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OPINION                                                           SEPTEMBER 09, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 10

                  I2U2: A NEW TEMPLATE FOR


                 Notwithstanding, challenges remain for I2U2 both at the regional and international levels.

                                 The most important questions pertain to China, Iran and Russia

        MD. MUDDASSIR QUAMAR              interdependence with regional coun-  mentum generated by the Abraham   ington and New Delhi on Beijing’s
                                          tries.                            Accords and underlines the growing   regional and global intentions. How-
               n 14 July 2022, the leaders    India, on the other hand, is a   understanding among India, Israel,   ever, from the perspective of the
               of India, Israel, the United   leading Asian and an emerging glob-  the US and the UAE to focus on hu-  UAE and Israel, the I2U2 may not be
        OStates (US) and the United       al power that has strong and histori-  man security.                a  containment  policy  against  China
        Arab Emirates (UAE) held the first   cal relations with the Middle Eastern   Notwithstanding, challenges re-  because of their strong economic in-
        summit meeting of a new ‘mini-later-  countries. The size of its economy   main for I2U2 both at the regional   terdependence with it. Nonetheless,
        al’ grouping called ‘I2U2’. The launch   and demography accrues it advan-  and  international  levels.  The  most   there are signs that the US might put
        of the I2U2 is significant for several   tages, especially as a market and in-  important questions pertain to Chi-  pressure on these two allies to decou-
        reasons. Foremost, it indicates a syn-  vestment destination. Further, India   na, Iran and Russia. Developments   ple from China, especially on matters
        ergy among the four countries prior-  has prioritized harnessing its demo-  in  the  Indo-Pacific  and  the  revival   of strategic importance.
        itizing a cooperative mechanism to   graphic dividend towards expediting   of the Quadrilateral Security Dia-  There are also questions with
        address issues of human security of   economic growth and human devel-  logue between the US, Japan, Aus-  regard to the I2U2 as a forum to
        the Middle East region.           opment.                           tralia and India (often referred to as   consolidate a geopolitical alignment
            The  new grouping also  has  im-  A key question that emerges   Quad) to contain China’s aggressive   against Iran and its destabilizing re-
        plications for regional politics and   from this new quadrilateral groups   rise has made analysts draw analogy   gional activities.25 Iran’s nuclear and
        the  interactions  between  regional   is, can the regional geopolitical situ-  between Quad and I2U2 with some   ballistic missile programmes have
        and international powers. It advanc-  ation allow development of a coop-  terming the latter as ‘Middle East   created serious threat perceptions
        es the spirit of the Abraham Accords   erative mechanism within a geo-eco-  Quad’. China’s growing economic   among its regional adversaries, es-
        signed in September 2020 to what   nomic framework. This is important   and strategic forays in the Gulf and   pecially Saudi Arabia and Israel.
        has been referred as an “Indo-Abra-  because, as noted above, the Middle   Middle East region and the growing   Tehran’s  growing  regional  military
        hamic” alliance.                  East faces serious challenges of re-  unease in Washington further fuels   and strategic presence in Iraq, Syria,
            The  four  I2U2  countries  bring   gional tensions, rivalries and con-  speculations that the I2U2 is anoth-  Lebanon, Yemen and the Palestinian
        together unique strengths that can   flicts. While there are little positive   er geopolitical initiative to contain   territories, the support for armed mi-
        generate the required momentum    developments to generate hope, the   China.                         litias and proxies and attacks against
        for prioritizing human security. The   signing of the Abraham Accords,   The decline in US–China rela-  civilian and oil infrastructure in Saudi
        US is not only a leading global mil-  and the progress in bilateral relations   tions since the trade war started un-  Arabia and the UAE has caused seri-
        itary power but continues to be a fi-  between the UAE and Israel in the   der the Trump administration and   ous concerns about regional stability.
        nancial and technological leader in   two years since, does create opportu-  the deterioration in India–China   Iran and Israel are also engaged in an
        the world. It is also the preeminent   nities for widening the scope of the   relations over the Chinese transgres-  indirect fight in Syria and Iraq.
        international actor in the Middle   business and trade within the frame-  sions at the Indo-China border in   The rising tensions between
        East both in terms of its diplomatic   work of geo-economic cooperation.   Doklam  (2017)  and  Galwan  (2020)   US and Iran since the unilateral US
        and strategic influence and economic   The I2U2 thus capitalizes on the mo-  have hardened the stance in Wash-  Continued at next page... >>

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