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BIG STORY SEPTEMBER 09, 2022 | The Indian Eye 4
Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurates the revamped ‘Kartavya Path’ at the India Gate
in New Delhi and asks citizens to visit the landmark place. How has the revamped Central
Vista become the symbol of development in New India?
New Delhi
s a part of the Central Vista
redevelopment project, Prime
AMinister Narendra Modi in-
augurated the ‘Kartavya Path’ at In-
dia Gate on Thursday. Before the
inauguration, Modi interacted with
the workers who were involved in
the redevelopment project and told
them that he will invite all of them
who worked on the Central Vista
redevelopment project for the Janu-
ary 26 Republic Day parade. He also
witnessed an exhibition on revamped
Central Vista Avenue.
Modi also unveiled a grand stat-
ue of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose
near India Gate. The jet-black gran-
ite statue, with a height of 28 feet
will be placed under the Canopy
near India Gate. According to Prime
Minister’s Office (PMO), the move
symbolizes a shift from the erstwhile
Rajpath being an icon of power to
the ‘Kartavya Path’ being an example
of public ownership and empower-
ment. “These steps are in line with
Prime Minister’s second Panch Pran
for New India in Amrit Kaal: remove
any trace of the colonial mindset,”
said a PMO statement.
Over the years, Rajpath and ad-
joining areas of Central Vista Ave-
nue had been witnessing pressure of
increasing traffic of visitors, putting
stress on its infrastructure. The PMO Narendra Modi at the inauguration of the ‘Kartavya Path’ in New Delhi on Thursday (ANI/PIB)
said that it lacked basic amenities like
public toilets, drinking water, street Kartavya Path. Symbol of colonial- adding new colors to the picture of Subhas Chandra Bose has also been
furniture and adequate parking ism ‘Kingsway’ will be history and tomorrow. Today this new aura is vis- installed near India Gate. At the time
space. Further, there was inadequate has been erased forever. I congratu- ible everywhere, it is the aura of con- of slavery, he said there was a statue
signage, poor maintenance of water late all the people of the country as fidence of New India,” he said. of the representative of the British
features and haphazard parking. we come out from another symbol of The Prime Minister said Ra- Raj. He said, “Kartavya Path is not
Inaugurating the ‘Kartavya colonialism,” he said. jpath was also a symbol of slavery just a road of bricks and stones. It is
Path’, Modi on Thursday said a new He said in the Amrit Mahotsav and its structure was also a symbol a living example of India’s democrat-
era has begun in the form of Kartavya of Independence, the country has of slavery. “Today its architecture has ic past and all-time ideals. When the
Path that will consign the symbol of got new inspiration and new energy. also changed and its spirit has also people of the country come here, the
colonialism ‘Kingsway’ to history. “Today we are filling the picture of changed,” PM stated. statue of Netaji, the National War
“A new era has begun in the form of tomorrow, leaving behind the past, Modi said a huge statue of Netaji Continued at next page... >>