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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                          SEPTEMBER 13, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 16

                                                      M K STALIN in US

        Tamil Nadu CM signs MoUs worth millions

                                 of dollars with top US firms

              At the San Francisco Investment Conclave, the Tamil Nadu CM highlighted the state’s economic

                            achievements, including its status as India’s second-largest economic state

        OUR BUREAU
        Chicago, Il
               n September 4, 2024, in Chicago, a MoU
               was signed with Trilliant Networks for an
        Oinvestment of Rs. 2000 crore to set up a
        Development & Global Support Centre and a pro-
        duction facility in Tamil Nadu. Additionally, Chief
        Minister  Thiru.  M.K.  Stalin  met  with  senior  offi-
        cials from Nike, a leading global manufacturer of
        sports footwear and apparel, and Optum, a leading
        healthcare company, inviting them to explore new
        business investments in Tamil Nadu.
            Tamil Nadu is emerging as a highly conducive
        state for starting businesses in India due to its
        skilled young workforce, women’s education and
        development, achievements in higher education,
        and quality infrastructure. Chief Minister Thiru.
        M.K. Stalin is undertaking an official visit to the   Chief Minister M.K. Stalin in a meeting with investors during his visit to the United States, in San Francisco on Friday (ANI)
        USA to attract more companies and investments
        to Tamil Nadu.                                   The Tamil Nadu government has signed an      The Tamil Nadu government has signed a
            During this visit, the Chief Minister met with   MoU with Google to set up Artificial intelligence   Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with sev-
        representatives from major global companies, in-  labs at Guidance, the state government’s invest-  eral investors, including Nokia, PayPal, Microchip,
        cluding Nokia, PayPal, Yield Engineering Systems,  ment promotion agency, to skill 2 million young-  and Yield Engineering Systems, during CM MK
        Microchip Technology, Infinx Healthcare, and Ap-  sters in AI, said Industries Minister T.R.B. Rajaa.  Stalin’s visit to the United States.
        plied Materials in San Francisco.                The MoU was signed during Tamil Nadu         These agreements were signed by Guidance
            MoUs were signed with these companies for   Chief Minister MK Stalin’s visit to Google’s head-  Tamil Nadu, the state government’s investment
        an investment of Rs. 900 crores, creating 4,100 job   quarters here. The Chief Minister is currently on   promotion agency, in the presence of Chief Minis-
        opportunities.  Also,  he  met  with  senior  officials   an official visit to the United States, aiming to se-  ter MK Stalin and Industries Minister TRB Rajaa.
        from Apple, Google, and Microsoft, inviting them   cure support and attract investments to boost the   Earlier, speaking at the San Francisco Invest-
        to invest in Tamil Nadu, and signed an understand-  state’s economic development.          ment Conclave, the Tamil Nadu CM highlighted
        ing agreement with Google for setting up AI re-  Tamil Nadu Minister TRB Rajaa said that   the state’s economic achievements, including its
        search labs in Tamil Nadu in collaboration with   with Stalin’s US visit, Tamil Nadu is racing into a   status as India’s second-largest economic state, its
        Naan Mudhalvan Scheme, and with Ohmium for    new era of tech. “With this partnership, we aim to   high rate of urbanization, and notable accomplish-
        establishing a new factory in Kancheepuram dis-  skill 2 MILLION youngsters in AI via Naan Mud-  ments in education.
        trict with an investment of Rs. 400 crores, provid-  halvan, collaborate with startups, and enable MS-  These agreements were signed by Guidance
        ing 500 job opportunities.                    MEs and the rural economy. We want our youth to   Tamil Nadu, the state government’s investment
            On September 3, 2024, in Chicago, MoUs    be a future-ready workforce,” he added.      promotion agency, in the presence of Chief Minis-
        were signed with Eaton for an investment of Rs.   Stalin has also visited the offices of Apple and   ter MK Stalin and Industries Minister TRB Rajaa.
        200  crores  to  expand its  production  facility  in   Microsoft in San Francisco and discussed “vari-  As per the agreements, Nokia will establish a
        Chennai and establish a research and development   ous opportunities and exciting partnerships” with   new Research and Development Centre in Tamil
        and global application engineering center. An un-  these tech companies.                   Nadu at a cost of Rs 450 crore, generating 100 jobs,
        derstanding agreement was also signed with Assur-  “An awe-inspiring visit to the offices of Apple,   while PayPal will set up an Advanced Develop-
        ant for setting up a global capability center (GCC)   Google and Microsoft. Discussed various oppor-  ment Centre in Chennai, creating 1,000 jobs.
        in Chennai. In total, MoUs were signed with 10   tunities and exciting partnerships. Determined   Microchip will establish a new Research and
        companies.                                    to strengthen these partnerships and make Tamil   Development Centre for semiconductor technolo-
            Following this, on September 4, 2024, in Chi-  Nadu one of the foremost growth engines of Asia!”   gy in Semmancherry, Chennai, at a cost of Rs 250
        cago, an understanding agreement was signed with   CM Stalin posted on X on Saturday.      crore, generating 1,500 jobs.
        Trilliant Networks, and the Chief Minister invited   Rajaa said that under the leadership of Stalin   Yield Engineering Systems will set up a prod-
        senior officials from Nike and Optum to consider   Tamil Nadu is powering forward with global part-  uct development and manufacturing facility for
        new business investments in Tamil Nadu. The de-  nerships that will drive the state towards becoming   semiconductor equipment in Sulur, Coimbatore,
        tails are as follows:                         a trillion-dollar economy.                   at a cost of Rs 150 crore, generating 300 jobs.

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