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BIG STORY                                                            SEPTEMBER 10, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          5

        ed  by  members  of  the  group’s                                                                             that has normalized political
        old guard. Mullah Muhammad                                                                                    violence and affiliation with Is-
        Hassan Akhund has been ap-                                                                                    lamist groups. The structural
        pointed as Prime Minister with                                                                                support for factions within the
        two deputies Mullah Abdul                                                                                     Mujahideen, the concerted sup-
        Ghani Baradar and Molavi Ab-                                                                                  port for the Taliban and groups
        dul Salam Hanafi.                                                                                             such as the Haqqani Network
            Experts and political lead-                                                                               are cases in point as the ISI
        ers have asserted that the Tal-                                                                               continues with providing funds,
        iban administration will likely                                                                               recruits,  training,  organization-
        face  governance  issues  as  the                                                                             al coordination, direct military
        Afghan society has changed sig-                                                                               support and a safe haven.
        nificantly since the Taliban first                                                                                Experts believe that the
        lost control over the country in                                                                              nomination of FBI wanted
        2001. While speaking at a webi-                                                                               criminal Sirajuddin Haqqani,
        nar titled, “Afghanistan and the                                                                              as the Interior Minister of the
        region post - Taliban takeover”                                                                               caretaker the government of
        organised by Amsterdam based                   The Taliban old guard control the new regime in Kabul          Afghanistan is a ‘tight slap’ on
        think-tank, the European Foun-                                                                                the US. Seth G Jones, a senior
        dation for South Asian Studies                                                                                vice president of a Washing-
        (EFSAS) on Wednesday, they                                                                                    ton-based think tank has said
        even showed concern over Af-                                                                                  that the new Afghan interior
        ghanistan turning out to be a                                                                                 minister is the leader of the pro-
        safe heaven for Pakistan-based                                                                                scribed Haqqani network, and
        terror  outfits.  Nargis  Nehan,                                                                              is on the FBI wanted list for a
        former minister of Afghanistan                                                                                long time Sputnik reported.
        on Mines, Petroleum & Indus-                                                                                  “Haqqani was well known to
        try, and Founder of the NGO                                                                                   the US military and intelligence
        ‘Equality for Peace and Democ-                                                                                community, he escaped several
        racy’, argued that the Taliban                                                                                attempts to target him. He is a
        cabinet, announced recently by                                                                                wily and dangerous enemy with
        the group, failed to represent                                                                                American blood on his hands”,
        both gender and ethnic diversi-                                                                               Jones claimed.
        ty of Afghanistan. The Taliban,                                                                                   The developments came
        she contended further, did not       Gen Faiz Hameed, the chief of ISI, in Kabul last week before the formation   when the US is remember-
        represent a popular mass move-                               of the new government                            ing the 9/11 attack on the twin
        ment but had capitalised on en-                                                                               towers that killed thousands of
        demic corruption in the coun- between 1996 and 2001. Yet,  the partition of British India in                  Americans.
        try, the relative weakness of  the  governance  difficulties  1947, Dr Vandamme argued,                           According to the database,
        the Afghan security forces and  faced by a Taliban administra- the Pakistani military establish-              the man is believed to have co-
        the absence of unified national  tion now differ as Afghan peo- ment has focused on ensuring                  ordinated and participated in
        leadership.                          ple have shown civic awareness  strategic equality with India            cross-border attacks against US
            The Taliban’s victory was  and have moved to resist the  and preventing encirclement                      and coalition forces in Afghan-
        said to be enabled by the 2020  Taliban, e.g., through public  along its eastern and western                  istan, Author Jones said in the
        Doha Agreement, which al- protests.                                      flanks. Historically, the military   Wall Street Journal.
        lowed the Taliban to ultimate-          “As the Afghan society has  establishment has thus benefit-               Sirajuddin Haqqani become
        ly ignore the pursuit of a more  changed significantly since the  ed from upholding threat per-               a wanted by the FBI after the
        multi-polar     peace     process. Taliban  first  lost  control  over  ception as high threat percep-        January 2008 attack on a hotel
        That said, Nehan argued that  the country in 2001, the new  tions validate and legitimize                     in Kabul that killed six people,
        the military situation deterio- Taliban administration is likely  the existence and dictating role            including an American citizen,
        rated more rapidly than com- to  face  various  governance  is- of the Pakistani army internally              Sputnik reported.
        monly anticipated and has now  sues,” she said.                          in Pakistan as well as external-         The Taliban  appointed sev-
        reached a stage where the Tali-         Dr Dorothee Vandamme,  ly. The reproduction of alleged                eral hardliners in its new gov-
        ban’s victory is treated as a fait  Centre for the Study of Crises  national security threats here-           ernment who oversaw the 20-
        accompli by the international  and  International  Conflicts,  with provides the military es-                 year  fight  against  the  US-led
        community, which has adopted  EFSAS Research Fellow &  tablishment with a power base.                         military coalition. The Haqqa-
        a tactic of “wait and watch”.        Research Fellow at Genesys              In regard to the Pakistani       ni group is known as the ‘right
            The Taliban’s social poli- Network, primarily focused  Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI),                  arm’ of the Taliban and assisting
        cy and ideological orientation,  her presentation on the role  described by Dr Vandamme                       the caretaker government in
        Nehan argued, did not diverge  of the Pakistani military estab- as having an almost ‘mythical’                Afghanistan.
        significantly  from  that  of  the  lishment in the modern trajec- reputation, she argued that the                In New Delhi, MEA S Jais-
        first  Taliban  regime  in  power  tory of Afghanistan. Following  ISI has long adopted a strategy               Continued on next page... >>

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