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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           SEPTEMBER 08, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 24

               Global Indian Council celebrates

            Independence Day with success of

                                Chandrayaan-3 mission

        Las Vegas, NV
              he Independence Day celebration of the
              Global Indian Council was held on August
        T26, 2023 on a Zoom platform comprising
        leaders from across the world. It was a great meet-
        ing with lasting excitement of Chandrayaan-3 victo-
        ry that took place during the time frame just after
        the 76th Independence Day celebration.  Global
        Indian Council President PC Mathew presided
        over the meeting and Global General Secretary de-
        livered a detailed welcome speech. Dr. Gopinath
        Muthukad as the Chief Guest and Dr. Jija Madha-
        van Hari Singh IPS, Rtd. (Global Goodwill Ambas-
        sador of GIC) graced the event with their valuable

        The meeting began with the American Na-
        tional Anthem followed by the Indian Na-

        tional  Anthem by Kumari  Krystal Shajan
        (New York) and popular TV Serial singers     in our independence on August 15, 1947. Con-  NY Chapter President Dr. Anil Paulose, Kallikkad
        Aditi & Ananya from Kerala.                  gratulations to ISRO for reaching new heights in   Babu Brand Ambassador and Rep from Thiruva-
                                                     space exploration. In conclusion, as we celebrate   nanthapuram (South Kerala Chapter), Dr. Deepa
            Global Treasurer Dr. Tara Shajan and Preethy   India’s Independence Day and the remarkable   Mohandas  (Canada),  Women’s  Empowerment
        Pinadath (Secretary Austin Chapter) along with   Chandrayaan-3, let us remember that our heritage   Chair Sosamma Andrews, Dr. Alice Mathew (Las
        Ms. Neha Biju from the London, Ontario chapter   is a source of strength, our diversity is a source of   Vegas), Chairman of Health & Wellness Dr. Jacob
        of Canada took control of the entire meeting pro-  unity, and our dreams are a source of inspiration.   Eapen and Co-Chairperson Mrs. Usha George,
        fessionally.                                 Together, as a global Indian community, we can   Cinema & Visual media Red Carpet: Komal Kha-
            Chief guest Dr. Gopinathan Mudukad, the   continue to reach for the stars and achieve great-  tri, Sunil Hali, Trilok Malik, Vani Madula, Global
        world-famous Magician who turned into a Philan-  ness,” she said.                          Business CoE Co-Chairperson Elizabeth Paulose,
        thropist expressed his happiness and endorsed the   Dr. Tara Shajan introduced Chief Guest Dr.   Arts & Culture: Minku Buttar talked to the au-
        achievement  of  the  Chandrayaan-3  mission  and   Gopinath Muthukad while Komal Khatri intro-  dience in brief their appreciation of India’s great
        the achievement of India from its independence in   duced Dr. Jija Madavan Hari Singh IPS.  Adv.Dr.   achievement of Chandrayaan-3 victory.
        1947. He stated that Independence is complete in   Yamini Rajesh introduced the singers Aditi and   Brand Ambassadors Santy Mathew, Supreme
        its entirety when all the humans around are also   Ananya who entertained the audience with beau-  Court of India Adv. Jose Abraham, Chairman of
        independent in all aspects. He mentioned the dif-  tiful songs.                            Marginalized CoE Dr. Narayan Kutty, Adv. Susan
        ferently abled population of India who are still not   Global Cabinet Members, Center of Excel-  Mathew, Shivkumar, and many delegates were at-
        recognized by the world community.           lence Chairs, Co-Chairs, Brand Ambassadors, and   tendees of the celebration.
            Global Goodwill Ambassador of GIC, Jija   Chapter Representatives spoke words of exalta-  Pravasi Conclave Director Board Member
        Madavan Hari Singh IPS, former DGP of Karna-  tion and appreciation for Chandrayaan-3 victory.  and one of the Senior Community leaders from the
        taka on her Independence Massage emphasized      Global VP Prof. Joy Pallattumadom, Asso-  USA, Alex Koshy Vilanilam expressed congratula-
        that it is an honor to come before the GIC commu-  ciate Secretary Adv. Dr. Yamini Rajesh, Media   tions and wishes for the Global Indian Council and
        nity. She continued in her detailed and eloquent   Chair Dr. Mathew Joys, Associate Treasurer Tom   its mission.
        message. “Today, we come together in excitement,   George Kolath, etc.PRO Adv. Seema Balasubra-  Global Associate Treasurer Tom George Ko-
        not only to celebrate our cherished Independence   manian (Australia) highlighted India’s achieve-  lath delivered the formal vote of thanks expressing
        Day but also to commemorate a remarkable mile-  ments from the day of Independence on August   his overwhelming emotion to the Chief Guests, the
        stone in our nation’s history “Chandrayaan 3”, the   15, 1947, and expressed their overwhelming happi-  main speaker, and the global leadership of GIC.
        Indian Moon Mission. As we unfurl the tricolor   ness about the success of Chandrayaan 3 and the   He emphasized his gratitude on behalf of GIC to
        flag  of  India,  we  are  reminded  of  the  sacrifices,   Celebration of Independence Day.  every participant for their time and effort to make
        struggles, and indomitable spirit that culminated   African Chapter President Dr. Mohan Lumba,   the event a grand success.

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