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OPINION SEPTEMBER 09, 2022 | The Indian Eye 12
withdrawal from the Joint Compre- cooperation with Russia. Moreover,
hensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in the return of Taliban in Afghanistan
2018 by Trump administration and is a common concern for New Delhi,
the escalation of tensions leading to Moscow and Tehran. Consequently,
the killing of Qassem Soleimani in India has been skeptical of joining
2020 by US drones in Baghdad add- the US-led alignment against Russia
ed to the question on regional securi- over its invasion of Ukraine. Even
ty. The Biden administration despite with China, despite the deterioration
engaging in indirect talks with Iran in relations, New Delhi has avoided
is yet to re-enter into a nuclear deal entering into strategic competition
within or outside the JCPOA frame- with Beijing but is focusing on capac-
work. Nonetheless, India remains ity building for now. Even in the In-
skeptical of joining any regional geo- do-Pacific, India underlines the need
political alignment targeting Iran for all countries to adhere to rules-
because of its strategic interests in based international order. Nonethe-
Afghanistan and Central Asia and in- less, the growing Chinese footprints
vestments in bilateral relations with in the Gulf and Middle East can have
Iran including in the development strategic implications for India, given
and operation of the Chabahar Port. India’s wider interests in the region
The Russia factor is also im- but there are no signs of this becom-
portant from a geopolitical perspec- Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses the I2U2 virtual Summit in New Delhi in July (ANI/ PIB) ing a serious concern in New Delhi
tive. Russian invasion of Ukraine as of yet.
has heightened the European threat The I2U2 signifies the increasing
perception vis-à-vis Russian expan- importance of mini-lateral initiatives
sionism and geopolitical ambitions and the continued significance of the
reviving the Cold War era transat- Middle East region in international
lantic consensus against Moscow. politics. The nascent quadrilateral
The return of Russia to the Middle grouping builds on the success
Eastern theatre as a de facto military of Abraham Accords to bring
power in Syria and the growing stra- together like-minded international
tegic relations between Russia and and regional powers within a geo-
Iran, and between China and Iran on economic framework to find solutions
the other hand, leaves enough room to problems of human security.
for speculations of the emergence of The I2U2 underlines a
a China–Russia–Iran alignment to convergence of interests between
challenge the US-led regional and India, Israel, the US and the UAE
international order. US President Joe Biden addresses at the first I2U2 (India-Israel-UAE-USA) leaders’ virtual combining their core strengths to
The parallel global and region- find innovative and unique solutions
al developments with US–China– summit, as Israel Prime Minister Yair Lapid listens, in July. (ANI) to economic and developmental
Russia and US–Israel–Iran tensions challenges. The focus is on bringing
mean that the launch of I2U2 has with regional countries, and there is a (FDI) in areas such as food security together US leadership, Israeli
been viewed from the geopolitical marked improvement in political and and clean energy. innovation, UAE’s financial clout
perspective of US reasserting its strategic relations with the region un- Additionally, the I2U2 signifies and Indian market and their
regional role in the Middle East. der Prime Minister Modi. While thus India’s growing strategic convergence collective entrepreneurial spirit to
Nonetheless, India remains cautious far, the focus in India was on boost- with the US, Israel and the UAE. In- address problems of water, food
of any such speculation because of its ing bilateral relations with individual do-US relations have improved sig- and health security, as well as poor
strong bilateral relations with both regional countries, the growing inter- nificantly in the past decade, both connectivity and need for clean
Russia and Iran. Hence, from New est in the region, together with the vi- because of the improved bilateral energy. Nonetheless, there are
Delhi’s point of view, the focus on tality of the Gulf and Middle East in relations as well as due to the conver- geopolitical challenges which would
geo-economics and human security international politics, energy security gence of interests in the Indo-Pacific. require deft handling by the partner
is the main glue for the I2U2. and maritime security in the western With Israel and the UAE too, India’s countries. Notwithstanding the
India has vital interests in the Indian Ocean mean that New Delhi relations have improved significant- challenges, the I2U2 is a promising
Gulf and Middle East. Nearly 8.5 is looking to broaden its regional en- ly over the past decade. This means initiative with immense potential for
million Indians reside in the GCC gagements. that New Delhi is more comfortable cross-regional cooperation, and if it
states and their safety and security The I2U2 signifies a gradual shift in joining forces with Washington, succeeds, can prove to be a template
is a priority for New Delhi. Besides, in India’s approach towards the Mid- Tel Aviv and Abu Dhabi to explore for future cooperation.
Indian expatriates in the Gulf con- dle East region. India’s foray into possibilities for geo-economic coop- Dr Md. Muddassir Quamar is
tributed nearly 30 per cent of the an- I2U2 underlines that there is a great- eration in the region. Associate Fellow at Manohar Parrikar
nual remittances received in India in er clarity in terms of the emerging There are, however, some pit- Institute for Defense Studies and
2020–21. India also depends on hy- contours of India’s approach towards falls. As noted earlier, India is unlike- Analyses, New Delhi
drocarbon imports from the region the Middle East with the objective ly to join any geopolitical alignment
for ensuring its energy security. There of greater cooperative engagements that can harm its interest vis-à-vis This is the abridged version of
are also strong business, trade and in- with strategic partners for advance- Iran and Russia. India has invested in the Introduction of the book which
vestment relations with the regional ment of human security. India is the development of Shahid Beheshti appeared first in the Comment
countries, especially the GCC states. also looking to capitalize on the new Port in Chabhar in southeast Iran as section of the website ( of
Over the years, India has gradually mini-lateral initiative to bring unique an alternative connectivity route to Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defense
strengthened its diplomatic, politi- scientific and technological solutions Afghanistan and Central Asia and Studies and Analyses, New Delhi on
cal, economic and security relations along with foreign direct investments has close connectivity and arms trade September 3, 2022