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NATION                                                            SEPTEMBER 09, 2022  |      The Indian Eye                     8

          Will Rahul Gandhi’s ‘master stroke’ work in

                 uniting Congress and challenging BJP?

         Congress launched the ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’ on Wednesday in which Rahul Gandhi started the 3,570 km
                                   journey lasting about 150 days from Kanyakumari to Kashmir

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            The five-month Yatra is scheduled to
                                                                                                              cover a distance of 3,500 kilometers
                                                                                                              and more than 12 states. The Padya-
              he  Congress party  kickstart-                                                                  tra (march) will cover a distance of 25
              ed its Bharat Jodo Yatra on                                                                     km every day.
        TWednesday in Kanyakumari.                                                                                The Yatra will include Padaya-
        Leading  the  yatra,  Congress  leader                                                                tras,  rallies, and  public  meetings
        Rahul Gandhi slammed the Bhartiya                                                                     which will be attended by the senior
        Janata Party and said that the oppo-                                                                  Congress leaders including Sonia
        sition was not scared of the BJP. His                                                                 Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra.
        remarks came while addressing the                                                                         The Congress suffered a debacle
        rally on its inaugural day in the eve-                                                                in the assembly polls held earlier this
        ning hours. “They (BJP) think they                                                                    year and the Yatra is seen as an at-
        can frighten the opposition using                                                                     tempt to rally the party rank and file
        CBI, ED and IT. The problem is they                                                                   for the upcoming electoral battles.
        don’t understand Indian people. In-                                                                   On Thursday, Rahul Gandhi along
        dian people don’t get scared. Not a                                                                   with senior party leaders began the
        single opposition leader is going to be                                                               second day of the party’s Bharat Jodo
        scared of the BJP,” said Congress MP                                                                  Yatra from Agasteeswaram town. Se-
        Rahul Gandhi.                                                                                         nior leaders including party MPs KC
            He further highlighted the im-                                                                    Venugopal, P Chidambaram, Chhat-
        portance of the Indian tricolor and                                                                   tisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Ba-
        called out the BJP for allegedly treat-                                                               ghel and others participated in ‘Pady-
        ing it as their personal property. “It   Rahul Gandhi on the second day of party’s Bharat Jodo Yatra, at Agasteeswaram,    atra’ along with Rahul Gandhi.
        gives me great joy to begin Bharat-                                                                       Earlier, Rahul Gandhi on
        JodoYatra from this beautiful place.                   in Kanyakumari on Thursday (ANI)               Wednesday  said  that  the  tricolor
        The national flag represents the reli-                                                                belongs to every religion, state and
        gion and language of every single per-                                                                language, but it is under attack today
        son living in this country. They (BJP                                                                 by the BJP and the RSS that are di-
        and RSS) think that this flag is their                                                                viding India on lines of religion and
        personal property,” he added.                                                                         language. Speaking at the launch of
            In what is being seen as a Con-                                                                   the Bharat Jodo Yatra at a rally on
        gress’ “masterstroke” to take on the                                                                  Wednesday, he said every single insti-
        Narendra Modi government in the                                                                       tution of the country is under attack
        upcoming 2024 elections, Congress                                                                     as he sought the support of the peo-
        launched the ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’ on                                                                   ple to help keep the country united.
        Wednesday in which Rahul Gandhi                                                                           A 3,500-km march from Kanya-
        started the 3,570 km journey lasting                                                                  kumari to Kashmir will be undertak-
        about 150 days from Kanyakumari to                                                                    en by Rahul Gandhi which will be
        Kashmir.                                                                                              completed in 150 days and cover as
            As the party begins the nation-                                                                   many as 12 states.
        wide yatra, some pertinent questions                                                                      After reaching Kerala on Sep-
        arise about the lodging and fooding                                                                   tember 11, the Yatra will traverse
        of Rahul Gandhi. However, the party                                                                   through the state for the next 18 days,
        has made it clear that he will not stay                                                               reaching Karnataka on September
        in any hotel but rather will complete                                                                 30. It will be in Karnataka for 21 days
        the entire journey in a simple manner.  Rahul Gandhi with party MP KC Venugopal meets Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on the   before moving north. Meanwhile,
            Rahul Gandhi will stay in the con-              first day of party’s Bharat Jodo Yatra (ANI)      addressing a public meeting, Chhat-
        tainer for the next 150 days. Sleeping                                                                tisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Ba-
        beds, toilets and AC are also installed   been prepared and sent to Kanya-  Gandhi will eat together and stay   ghel said that the believers in British
        in some of the containers. During the                                                                 policies are spreading poison and
        journey, the temperature and envi-  kumari where a village has been set   close,” said the sources.   attempting to divide the country. Re-
        ronment will differ in many areas.   up in which all these containers have   The sources further said that Ra-  ferring to BJP, he said that only those
        The  arrangements  have  been  made   been placed. The container will be   hul Gandhi considers the Bharat Jodo   who believe in the British policies are
        keeping in view the intense heat and   parked in a new place every day in   Yatra journey as a way to connect   spreading poison in the country. They
        humidity with the change of places.  the shape of a village for night rest.   with the common people. The 148-  are destroying the unity and brother-
            “About 60 such containers have   Full-time Yatris who stay with Rahul   day march will culminate in Kashmir.   hood of the country.

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