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NA Newsline - Opinion SEPTEMBER 08, 2023 | The Indian Eye 30
He is a Republican candidate with 360-degree potential to lead our nation
and the thick skin to fight back with
clarity and additional facts to handle
any situation. Starting with racism,
which I believe will not affect him.
His roots are from the nation of
a man who got kicked with a boot on
his face in South Africa, the founder
of “Nonviolence, “Mahatma Gand-
hi. “Historical royalty for positive
change in a modern world. Improve-
ments to humankind, philanthropy,
and service.
Ramaswamy is also comical,
lightening tough crucial conversa-
tions. When former NJ Governor
Chris Christie called him ChatGPT,
the comment in return was a smug,
By TOM GEORGE KOLATH “Gimme a hug just like you did to
Obama, and you’ll help elect me just
o you know Republican can- like you did to Obama.” A country
didate Vivek Ramaswamy? like America needs a good leader
DThe most remarkable thing with resilience and a sense of humor.
for me is how he has popped up on What I have seen so far gives me
the scene in the same way as former great confidence that he will revive
President Barack Obama, as some America. Initially, he wanted to run
have chuckled, also with a funny only for President. Still, right now,
name. I never thought someone he agreed that he also enthusiasti-
would parallel that trajectory again. cally raised his hand in the debate
I recall how Obama came before with the willingness to work under Still, I found a great leader in him, execute effectively in a bipartisan
former first-lady Hillary Clinton as Trump as his Vice President. That is a young man with a vision for Amer- way. It won’t be a slam dunk, but his
a “Rookie.” the spirit of patriotism and respect ica. The presidential hopeful’s fami- opponents will not take his politi-
Polished and poignant, debunk- for the Republican party and former ly is from Palakkad, India. A region cal smashes. He is standing firm for
ing what pollers at the time had ral- President Trump. about a 15-minute drive from my America! When a news anchor asked
lied behind her platform, differenti- If elected President, he would in- place in Kerala, India, I am con- him what he would do in Ukraine, he
ating himself as a stronger candidate. vite Elon to his advisory committee. nected with his heritage and relish responded that protecting Ukrainian
Doing so naturally and convincingly There is more than talk and attitude; his character, accomplishments, and and Russian borders is crucial.
is unquestionably a remarkable ora- he has a respected educational pedi- drive. Still, his priority is to protect
tor like Vivek Ramaswamy. gree with degrees from Harvard and When all the other panels at- American borders. He is not a super
While I would not contend Yale. Thanks to Harvard and Yale tacked him at the debate, he always PAC puppet. Open borders means
that Obama’s leadership improved University for molding this vibrant, maintained a calm smile. A qualify- no borders. This dynamic orator
the country, he effectively sold his fearless young man for America. ing test on how he would handle for- emphasizes faith, family, and pa-
oratory skills to Americans. This He is coupled with business success eign policy situations, calm and com- triotism. While Hindu, he stresses
is where I draw the comparison to as an entrepreneur. It was reported posed. A parallel to what I believe to that he respects and shares the same
these two. What appears to be the to have had a net worth of around be Trump’s best quality is making en- “Judeo-Christian values” that our
dynamic winning potential and $15M before graduating from Yale emies with his friends, for example, founding fathers built America and
worth backing Vivek Ramaswamy Law School. This is evident in his South Korea’s Kim Jun and Rus- has inclusive messages for all in this
as our candidate? skills and guts to tackle any challeng- sian President Putin, and aiming to great nation. Ramaswamy’s ideas
Outside of being a great ora- es. Ramaswamy’s respect further bridge rivalries between the Middle are practical, not outlandish, and
tor, the other comparison would be moves me for President Trump. East and Israel. Vivek Ramaswamy will excel within the president’s pow-
sharply different in comparing Ra- Adding a more personal con- is competent to continue improving ers, proving naysayers wrong.
maswamy to Obama, a quip with the nection, I am not supporting Vivek global relations between adversaries.
former President being more like a because he is of Indian descent or Put your eyes on Vivek Ra- The views are personal and
middle school student. Vivek’s po- brown skin, from his roots in Palak- maswamy. He has that fire and vi- do not reflect the editorial position of
tential is that he has a silver tongue kad, or a billionaire businessman. sion. To make good decisions and The Indian Eye