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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                          SEPTEMBER 13, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 20

        Congressman Anthony D’Esposito Urged to Join India Caucus

                                 Caucus Membership Drive Gains Momentum

                 embers of the India Caucus
                 Membership Drive Com-
        Mmittee recently met with
        Congressman Anthony D’Esposito,
        urging him to join the Congressional
        Caucus on India and Indian Ameri-
        cans, a bipartisan coalition of Ameri-
        can lawmakers dedicated to strength-
        ening the ties between India and the
        United States.
            Committee  Chairman  Varinder
        Bhalla, along with Dr. Dattatreyu-
        du Nori, Sudhir Vaishnav, Hussain
        Baqueri, Gobind Munjal, and Gun-
        jan Rastogi, briefed Congressman
        D’Esposito on the history and signifi-  dian  American  Voters  Forum,  was  bers. “We are aiming to increase  the Caucus.
        cance of the Caucus.              formed at the recommendation of  membership of the India Caucus to      The Indian American Voters
            Hussain Baqueri highlighted the  Consul General Binaya Pradhan  200 in the next two years”, says Dr.  Forum, founded by Varinder Bhalla
        remarkable growth in bilateral trade,  to boost membership in the India  Nori.                        in 2008, aims to enhance the Indian
        a fiftyfold increase from $4 billion in  Caucus. Established in 1993 by Con-  Congressman Tom Suozzi, who  community’s participation in the U.S.
        1993 to $200 billion in 2023. Sudhir  gressman Frank Pallone (NJ) and  joined the India Caucus in July, is ac-  political mainstream. In 2010, Bhalla
        Vaishnav spoke about the strengthen-  Congressman Bill McCollum (FL),  tively encouraging his colleagues, in-  successfully persuaded NY Senator
        ing defense and security relationship  the Caucus  started  with  nearly 100  cluding Congressman Joe Courtney,  Kirsten Gillibrand to join the Senate
        between India and the United States.  members and is now the largest sin-  Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, and  India Caucus, established in 2004 by
            The  Caucus  Membership  Drive  gle-country Caucus in the House of  Congresswoman Jahana Hayes from  Senator John Cornyn and then-Sena-
        Committee, an extension of the In-  Representatives, boasting 142 mem-  Connecticut, to become members of  tor Hillary Clinton.

         Health Camp of New Jersey’s annual health fair to be held at Durga Temple

                Hundreds will receive comprehensive medical, dental, eye screenings and flu vaccines

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            assistants, nurses, social workers and
                                                                                                              medical students will provide their
        South Brunswick, NJ
                                                                                                              services to screen and educate pa-
               ealth Camp of New Jersey –                                                                     tients on various chronic diseases ab-
               HCNJ will hold their annual                                                                    normalities and cancer screening and
        HHealth Fair at Durga Temple                                                                          education specifically targeted to the
        in South Brunswick, NJ on Sunday,                                                                     South Asian population.  The Lega-
        September 15, 2024, where hundreds                                                                    cy Pharmacy Group will provide flu
        will receive comprehensive medical,                                                                   vaccines to all qualified participants
        dental and eye screening and disease                                                                  on this day.   LabCorp, NJ Commis-
        prevention, education and counseling                                                                  sion for the Blind, New Jersey De-
        services.  Health Camp of New Jer-                                                                    partment of Health, Rutgers Medical
        sey,  a  non-profit  organization  under                                                              School  and  many other community
        tax exempt code 501© (3) has been                                                                     and health care and several volunteer
        organizing the health fairs at this lo-                                                               organizations will provide their ser-
        cation to benefit needy people in the                                                                 vices during this health fair.
        South Asian community since 1999.                                                                         To date, HCNJ provided screen-
            The health fair is open to all                                                                    ing to more than 13,000 needy people
        pre-registered participants who are                                                                   in South Asian communities through-
        uninsured or underinsured to receive                                                                  out the state since its inception in

        preventive screening, education and  thy, physical examination, cardiolo-  therapy and access to care services.  1998 and detected more than 4,000
        counseling for medical, dental and  gy evaluation, pharmacy and dietary  The physicians, dentists, physical  chronic diseases abnormalities. HCNJ
        mental health disorders.  The dead-  counseling, various types of cancer  therapists, nurses and various spe-  celebrated its 25th Anniversary Gala
        line  to  complete  online  registration  screening and prevention education,  cialties of internal medicine, cardiol-  event on November 19, 2023, for a
        is September 9, 2024. The compre-  women disorders, chronic diseases  ogy, oncology, neurology, hematolo-  new initiative to open a community
        hensive health screening will include  screening for diabetes, hypertension,  gy and allied health specialists such  health center in New Jersey by 2026
        blood test, EKG, vision screening  cardiovascular disorders and many  as dietary and nutritional specialist,  to  benefit  needy  individuals  and  fol-
        for glaucoma and diabetic retinopa-  other specialty services such as Reiki  phlebotomists, EKG techs, medical  low-up services throughout the year.

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