
        for all seats. We will win big in Jam-  autonomous status has not  only   After Leader of Opposition Ra-  On Wednesday, ahead of the
        mu and we’ll be successful in the val-  snatched the state of its identity but   hul Gandhi advocated for Jammu   assembly polls in the Union Terri-
        ley as well,” Ram Madhav said while   also eroded the rights and resources   and Kashmir’s statehood, former   tory, the Congress released “Kya
        speaking to reporters in Naushera on   of its people.               Chief Minister, Farooq Abdullah   khoya, kya paya  Jammu  and  Kash-
        Thursday.                             While addressing an election ral-  said on Wednesday that they are   mir charge sheet sab kuch khoya,
            Raina  exuded  confidence  and   ly in Ramban ahead of the Jammu   making efforts for the same and the   kuch nahi paya,” alleging the BJP’s
        said that there is a strong wave of BJP   and Kashmir Assembly Election, the   alliance between Congress and Na-  betrayal  over  issues like unemploy-
        in the entire J-K.                                                                                    ment, agriculture, education, health,
            “Despite being close to the in-                                                                   and statehood.
        ternational border, BJP workers of                                                                        The document released by the
        Naushera gathered and carried out                                                                     Congress targeted  Lieutenant  Gov-
        this roadshow to file their nomination                                                                ernor Manoj Sinha, alleging that the
        with full zeal and enthusiasm. I hope                                                                 voice of the people in J-K is being sup-
        that when the voting takes place here,                                                                pressed. “An unelected Lieutenant
        the BJP government will be formed                                                                     Governor (LG), appointed from Del-
        with a  huge  majority,”  Raina  said                                                                 hi, holds all power and, despite prom-
        while speaking to reporters.                                                                          ises, the restoration of statehood has
            He accused Congress leader Ra-                                                                    been denied to the proud people of
        hul Gandhi and Congress ally Nation-                                                                  J-K, treating them as second-class cit-
        al Conference of insulting the Ma-                                                                    izens. Outsiders are being allocated
        harajas of the region and stated that                                                                 land, resources, and jobs, while the
        the people of Jammu and Kashmir                                                                       locals grapple with rising prices, high
        will give an answer to Congress and                                                                   taxes, water shortages, poor electricity
        their alliance.                                                                                       supply, and excessive billing through
            “BJP is moving towards a big vic-                                                                 smart metres,” it said.
        tory in J-K led by Naushera. Rahul                                                                        The document also highlight-
        Gandhi and his alliance partner Na-                                                                   ed that Jammu and Kashmir has the
        tional Conference have always insult-  Jammu and Kashmir Apni Party (JKAP) leader Mushtaq Ahmad Zohami joins Jammu and   second-highest unemployment rate in
        ed the  very respected  Maharajas of   Kashmir People’s Democratic Party (JKPDP) in the presence of party chief Mehbooba Mufti, at   the country, double the national aver-
        J-K. The people of J-K will definitely            party headquarters, in Srinagar on Tuesday (ANI)    age, with 65 per cent of government
        give an answer to Congress, Rahul                                                                     posts remaining vacant since 2019.

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