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OPINION SEPTEMBER 08, 2023 | The Indian Eye 10
BRICS: 15th Summit,
Expansion and Beyond
The 2023 summit explored the BRICS’ expansion, with over 40 countries
expressing interest and 23 formally applying for membership
RAJEESH KUMAR Leaders of BRICS nations including Prime Minister Narendra Modi and friendly nations ing introducing a BRICS currency.
gather for a family photo in Johannesburg (ANI) During the preparations of the meet-
he 15th BRICS Summit took ing, Putin’s potential visit to South
place in Johannesburg, South Africa posed a diplomatic and legal
TAfrica, from 22 to 24 August individuals in population. In contrast, address global challenges, promote predicament for the host nation due
the remaining three countries within
inclusive growth, and strengthen
2023, with the theme ‘BRICS and the BRICS collectively accounted for geopolitical ties. Each member’s to the International Criminal Court
Africa: Partnership for Growth, De- just under 420 million people. unique perspective bolsters the sum- (ICC) order. However, after the ini-
velopment, and Inclusive Multilat- Over two decades, the BRICS mit’s impact on global policies. Key tial confusion, Putin decided to skip
eralism’. The first in-person BRICS countries steadily increased their to the summit is bolstering member the annual summit and announced
meeting after COVID-19 was a pivot- share of the world’s GDP (Nominal), cooperation. Leaders engage on se- that he would participate virtually.
al event, amplified by global geopolit- from 11.74 per cent in 2000 to 17.95 curity, trade, tech, and development. The view that Putin’s absence
ical tensions, post-pandemic recovery per cent in 2010 and 26 per cent in Economic collaboration is central, signals a crack within BRICS stems
challenges, and controversies sur- 2022. Today, BRICS nations collec- given their sizable population and from the notion that it diminishes
rounding Russian President Vladimir tively contribute 31.5 per cent of the economies. Joint initiatives focus on Russia’s global influence and ham-
Putin’s absence in Johannesburg. global GDP (PPP), surpassing the balanced global economics. The sum- pers its diplomatic engagements, in-
The event gained exceptional sig- dicating a shrinking sphere in global
nificance for the BRICS as it played G7’s 30 per cent share. Projections mit empowers emerging economies politics. However, on the other hand,
suggest that by 2028, the BRICS’ con-
to assert international influence and
a decisive role in shaping the group’s tribution to global GDP will exceed present alternative views. Putin’s absence also underscores the
future trajectory, including the deci- 50 per cent, further underlining their The 15th Summit centered maturity of the BRICS as a group. His
sion on expansion. growing economic significance. around the ‘BRICS and Africa’ participation could have significantly
The Summit decided to invite diverted the Summit’s focus. Conse-
In the trade domain, BRICS
Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, economies collectively represent 18 theme, focusing on five key priorities. quently, his non-attendance enabled
These included fostering partner-
Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab per cent of global exports, and their ships for an equitable, just transition; BRICS to focus on central agenda
Emirates (UAE) as new members of share is progressively increasing. The reshaping education and skills devel- items and emerging global concerns.
the group. This Brief critically analy- growth rate of intra-BRICS exports opment for the future; harnessing
ses the outcomes and deliberations of surpasses the global average, indicat- opportunities through the African BRICS Expansion
the summit while contextualizing the ing fruitful economic cooperation. Continental Free Trade Area; bol- he idea of expansion traces
significance of the BRICS within the This has contributed to the gradual stering post-pandemic economic re- back to 2013 when the South
broader framework of the evolving rise in intra-BRICS investment, albeit covery alongside the 2030 agenda; TAfrican Presidency invited the
world order.
at a moderate pace. and strengthening multilateralism. African Union (AU), marking early
BRICS in Numbers The summit is pivotal in advancing outreach efforts. Later in 2017, China
cooperation between the BRICS na-
introduced the ‘BRICS Plus’ concept,
n 2022, the BRICS countries were 15th Summit in South Africa tions and the Global South, particu- signalling openness. In 2022, BRICS
home to a combined population he annual BRICS Summit larly with African nations. agreed to admit new members and
Iof approximately 3.24 billion, rep- fosters dialogue on strate- The 15th summit garnered atten- subsequently, Iran and Argentina ap-
resenting over 40 per cent of the glob- Tgic, economic, and global tion due to several factors, including plied for membership. However, the
al population. Notably, the major con- matters among nations of diverse President Putin’s absence, delibera- inherent complexities surfaced due to
tributors to this staggering figure were backgrounds. The summit aims to tions surrounding the expansion of a lack of clarity surrounding the crite-
China and India, surpassing 1.4 billion enhance cooperation, in order to the BRICS, and speculations regard- Continued on next page... >>