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North                       The Indian Eye


         18                                                                                                           SEPTEMBER 08, 2023

         Muslim Call of Prayer “Azan” approved

                   in New York City by Mayor Adams

        OUR BUREAU                        clearly that mosques and houses of
                                          worship are free to amplify their call
        NEW YORK, NY
                                          to prayer on Fridays and during Ra-
               ew York City Mayor Eric    madan without a permit necessary.
              Adams and New York City     We want our brothers and sisters of
        NPolice  Department  (NYPD)       Muslim faith to know that they are
        Commissioner Edward A. Caban      free to live their faith in New York
        have  launched  a  new  NYPD initia-  City because, under the law, we will all
        tive to support and facilitate the Is-  be treated equally. Our administra-
        lamic call to public prayer at regular-  tion is proud to finally get this done.”
        ly prescribed times each Friday and   “This important work, being led
        during the holy month of Ramadan.  by our NYPD Community Affairs
        The effort represents a historic step   Bureau, is a fundamental service to
        forward in Mayor Adams’ continued   the ideas of religious freedom, un-
        efforts to foster a city that respects all   derstanding, and sustained peace
        faiths and allows people to practice   and prosperity for all,” said NYPD
        their traditions safely and free from   Commissioner Caban. “Our hard-
        harassment.                       working police officers know that our   vance that arrives in the ninth month   and peaceful reminder to take a mo-
            The Azan, also spelled Adhan, is   diversity — our rich blend of varying   of the Islamic calendar.  ment and appreciate what you have,”
        a succinct message — usually broad-  backgrounds and experiences — is   The NYPD Community Affairs    said Imam Abdullah Salem, Muslim
        cast publicly over the speakers or   what often makes us stronger. The   Bureau and Muslim faith leaders will   Community Center of Brooklyn. “I
        public address system of a house of   NYPD’s proud embrace of this idea   work collaboratively in every neigh-  am so grateful to be able to hear it
        worship — summoning members       is at the heart of our robust commu-  borhood with mosques and masjids   again here in my own city.”
        of the Muslim faith for prayer. The   nity  outreach,  our  crime-fighting  ef-  to communicate the new plans for   “As a principal of an Islamic
        NYPD’s new legal guidance clarifies   forts, and our ongoing public safety  Adhan to local community leaders   school, I see my students struggling
        for mosques and masjids that the call   mission.”                   and stakeholders. They will work to   to maintain their identity as a Muslim.
        to prayer is allowed in New York City   Under  the  new  guidance,  a   ensure that any sound device used   Many are afraid to share it, and the
        and not prohibited despite sound re-  mosque or masjid can broadcast   to broadcast an Adhan is set at ap-  rest are hesitant,” said Somaia Fero-
        strictions in city neighborhoods.  the call to prayer every Friday be-  propriate decibel levels and in accor-  zi, principal, Ideal Islamic School.
           “For too long, there has been a   tween 12:30 PM and 1:30 PM as well   dance with the rules of the noise code  “For them to hear the call of prayer
        feeling that our communities were   as during the sunset prayers every   within the city’s administrative code.  in public during our holiest days will
        not allowed to amplify their calls to   evening during Ramadan — a holy,   “As someone who grew up in   affirm to them that this is their city,
        prayer,” said Mayor Adams. “Today,  month-long period of fasting, prayer,  Egypt and hearing the call of prayer   and they have the right to worship
        we are cutting red tape and saying   reflection,  and  community  obser-  my entire life, I truly missed its beauty   like everyone else.”

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