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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                          SEPTEMBER 13, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 26

                                JAANSI PATEL                                researching Parkinson’s Disease.
                                                                               “The work we do with students to
            16-yr-old wins Gold Medal at                                    develop them as scholars is absolute-
                                                                            ly central to the mission of a small
          the first International Research                                  “It drives the purpose with which we
                                                                            college professor,” DebBurman said.

                               Olympiad                                     pursue our teaching, scholarship,
                                                                            and citizenry. I am so fortunate to
                                                                            be at Lake Forest College, where I
                                                                            am surrounded by like-minded fac-
            aansi Patel from New Jersey, of                                 ulty across disciplines that share this
            Phillips Exeter Academy, won
        J1st Place in  the International                                    passion, and where motivated stu-
                                                                            dents from all backgrounds come to
        Research Olympiad. The Interna-                                     be educated and then head to strong
        tional Finals Exam took place from                                  STEM careers.”
        May 31st to June 2nd, 2024 in Cam-
        bridge, MA.                                                                           MONIDEEPA TARAFDAR
            Rishab Kumar Jain, President
        and Chair of the Student Board of
        Advisors to the International Re-                                    Academic takes over as Editor-in-
        search Olympiad said “What sets
        the  IRO  apart is  our  commitment                                                 Chief of the JAIS
        to critical thinking, which is essential
        for scientific research. We’ve seen a
        high number of contestants who possess extraordinary potential and who are
        serious and motivated about their research-based, real-world interests.”
            Jaansi Patel is a 16-year-old junior from New Jersey, and she is currently
        studying at Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire. She is passionate
        about applying neuropsychology research for mental health advocacy. In her
        free time, Jaansi enjoys running her school’s annual TED event, teaching
        computer science to fellow Girl Scouts, and hosting LearnOn Podcast, the
        science show by kids, for kids, with her younger brother.
           “The IRO Finals took place in a time like no other, and students showed a
        level of adaptability and resilience that was remarkable,” said Executive & Ed-
        ucation Coordinator Yashvir Sabharwal. “Each student tackled a crucial issue,
        and presented their solutions so that they would matter to the world today.”
            The 2024 IRO Finals showcased some of the most promising young minds
        in the world, with Jaansi leading from the front and winning the Gold Medal
        at this prestigious exam. Held at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA the
        finals witnessed more than 1,000 aspirants from 45 countries.
                                                                                     onideepa Tarafdar, Isenberg’s Charles J. Dockendorff Endowed
                          SHUBHIK DEBBURMAN                                 Mitor-in-chief of the Journal of the Association for Information Sys-
                                                                                    Professor in Information Systems, has been named as the next ed-
           Professor receives 2024 Biology                                  tems, one of the most respected and established journals in the field. Her ap-
                                                                            pointment will be with effect from September 1.
                                                                                Tarafdar is a world leader in her field and has published many influential
                          Mentor Award                                      papers concerning the positive and negative impacts of modern technology
                                                                            use and artificial intelligence. “I view my role as that of a steward, committed
              he Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) awarded Shubhik Deb-  to nurturing and advancing the highest quality research in our field,” says
              Burman the 2024 Biology Division Faculty Mentor Award (Advanced   Tarafdar. “I look forward to working with colleagues on the Board to cham-
        TCareer). He is the Disque D. & Carol Gram Deane Professor of Biolog-  pion innovative, relevant, and rigorously developed conceptual and empirical
        ical Sciences at the Lake Forest college.                           contributions to our discipline.”
           “This prestigious award recognizes Dr. DebBurman’s exceptional com-  Tarafdar has done Ph.D. (Major MIS, Minor Strategic Management)
        mitment to undergraduate research mentorship and his transformative im-  from the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, India and has a strong
        pact on students’ scientific careers,” said Chair, CUR Biology Division Men-  research interest in AI Bias, Transparency, and Fairness; Gig Work and Algo-
        tor Awards Committee Jessica Clark.                                 rithmic Control; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Through Information
            In last 26 years, DebBurman has trained 106 undergraduates in his D-Lab,   Systems; Cognitive and Affective Well-Being (Stress, Coping, Affect) and In-
        with a special emphasis to support students from underrepresented and mar-  formation Systems; and Societal Impacts of Social Media.
        ginalized backgrounds. His commitment continues even after students gradu-  Tarafdar’s teaching Interests includes Digital innovation and strategy;
        ate, by providing ongoing support and guidance. The impact of Dr. DebBur-  Strategic and organizational aspects of data analytics/AI/algorithms and Dark
        man’s mentorship reflects in the career paths of his former students, holding   side of information technology. She has written many research papers in pres-
        positions in academia, research, and healthcare across the country.   tigious international journals.
           After receiving this national recognition, DebBurman said he finds it “in-  The Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), the flag-
        credibly personal and humbling” that students he previously taught, trained,   ship journal of the Association for Information Systems, publishes the highest
        and mentored over the span of his career nominated him for this honor.   quality scholarship in the field of information systems. It is inclusive in topics,
            Dr. Nijee Sharma Luthra, one of Professor Shubhik DebBurman’s first   level and unit of analysis, theory, method and philosophical and research ap-
        lab students, led the nomination for this award. She is Associate Professor   proach, reflecting all aspects of Information Systems globally.
        of Clinical Neurology at University of California, San Francisco where she is                                Continued on next page... >>

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