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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                          SEPTEMBER 13, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 22

                 Indra Nooyi to Deliver Keynote

           address at ITServe’s Synergy 2024

                Synergy 2024 will be packed with sessions on Immigration, CIO/CTO, Mergers &

                                  Acquisitions (M&A), Financial, Startup Cube, and PAC

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                 the industry to hear from renowned guest speakers
                                                                                                   and thought leaders from across the country. par-
        New York, NY
                                                                                                   ticipants will have the opportunity to break out into
           ndira Nooyi will be the Special Guest and de-                                           start-up cubes with business leaders and investors
           liver the keynote address during Synergy 2024,                                          to pitch their offerings and ideas for the chance to
        Iwhich will be held at the electric city of Las Ve-                                        turn dreams into a reality.”
        gas, at the Caesars Palace, the legendary hotspot                                             As per the organizers, Synergy 2024 will pro-
        where fortunes favor the BOLD on October 29-30,                                            vide a platform for 3,000+ CXOs from hundreds of
        2024,” Suresh Potluri, Director of Synergy 2024 an-                                        multi-national companies to come together to hear
        nounced.                                                                                   industry leaders speak, engage in discussions with
                                                                                                   lawmakers, and participate in interactive breakout
        Synergy is ITServe Alliance’s flagship An-                                                 sessions, deliberate on the latest trends, challenges,
                                                                                                   and opportunities in the world of IT Staffing and
        nual Conference, which began in 2015                                                       Technology.
                                                                                                      “Your valuable presence and support for Syn-
        with the objective of providing business                                                   ergy  2024  will  help  us  provide  business  owners,
        owners, entrepreneurs, and executives                                                      entrepreneurs, and executives with strategies and
        with strategies and solutions that address                                                 solutions that address the unique needs of the IT
                                                                                                   Solution & Services Industry,” added Muralidhar
        the unique needs of the IT Solution & Ser-                                                 Bandlapalli, Secretary of ITServe.

        vices Industry.                                                                               Since 2015, Synergy has grown from a one-day
                                                                                                   conference and banquet event to two full days of
                                                                                                   speakers, panels, and breakout sessions. “What
              “In addition, with an esteemed panel of key-                                         began in Dallas, TX, has now traveled to Las Ve-
        note speakers, industry experts, and thought lead-                                         gas, continuing to grow. Synergy continues to add
        ers, who will share their insights and best practices                                      prominent speakers, and valuable sponsorships,
        on a diverse range of topics, Synergy 2024 will fo-                                        and help grow a community network of industry
        cus on developing strategic relationships with our                                         professionals across the country, said Sateesh Nag-
        partner organizations, sponsors, and supporters, to                                        illa, Treasurer of ITServe.
        work for a better technology environment by build-                                            Participants will get to network with peers,
        ing greater understanding,” Potluri added.                                                 learn from experts, and discover new and exciting
            Indra Nooyi, former PepsiCo CEO stepped  CIO/CTO, Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), Fi-    developments in IT. Don’t miss the chance to hear
        down after a 24-year career with the company.  nancial, Startup Cube, and PAC.             from inspiring speakers who will show us how to
        Born in India, Nooyi was one of a handful of peo-  Jagadeesh Mosali, National President of IT-  conquer the upcoming challenges and opportuni-
        ple of color to run an S&P 500 company. During  Serve Alliance said, “ITServe Alliance’s Synergy  ties in information technology. Come, join us and
        her tenure as chief executive, Nooyi transformed  2024 will offer to its over 3,000 participants from  be part of our journey. Let us be your voice when it
        PepsiCo into one of the most successful food and  across the nation, innovative strategies, unique in-  comes to Information Technology.
        beverage companies  worldwide.  Her  push  for  sights,  and proven tactics for success, exclusively   ITServe Alliance’s Synergy is the only one-of-
        healthier snack and beverage choices, along with  for IT service companies and individuals. Syner-  a-kind conference delivering innovative strategies,
        an eye for product packaging, led to an 80 percent  gy will focus on developing strategic relationships  unique insights, and proven tactics for success, ex-
        sales growth in the 12 years she was CEO.    with our partner organizations, sponsors, and sup-  clusively for IT service companies and individuals.
            “Synergy 2024 is a unique venue for the col-  porters to work for a better technology environ-  It is a collision of brilliance, a networking superno-
        lision of brilliance, a networking supernova, and  ment by building greater understanding.”  va, and a tech safari all rolled into one.
        a tech safari all rolled into one,” said Amar Vara-  With the theme, “Join, Collaborate, Acceler-  Founded in 2010, ITServe Alliance is the larg-
        da, ITServe’s Governing Board Chair. “As you  ate” ITServe is working to streamline the Synergy  est association of Information Technology Services
        are aware, ITServe Alliance’s Synergy is the only  Conference process, increase the brand value of  organizations functioning across the United States.
        one-of-a-kind  conference  delivering innovative  Synergy, and promote diversity to establish it as  Established to be the voice of all prestigious Infor-
        strategies, unique insights, and proven tactics for  a  recognized  America’s  biggest  IT  Staffing  con-  mation Technology companies functioning with
        success, exclusively for IT service companies and  ference by mainstream media similar to SIA, HR  similar interests across the United States, ITServe
        individuals.”                                World, Inc 5000.                              Alliance has evolved as a resourceful and respect-
            With Panel Discussions that are vital to the   According  to  Anju  Vallabhaneni,  Presi-  ed platform to collaborate and initiate measures in
        ITServe members, who are entrepreneurs, Synergy  dent-Elect of ITServe, “Synergy offers a unique  the direction of protecting common interests and
        2024 will be packed with sessions on Immigration,  opportunity for IT companies and individuals in  ensuring collective success.

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