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Canada Newsline SEPTEMBER 13, 2024 | The Indian Eye 30
Angelina Jolie to be Honoured with
The Tiff Tribute Award
RENU MEHTA their own fashion, with a focus on
sustainability. She is also the co-au-
thor of Know Your Rights and Claim
cademy Award–winning actor, Them, a guide for youth.
Tony Award–winning pro- Jolie is returning to the film fes-
Aducer, writer, director, and tival with her latest project Without
humanitarian Angelina Jolie will be Blood, which will have its World Pre-
honoured at the 49th Toronto Inter- miere on September 8. The film, writ-
national Film Festival in Toronto. ten, directed, and produced by Jolie,
She will be presented with the TIFF is based on the bestselling novel by
Tribute Award in Impact Media on renowned Italian writer Alessan-
Sunday, September 8, at Fairmont dro Baricco, and stars Salma Hayek
Royal York Hotel. Pinault and Demián Bichir. The film
“Angelina Jolie is a multifaceted is set in the aftermath of an uniden-
talent who has entertained audiences tified conflict that explores universal
for decades while consistently using truths about war, trauma, memory,
her platform to champion important Jolie will be presented with the TIFF Tribute Award in Impact Media on Sunday, September 8, and healing.
causes,” said Cameron Bailey, CEO at Fairmont Royal York Hotel. Photo: Alexei Hay The Tribute Awards honours the
at TIFF. “We’re honoured to pres- film industry’s outstanding contrib-
ent her with the 2024 TIFF Tribute With more than 20 years of hu- dation, an integrated development utors and their achievements. Past
Award in Impact Media. This award manitarian work focusing on refu- program headquartered in Cambo- honourees Colman Domingo, Mi-
recognizes her exceptional achieve- gees and human rights, Jolie also dia, with a focus on conservation, ag- chelle Yeoh, Brendan Fraser, Jessica
ments in filmmaking, and her un- champions local leadership in en- riculture, education, and economic Chastain, Roger Deakins, Sir Antho-
wavering commitment for positive vironmental conservation, and has development projects in the area. ny Hopkins, Joaquin Phoenix, Taika
change, solidifying her status as a funded schools, health, and educa- Jolie is the founder of Atelier Jo- Waititi, and Chloé Zhao, have gone
veritable humanitarian and global tion initiatives globally. Additionally, lie, a hub for artists that empowers on to win awards on the international
force to be reckoned with.” she is President of the Maddox Foun- people to participate in creating stage.