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NATION                                                            SEPTEMBER 09, 2022  |      The Indian Eye                     6

                                                     2+2 IN TOKYO:

             With eye on China, India and Japan plan to

                                         strengthen defense ties

             India and Japan to promote a rules-based order, ensuring respect for international law and

                                   norms, and safeguarding the global commons: Jaishankar

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            to find common solutions through di-
                                                                                                              alogue & diplomacy,” Jaishankar said.
        Tokyo/New Delhi
                                                                                                                  Jaishankar also said India and Ja-
           ndia and Japan on Thursday                                                                         pan have the responsibility for ensur-
           agreed to conduct the inaugural                                                                    ing a free, open, inclusive and pros-
        I‘fighter exercise’ between the Air                                                                   perous  Indo-Pacific  and  that  can  be
        Forces of both the countries during                                                                   achieved through a range of policies
        bilateral talks with his Japanese coun-                                                               and mechanisms, including coopera-
        terpart Yasukazu Hamada in Tokyo                                                                      tion in the Quad framework, utiliza-
        on Thursday. According to an official                                                                 tion of ASEAN platforms and partici-
        statement issued by the Defense Min-                                                                  pation in bodies like ReCAAP, Supply
        istry,  both  countries acknowledged                                                                  Chain Resilience Initiative.
        the importance of the India-Japan de-                                                                     He further said, “Together, we
        fense partnership and the critical role,                                                              are  also  poised  to  take  forward  the
        it will play in ensuring a free, open                                                                 Indo-Pacific  Oceans  Initiative,  In-
        and rules-based Indo-Pacific region.                                                                  do-Pacific  Partnership  for  Maritime
            During the delegation-level talks   External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, Minister of Defence,   Domain Awareness and the Indo-Pa-
        in Tokyo, Rajnath Singh highlighted   Japan, Yasukazu Hamada and Minister of Foreign Affairs Yoshimasa Hayashi at the Joint Press   cific Economic Framework, amongst
        the growing complexities in the In-  Statement after the India-Japan 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue in Tokyo on Thursday (AN/ PIB)  others.” Jaishankar made this state-
        dia-Japan bilateral defense exercis-                                                                  ment in his concluding remarks of the
        es as a testimony to the deepening                                                                    India-Japan 2+2 ministerial meeting
        of defense cooperation between the                                                                    in Tokyo.
        two countries and the need to expand                                                                      India and Japan are committed
        the scope of partnership in Defense                                                                   to promoting a rules-based order,
        Equipment and Technological Coop-                                                                     ensuring respect for international
        eration.                                                                                              law and norms, and safeguarding the
            The Ministers expressed their                                                                     global commons, the EAM said. He
        commitment to continuing bilateral                                                                    noted that there is a need of creating
        and multilateral exercises including                                                                  resilient and reliable supply chains in
        ‘Dharma Guardian’, ‘JIMEX’ and                                                                        the aftermath of the Covid pandemic.
        ‘Malabar’. They welcomed the oper-                                                                        Also, Rajnath Singh on Thursday
        ationalization of the Reciprocal Pro-                                                                 held a bilateral meeting with his Japa-
        vision of Supply and Services Agree-                                                                  nese counterpart Yasukazu Hamada in
        ment during Exercise ‘MILAN’ in                                                                       Tokyo and reviewed various aspects of
        March this year, the statement read.                                                                  cooperation including regional affairs.
            Meanwhile, External Affairs                                                                           “Reviewed various aspects of
        Minister S Jaishankar on Thursday                                                                     bilateral defense cooperation and
        said that the ties between the two   Rajnath Singh inspecting the guard of honour in Tokyo on Thursday. Japan’s  Defense Minister   regional  affairs  during  the  bilater-
        countries have gained new meaning                   Yasukazu Hamada is also seen (ANI/ PIB)           al meeting with Japan’s Minister of
        in recent years, adding that the sec-                                                                 Defense, Yasukazu Hamada in To-
        ond 2+2 Ministerial meeting demon-  racy, freedom and respect for the rule   lessly in extending humanitarian aid,   kyo today. This year marks 70 years
        strates the commitment of both na-  of law. The strategic aspects of the re-  medicines, vaccines, foodgrains and   of diplomatic relations between the
        tions toward strengthening bilateral   lationship have gained new meaning   many other forms of assistance as a   two countries,” Rajnath Singh said
        security, strategic aspects and defense   in recent years reflected in our recent   responsible member of the interna-  in a tweet. “India and Japan pursue
        cooperation.                      bilateral & plurilateral engagements,”   tional community and reaffirmed the   a Special Strategic and Global Part-
            He also said that the meeting   the EAM said in a statement during   importance of working collectively to   nership. India’s defense partnership
        exhibits the strength of the special   the opening remarks of the India-Ja-  find common solutions.”  with Japan will play a crucial role in
        strategic and global partnership while   pan 2+2 ministerial meeting in Tokyo.  “As responsible members of   ensuring free, open and rules-based
        emphasizing that energy and food se-  Describing energy security and   the International community, India   Indo-Pacific region,” he said further.
        curity have  emerged  as “particularly   food security as pressing issues, Jais-  worked tirelessly in extending hu-  The economic relationship be-
        pressing issues”, which need a collec-  hankar stated “the COVID pandemic   manitarian  aid, medicines,  vaccines,   tween India and Japan has steadily ex-
        tive solution. “India-Japan partner-  and  ongoing  conflicts  demand  that   foodgrains and many other forms of   panded and deepened in recent years
        ship is of immense importance. It is   we address these new challenges. He   assistance. As we face these challeng-  as the volume of trade between the
        rooted in our shared values of democ-  also reiterated that India worked tire-  es, it is important we work collectively   two countries has increased manifold.

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