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NATION                                                               SEPTEMBER 10, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          11

        tem to make global governance  I am deeply grateful to all of you  the international stage and the            pragmatism. Vladimir Putin said
        more responsive and agile, ef- for  this.  The  BRICS  platform  member countries have support-               that Afghanistan should not be-
        fective, transparent, democratic,  has witnessed several achieve- ed multilateralism  and taken               come a threat to its neighboring
        representative and accountable  ments in one and half decades,”  part in global governance in the             countries and stressed that the
        to the member states.                he said.                            spirit of equity justice and mutu-   US withdrawal has led to a new
            On climate issues, the leaders      Meanwhile, Chinese Presi- al assistance. Xi said the member           crisis in the region.
        expressed commitment to full  dent Xi Jinping said BRICS has  countries have made progress                        Putin said, “Afghanistan
        implementation of the UNFC- become an important force on  in various areas in the spirit of                   should  not  become  a  threat
        CC, its Kyoto Protocol and Paris                                                                              to its neighboring countries, a
        Agreement, and to the principles                                                                              source of terrorism and drug
        of  UNFCCC including ‘Com-                                                                                    trafficking.”
        mon but Differentiated Respon-                                                                                    During  the  13th  BRICS
        sibilities and Respective Capa-                                                                               leaders meet, Prime Minister
        bilities’ in the light of different                                                                           Narendra Modi conveyed his
        national circumstances.                                                                                       appreciation to leaders of mem-
            In his opening remarks at                                                                                 ber countries for maintaining the
        the 13th BRICS Summit, Prime                                                                                  momentum of intra-BRICS co-
        Minister Modi said the BRICS                                                                                  operation despite the challeng-
        platform has been useful for fo-                                                                              es of the COVID-19 pandemic,
        cusing attention on the priorities                                                                            Ministry of External Affairs said.
        of the developing countries. “It                                                                              “BRICS leaders also recognized
        is a matter of great pleasure for                                                                             the role of India and there were
        me and India to chair this sum-                                                                               many initiatives that were under-
        mit for the 15th anniversary of        BRICS Sherpas and Sous Sherpas met virtually for the 3rd time under    taken and many outcomes that
        the summit. India has received        India's chairmanship, in New Delhi on Wednesday. They reviewed prepa-   were achieved. We hope that all
        full cooperation from all BRICS       rations for the upcoming BRICS Summit, including New Delhi Declaration  achievements will help our peo-
        partners during its chairmanship.                                                                             ple,” said an official.

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