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NATION SEPTEMBER 13, 2024 | The Indian Eye 6
Strong & Secure India: Forces’ chiefs plan
integration with command-and-control centers
The conference brought together the combined apex-level military leadership of the country, who
deliberated upon the current and future challenges to the nation in the context of national security.
Lucknow, UP
efence Minister Rajnath Singh chaired the
inaugural Joint Commanders’ Conference
D(JCC) in Lucknow on Thursday, emphasiz-
ing the need for jointness and integration among
the three services for future challenges. He com-
mended the Armed Forces for their invaluable
contribution in safeguarding national interests and
advancing the vision of ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat’, and
appreciated the efforts being undertaken for fur-
thering jointness and integration among the three
In line with the theme of the conference,
‘Sashakt aur Surakshit Bharat: Transforming
the Armed Forces’, Singh stated that India is a
peace-loving nation and the Armed Forces need Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, Chief of Defence Staff General Anil Chauhan, Union Minister of State for Defence Sanjay Seth
to be prepared for war in order to preserve peace.
The conference, which commenced on Sep- and Indian Air Force Chief Air Chief Marshal Vivek Ram Chaudhari during the second day of the Joint Commanders Conference
tember 4, 2024, brought together the combined 2024, in Lucknow on Thursday (ANI)
apex-level military leadership of the country, who
deliberated upon the current and future challenges deeper analysis by the top military leadership in along with Chief of the Army Staff General Up-
to the nation in the context of national security. view of the situation along the Northern border endra Dwivedi, Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral
The conference provided an opportunity for and the happenings in neighboring countries, Dinesh Kumar Tripathi, and Chief of Air Staff
the commanders to review national and interna- which are posing a challenge to peace & stability Air Chief Marshal Vivek Ram Choudhari led the
tional developments that impact India, while dis- in the region. convocation which brings together the apex-level
cussing measures to further improve the country’s “Despite global volatility, India is enjoying a hierarchy from the Ministry of Defence and the
defense capabilities. rare peace dividend and it is developing peace- Armed Forces.
In the sidelines of JCC, Singh also launched fully. However, due to the increasing number of Reviewing the current security situation and
eight innovative applications, including e-Museum challenges, we need to remain alert. It is import- the defense preparedness of the Armed Forces,
and e-Granthalaya, along with one publication on ant that we keep our peace intact during Amrit the CDS emphasized the importance of Jointness
‘Colonial Practises and the Armed Forces - A Re- Kaal. We need to focus on our present, keep an and future plans for enhancing integration across
view,’ marking a significant step towards greater eye on the activities happening around us at pres- various domains, which is crucial for adapting to
cohesion and synergy among the three services. ent, and focus on being future-oriented. For this, the contours of future warfare and conduct of ef-
The conference was also attended by MoS De- we should have a strong and robust national secu- fect-based operations.
fence Sanjay Seth, Chief of Defence Staff General rity component. We should have fail-proof deter- Gen Anil Chauhan complimented the three
Anil Chauhan and other senior civil and military rence,” Singh said. Services for initiating numerous measures along
officials of the Ministry of Defence. Singh called upon the Commanders to iden- the roadmap for integration. He stressed that it
He stressed upon the significance of evolving tify and include the right mix of traditional and was a step-by-step process, beginning with Cross
joint military vision and preparing for the type of modern warfare equipment in the Armed Forces Service Co-operation leading to a ‘Joint Culture’
challenges the country may face in future wars, arsenal. He stressed on capability development in and finally achieving integration of forces for con-
while emphasizing on synergized, swift and propor- space and electronic warfare, describing them as duct of joint operations, as per the release.
tionate response to provocations. integral to tackle modern-day challenges. Deliberations also focused on the establish-
Referring to the ongoing Russia-Ukraine and He also urged the military leadership to focus ment of command-and-control centers with the
Israel-Hamas conflicts and the current situation in on increasing the use of the latest technological requisite infrastructure to facilitate decision mak-
Bangladesh, the Defence Minister exhorted the advancements in the fields of data and artificial ing. General Chauhan stressed the need for oper-
Commanders to analyses these episodes, predict intelligence. ational preparedness to meet emerging challenges,
the problems that the country may face in the future, The first Joint Commanders’ Conference underscoring the imperative need of moderniza-
and stay prepared to deal with the “unexpected”. (JCC) commenced at Lucknow on Wednesday. tion to stay ready and relevant and achieve strate-
He emphasized on the need of a broader & Chief of Defence Staff General Anil Chauhan gic autonomy.