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NATION                                                               SEPTEMBER 10, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          10

                                            BrIcS SummIt

                              under india’s leadership,

             emerging nations agree on terror,

                                      climate and vaccines

               New Delhi Declaration accepted at the meeting attended by Narendra Modi,

                       Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Jair Bolsonaro and Cyril Ramaphosa

        Our Bureau

        New Delhi

               eaders of BRICS nations
               on  Thursday  adopted a
        Ldeclaration in which they
        committed to combating ter-
        rorism including cross-border
        movement of terrorists, and ter-
        rorism  financing  networks  and
            The      16-point     declara-
        tion--New      Delhi     Declara-
        tion--was adopted at the con-
        clusion of the virtual BRICS
        leaders summit. The meeting
        was chaired by Prime Minister
        Narendra Modi. All the leaders
        of BRICS nations --Brazil Presi-
        dent Jair Bolsonaro, South Afri-
        can President Cyril Ramaphosa,
        Russian President Vladimir Pu-                 Prime Minister Narendra Modi chairing the 13th BRICS Summit, through video conferencing,
        tin and Chinese President Xi Jin-                                       in New Delhi on Thursday. (ANI Photo)
        ping--- were present during the
        meeting. They held discussions  tion on the priories of the devel-           On Afghanistan, BRICS            human rights, including those of
        on important regional and glob- oping nations as well,” he added. leaders called refraining from              women, children and minorities.
        al issues including Afghanistan,        At the conclusion of the sum- violence and settling the situa-            The leaders pledged resolve
        terrorism and COVID-19.              mit, the New Delhi Declaration  tion by peaceful means in Af-            towards strengthening and re-
            “We discussed important re- was adopted.                             ghanistan, through an inclusive      forming the multilateral system
        gional and global issues. Thanked       In the document, the BRICS  intra-Afghan  dialogue  so  as  to        to make global governance more
        BRICS partners whose support  leaders highlighted the need for  ensure stability, civil peace, law            responsive and agile, effective,
        helped India’s chair achieve  cooperation on the study of ori- and order in the country. They                 transparent,  democratic,  rep-
        many firsts. BRICS agenda now  gins of the SARS-COV-2 - an im- underscored the priority of fight-             resentative and accountable to
        spans culture and communica- portant aspect of the fight against  ing terrorism, including prevent-           Member States.
        tions; sports and space; disaster  the      COVID-19        pandemic. ing attempts by terrorist organi-           The BRICS leaders acknowl-
        resilience and digital health; em-      “They committed to combat- zations to use Afghan territory as         edged that the continued rele-
        ployment and environment, and  ing terrorism in all its forms and  a terrorist sanctuary and to carry         vance of the UN system would be
        more,” PM Modi tweeted.              manifestations, including the  out attacks against other coun-           determined by its ability to adapt
            “Today we are an influential  cross-border movement  of  ter- tries,” it said.                            to contemporary realities. They
        voice for emerging economies of  rorists,  and  terrorism  financing         The leaders emphasized the       pledged resolve to strengthen
        the world. This platform has also  networks and safe-havens,” the  need of addressing the human-              and reform the multilateral sys-
        been useful for focusing atten- declaration said.”                       itarian situation and upholding         Continued on next page... >>

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