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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           SEPTEMBER 08, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 29

         Mahamahopadhyay Swami Bhadreshdasji

                                             Honored at Malibu

        OUR BUREAU
        Malibu, CA
              APS Shri Swãminãrayan Mandir in Chino
              Hills partnered with the Malibu Hindu Tem-
        Bple for ‘Hindu Hriday Milan.’ This event was
        graced by Pujya Swami’s of BAPS including BAPS
        Scholar Mahamahopadhyaya Bhadreshdas Swami
        and Pujya Munivatsaldas Swami, Administrative
        Head of Swaminarayan Akshardham, New Delhi.
            As the current spiritual head of BAPS, His Ho-
        liness Mahant Swami Maharaj has said, “In the spir-
        it of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam - let us extend circle
        of global harmony.” With that in mind, hundreds
        of devotees, well-wishers and community members
        gathered at the Malibu Hindu Temple. The event
        started with kirtan-bhakti and prayers. Then, tem-
        ple priests and trustees welcomed Mahamahopad-
        hyaya Bhadreshdas Swami and other BAPS Swa-
        mis with traditional Vedic mantras and traditions.
            Pujya Munivatsaldas Swami talked about the
        importance to continue to keep the flame of Hin-  Hindu traditions of food, clothing, language and   Swãmi Bhadreshdasji with a CA State Assembley
        du traditions, festivals and culture ignited across   faith. He stressed the importance of parents pass-  Certificate  of  Recognition  celebrating  Swami’s
        the world. He talked about the historic role that   ing on the history, culture and traditions to the   scholarly achievements and BAPS’ important role
        mandirs continue to play as centers of the commu-  next generation and to study the Hindu scriptures   in serving society. He requested various communi-
        nity and beacons of Hindu identity. As the adminis-  as a means to understanding all aspects of life, liv-  ty leaders Sunil Agrawal, Sampath Kumar, Kanak-
        trative head of Swaminarayan Akshardham in New   ing and beyond.                           sinh Zala, Raman Chaddha, Manohar Chopra &
        Delhi,  Pujya  Munivatsaldas  Swami  shared  with   He offered gratitude on behalf of BAPS to Mr.  Govind Vagashia to join in presenting the honor.
        audience the impact of such visionary complexes   Nadadur Sampath Kumarji, President of the Mal-  After the assembly, Mahamahopadhyaya
        on many people, including heads of state, govern-  ibu Hindu Temple.                       Bhadreshdas Swami and BAPS Swamis offered
        ment  officials,  guests  and  community  members.   Mr. Rajendra Vora - International Vice Pres-  prayers to all of the deities at the Malibu Hin-
            Mahamahopadhyaya Bhadreshdas Swami        ident of JSGIF as well as Founder & President   du Temple and prayed for continued harmony
        then emphasized the importance of preserving   of the Jain Social Group Beverly Hills presented   amongst all people and community members.

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