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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline SEPTEMBER 08, 2023 | The Indian Eye 33
Mike Lerner and Odessa Rae to delve deep into stars Devery Jacobs, Evan Rachel Wood, Shannyn • Sept. 13 at 6:15 PM: Scotiabank Theatre
Ukraine’s defense as key figures in administration Sossamon, Kudakwashe Rutendo, Thomas An- BLOOM BY CASEY
fight against the Russian invasion by combatting thony Olajide, and Wendy Crewson. Bloom explores a heartbroken Laurel’s
disinformation. The film follows Ukraine’s For- PUBLIC SCREENINGS: strange connection with a houseplant. Written
eign Minister Dmytro Kuleba as he engages in and directed by Kasey Lum and starring Jodi Bal-
shuttle diplomacy with Washington and Europe, • Sept. 08 at 8:30 PM: TIFF Bell Lightbox four, the film explores the interconnectedness of
working persistently to regain lost territory includ- • Sept 11 at 3:00 PM: TIFF Bell Lightbox humans and nature.
ing Crimea. The film further features peace ne- • Sept. 15 at 9:45 PM: Scotiabank Theatre • Public Screenings:
gotiator Rustem Umerov and Minister of Digital I DON’T KNOW WHO YOU ARE • Sept. 8 at 6:50 PM: Scotiabank Theatre
Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov, thus offering Directed by M.H. Murray and co-written by • Sept. 12 at 11:30 AM: Scotiabank Theatre
a range of perspectives on Ukraine’s struggle.
Murray and Mark Clennon, I Don’t Know Who
PUBLIC SCREENINGS: You Are delves into the story of a Toronto musician EXPRESS BY IVAN D. OSSA
who spends the weekend trying to arrange money Directed by Ivan D. Ossa, Express revolves
• Sept. 9 at 6:20 PM: Scotiabank Theatre for HIV-preventive treatment after being sexually around a determined young man who encoun-
• Sept. 10 at 3:05 PM: Scotiabank Theatre assaulted. The film sheds light on the difficulties of ters challenging revelations as he anticipates im-
SORRY/NOT SORRY merely surviving in Toronto without money or status. portant news. The film stars Joshua Obra, Martin
Sorry/Not Sorry focuses on women who ac- This is Mark Clennon’s debut feature, and he has Marticorena, Isaiah Peck, and Rebecca Ablack.
cused Louis C.K. of sexual harassment and the also served as the film’s producer and story editor. PUBLIC SCREENINGS:
consequences to their career The film stars Mark Clennon, Nat Manuel, Anthony
Directed by Caroline Suh and Cara Mones, Diaz, Deragh Campbell, Victoria Long, and others. • Sept. 10 at 9:15 PM: Scotiabank Theatre
this documentary aims to re-examine the case of PUBLIC SCREENINGS: • Sept. 14 at 9:00 PM: Scotiabank Theatre
comedian Louis C.K., who was accused of sexual METEOR
harassment by multiple women in 2017. The doc- • Sept. 7 at 9:30 PM: TIFF Bell Lightbox Directed by Atefeh Khademolreza, the
umentary features in-depth interviews with some • Sept. 8 at 10:00 PM: TIFF Bell Lightbox Persian film recognizes and retaliates against
of the prominent women accusers of Louis C.K. THE QUEEN OF MY DREAMS - PAKISTANI the oppression experienced by women and the
and reveals the unseen consequences of speaking Written and directed by Fawzia Mirza, the LGBTQ+ community in Iran.
against the comedian, who sold out shows soon film explores a Pakistani woman’s life as a resident • Public Screenings:
after these accusations came to light. The movie of Toronto and her relationship with her mother • Sept. 07 at 8:45 PM: Scotiabank Theatre
investigates C.K.’s downfall and eventual come- with a dash of Bollywood cinematic flare. The en- • Sept. 14 at 6:15 PM: Scotiabank Theatre
back, promising to push viewers into evaluating semble cast includes Amrit Kaur, Nimra Bucha,
their belief systems by asking pointed questions Hamza Haq, Gul e Rana, Ali A. Kazmi, Meher MOTHERLAND BY JASMINE
to the parties involved about their own complicity.
Jaffri, Bakhtawar Mazhar, and Adnan Jaffar. Re- Centralizing a man’s life whose struggles are
PUBLIC SCREENINGS: sult of a unique cross-border collaboration, the aggravated when his personal crises intersect with
film brings together Pakistani producers Kamil his identity as an Iranian in America amidst so-
• Sept.10 at 9:30 PM: Scotiabank Theatre Chima and Carol Noronha with their Canadian cio-political tensions circa 1979, Motherland is
• Sept. 12 at 7:35 PM: Scotiabank Theatre counterparts Jason Levangie, Marc Tetreault, and directed by Jasmin Mozaffari and stars Behtash
• Sept. 17 at 2:45 PM: Scotiabank Theatre Andria Wilson Mirza. Fazlali, Oriana Leman, and John Ralston.
Morocco/Egypt/Saudi Arabia/Qatar Sept. 8 at 9:30 PM: TIFF Bell Lightbox • Sept. 12 at 6:45 PM: Scotiabank Theatre
North American Premier Sept. 9 at 7:30 PM: Scotiabank Theatre • Sept. 16 at 6:15 PM: Scotiabank Theatre
Moroccan filmmaker Asmae El Moudir uses AFTERCARE BY ANUBHA MOMIN REDLIGHTS
storytelling in The Mother of All Lies to uncover A short film centred around an Inuk woman Eva Thomas’ Redlights features Kaniehtiio
her family’s past. The film that will have its North and her struggle to hide a tattoo reminiscent of Horn and Ellyn Jade in primary roles as two in-
American Premiere at TIFF 2023 tells the story of a dark past, Aftercare is written and directed by digenous women whose evening takes an ominous
the filmmaker as she constructs a scale model of Anubha Momin and stars Sofia Banzhaf and Mai- turn.
their Casablanca street with help from her father ka Harper. PUBLIC SCREENINGS:
and gathers her family for a group therapy ses- PUBLIC SCREENINGS:
sion to explore the mentalities of her mother and • Sept. 8 at 6:50 PM: Scotiabank Theatre
grandmother while recreating the Bread Riots of • Sept. 9 at 6:45 PM: Scotiabank Theatre • Sept. 12 at 1:30 AM: Scotiabank Theatre
1981, a pivotal moment in her neighbourhood’s
history. El Moudir’s innovative approach testi-
fies to the power of art in confronting suppressed
memories and untold stories, further shedding
light on the complexities of personal and collec-
tive histories.
• Sept. 14 at 5:30 PM: TIFF Bellbox
• Sept. 15 at 2:50 PM: Scotiabank Theatre
D.W. Waterson’s feature directorial debut
Backspot offers a refreshing take on cheerleader
movies, delving into the ambition and drive be-
hind the phony smiles of young athletes. The film