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BIG STORY                                                            SEPTEMBER 10, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          6

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        hankar has said use of Afghan  should not countenance inter- to the streets in Kabul on Tues-                     Former Afghan vice presi-
        soil to promote terrorism in any  ference  by external players in  day and demonstrated in front  dent Amrullah Saleh has assert-
        manner by any country is “unac- Afghanistan, especially those  of the Pakistan embassy de- ed that the Taliban are being
        ceptable” and that the Taliban  intensifying violence at this dif- manding Islamabad to stop  micromanaged by Pakistan’s in-
        must live up to its declarations  ficult time.                           meddling in international af- telligence agency ISI and add-
        to this effect. The minister on         “The world should not coun- fairs of Pakistan and helping  ed that Islamabad is in charge
        Wednesday  addressed  the  Af- tenance interference by external  the Taliban.                                 of the war-ravaged country ef-
        ghanistan conference co-con- players, especially those inten-                Experts believe that Paki- fectively as a colonial power.
        vened by US Secretary of State  sifying violence at this difficult  stan has been a key player in  Taliban, who seized control of
        Antony  Blinken  and  German  time. Our collective approach  removing the elected Afghan  Kabul on August 15, have time
        Foreign Minister Heiko Mass.  should be guided by UNSC  government from power and  and again promised to not allow
        He also took a veiled dig at  resolution  2593,”  he  added. establishing the Taliban as a de- Afghanistan to again become
        Pakistan  and  said  the  world         Hundreds of Afghans took  cisive power in Afghanistan.                the sanctuary of terrorists.

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