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BIG STORY                                                            SEPTEMBER 10, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          4

                              taliban’S terror threat

             ISI’s Double Game

         cia director William burns pays a quiet visit to new delhi before flying to islamabad.

          russian national Security advisor to new delhi to discuss the afghanistan situation.

                              everyone has a terror threat from afghanistan on their mind

        Our Bureau                                                                                                    a two-day visit. “Glad to meet
                                                                                                                      Secretary of Security Council of
        New Delhi/Islamabad/Kabul                                                                                     Russia, Nikolai Patrushev. Very

                 S  Central  Intelligence                                                                             useful discussions on Afghani-
                 2Agency (CIA) Direc-                                                                                 stan,” he tweeted. According to
        Utor William Burns had                                                                                        the Russian embassy here, Jais-
        a meeting with Pakistan Chief                                                                                 hankar and Patrushev had a dis-
        of Army Staff General Qamar                                                                                   cussion on a wide range of issues
        Javed Bajwa and Inter-Ser-                                                                                    of the Russian-Indian bilateral
        vices Intelligence (ISI) Director                                                                             cooperation. “An exchange of
        General Lt Gen Faiz Hameed,                                                                                   views took place on a number of
        during which they discussed the                                                                               international and regional prob-
        current situation of Afghani-                                                                                 lems, including the situation in
        stan. According to a statement                                                                                Afghanistan,” the embassy said.
        by Pakistan military media           CIA chief William Burns with Pakistani army chief Gen Bajwa in Islamabad
        wing--the ISPR-- the discus-                                                                                  doval and Patrushev dis-
        sions included regional security
        situation and the current devel-                                                                              cussed  moscow and  new
        opments in Afghanistan, Dawn                                                                                  delhi joint efforts aimed
        reported. “It was reiterated that
        Pakistan remains committed to                                                                                 at creating conditions for
        cooperating with its internation-                                                                             launching a peaceful set-
        al partners for peace in the re-
        gion and ensuring a stable and                                                                                tlement process on the
        prosperous future for Afghan                                                                                  basis of an intra-afghan
        people,” the statement said.
            CIA chief’s visit to Pakistan                                                                             dialogue.
        came a day after he visited New
        Delhi and met Indian officials.                                                                                   The Tuesday meeting was
        His visit to India and Pakistan                                                                               the first detailed and extensive
        comes amidst the fluid and pre-                                                                               review of the Afghanistan sit-
        carious security situation in Af-    The chief of Haqqani Network is now a part of the new Afghan government  uation involving the Ministry
        ghanistan, which plunged into a                                                                               of External Affairs, Ministry
        crisis last month and where the  Both Indian and American offi- Americans, Afghans and sever-                 of Defence and security agen-
        Taliban recently announced its  cials were tight-lipped about the  al from other countries.                   cies with Russia after falling of
        interim government.                  visit, but several sources con-         Incidentally, the CIA chief      Kabul to the Taliban, said the
            Earlier, William Burns was in  firmed his visit and agenda.          was in town when Russian             sources.
        Delhi for consultations with the        Burns had last month vis- NSA Nikolay Patrushev is also                   The situation in Afghanistan
        top Indian leadership, especial- ited Afghanistan  to meet the  in town for discussions on Af-                is grave as the new cabinet an-
        ly in the security and strategic  Taliban  leadership,  including  ghanistan. Patrushev met NSA               nounced in Afghanistan consist
        establishment, sources said on  Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar.  Doval, PM Narendra Modi and                      of many Taliban figures who are
        Wednesday. Burns met Nation- This  was  in  the  context  of  the  External Affairs minister S Jais-          considered hardliners. The list
        al Security Advisor Ajit Doval  evolving and precarious security  hankar. Jaishankar termed the               announced by chief spokesman
        and top brass in the intelligence  situation, which was challenging  discussion with Patrushev “very          Zabihullah Mujahid is dominat-
        and security establishment.  for the Americans to evacuate  useful”. Patrushev is in India for                   Continued on next page... >>

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