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COMMUNITY OP-ED                                                   SEPTEMBER 08, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 14

                                                  LABOR DAY:

          A celebration of working people and

                      the unions that support them

                               Labor Day celebrates those landmark achievements

                     and the people who continue to fight for workers and their rights

                   ERIC ADAMS                  New York City is America’s largest union town, and union solidarity is what makes so many American Dreams possible (File photo)

        ERIC ADAMS                        roof over our heads.              the private-sector jobs lost during   city’s prosperity, and as more asy-
                                              Now that I am in City Hall, our   the pandemic. And we are focused   lum seekers continue to arrive, we
               ere in New York City, the   administration is working hard to   on creating more jobs than ever be-  want to make sure they are getting
               three-day Labor Day week-  create jobs, support labor unions,  fore — jobs you can build your life   an opportunity  to support them-
        Hend marks the beginning of       and ensure that working people get   around, and you can build our city   selves and integrate into our soci-
        a new year in many ways. Many of   the wages, rights, and benefits they   and our economy around.     ety. That is why we continue to call
        us are enjoying the last days of sum-  deserve. We have actively worked   We’re bringing jobs directly to   for work authorization for asylum
        mer, traveling or spending time with   to promote a Working People’s   the  people  by  creating  the  Office   seekers, who have so much to con-
        friends and family, and our children   Agenda that calls for investments in   of Community Hiring. Community   tribute to our economy, and who
        are getting ready to return to school.  housing, job training, and education   hiring will use the city’s immense   can help fill the jobs New Yorkers
            This chance to relax and recharge   — as well as support for those who   purchasing power to create a more   do not want.
        is possible thanks to the American   serve our city every day.      equitable economy by ensuring         We have thousands of unfilled
        labor movement, whose members         I am proud our administration   that  contractors  who  benefit  from   jobs right here in New York City,
        fought for so many workplace bene-  has actively worked to support our   the city’s spending to hire from of-  including openings in manufactur-
        fits that we now take for granted —   municipal unions, reaching land-  ten-overlooked communities. Once   ing,  food  service,  home  care,  and
        from basic safety protections to the   mark contract agreements with   fully  implemented,  community  transportation. And, just as so
        40-hour workweek. Labor Day cele-  the  Uniformed  Officers  Coalition,  hiring has the potential to create   many previous immigrants did, we
        brates those landmark achievements   a group that includes the NYPD,  186,000 jobs for economically disad-  must help new arrivals get a job
        and the people who continue to fight   FDNY, DSNY, and the Department   vantaged workers and residents over   and do their part of pursuing the
        for workers and their rights.     of Corrections. We also reached new   the next five years.          American Dream.
            As New York City’s blue-col-  and improved labor contracts with     We have also launched a num-      New York City is America’s
        lar mayor, I have stood shoulder to   the United Federation of Teachers,  ber of new jobs training programs,  largest union town, and union soli-
        shoulder with working people all my   PBA, and DC 37, New York City’s   including New York City PINCC,  darity is what makes so many Amer-
        life. As a former union member and   largest public sector union. All of   or Pathways to Industrial and Con-  ican Dreams possible. As a proud
        the son of a union member, I’ve ex-  these labor agreements support the   struction Careers. This program   supporter of workers from all walks
        perienced  firsthand  the  transforma-  thousands of New York City work-  would train and place over 2,000   of life, I’ll continue to fight for the
        tive power of labor organizing. Being   ers who support us — and keep us   New Yorkers into high-wage, ca-  same things the unions do: fairer
        part of a union was what allowed my   the greatest city in the world.  reer-track jobs in the construction,  wages, better benefits, and a higher
        mother — a single mom raising her     Our economy continues to      transportation, and utility sectors   quality of life. Happy Labor Day!
        six children in a modest home — to   show record growth and recovery.  over the next three years.               Eric Adams is
        provide for our family and keep a   In fact, we have recovered 99% of   Workers are the bedrock of our   the Mayor of New York City, NY

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