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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline SEPTEMBER 08, 2023 | The Indian Eye 20
Badshah Masala & Real Juice, a Dabur
Enterprise shines at India Day Parade in NY
Authentic Indian Kitchen float with the iconic ‘Swad Sugandh Ka Raja’ Jingle steals the Parade’s Spotlight
OUR BUREAU art, music, dance and several other
cultural anchors. The iconic “Swad
New York, NY
Suganda Ka Raja” song added a his-
he iconic Indian superstar, torical touch, evoking nostalgia tied
who made the nation gyrate to the essence of Badshah Masalas.
Tin the blockbuster Pushpa – The event gained even more ex-
Samantha Prabhu, the global Indian citement through an exclusive Pani
Guru of the ‘Art of Living’ fame Sri Puri (Gol Gappas) competition.
Sri Ravishnkar and the Hindi film The love for this quintessential In-
star Jacqueline Fernandez were the dian street food was made evident
big superstar attractions at the 41st by several participants who entered
India Day Parade but there was an- the competition. The winners of the
other iconic Indian entity which won Pani Puri (Gol Gappas) competition
hearts of the diaspora with its heart- were presented with cash prizes and
warming presence. Badshah Masala gift hampers. This
Badshah Masala, a Dabur En- harmonious blend of culture, melo-
terprise, unite at New York’s In- dy, and spirited competition created
dia Day Parade in association with a memorable experience and put a
Federation of Indian Association to smile on everyone’s face.
bring the authentic taste of home to Rakesh Sareen, Sales Head
the streets of New York city. This re- North America, Dabur Internation-
markable event unveiled an authen- al Ltd, stated, “At Dabur, our ethos nerships with brands like Dabur en- diversity, and we are committed to
tic Indian kitchen float, brimming has always been to serve our commu- hance our ability to bring the authen- promoting it worldwide through our
with vibrant Badshah Masala spices, nities, no matter where they reside. tic taste of India to audiences beyond unswerving efforts”.
embodying their legacy of exquisite And on India’s 77th Independence its borders. This event garnered Boasting 1,00,000+ attendees,
flavors. In addition, Dabur Real Day, we congratulate all American tremendous support from proud In- including celebrated names like Sri
Juice added a punch of freshness and Indians, who continue to add to the dians and our fellow New Yorkers, Sri Ravi Shankar, Jacqueline Fer-
fruitiness to the occasion. economic and cultural fiber of the underscoring the success of our asso- nandes and Samantha Prabhu at the
The Dabur Badshah Masala country. This is our first year part- ciation with Dabur. We eagerly antic- event garnered huge support from
float was not just a visual spectacle, nering with Federation of Indian As- ipate a lasting partnership.” New Yorkers which fortified this dy-
but an ode to India’s rich cultural and sociations for the India Parade and Manish Tiwari, Founder & Di- namic gathering, epitomizing unity,
culinary diversity. Dancers repre- it gives us immense joy that through rector of HereandNow Infinity said, and cultural appreciation.
senting the dance forms from North, this platform we have been able to “As we reflect this parade, it signifies Amid sun-soaked streets filled
East, West and South of India ac- bring the flavors of home closer to the vibrant tapestry of the Indian di- with joy, the parade served as a pro-
companied the float highlighting that our consumers”. aspora and their significant impact found testament to harmonious con-
India is a country which brings peo- Speaking on this association, on American society, economy, and vergence, etching enduring and cap-
ple together through food, flavors, Kenny, President FIA said, “Part- culture. Multiculturalism thrives on tivating memories.