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NATION SEPTEMBER 08, 2023 | The Indian Eye 6
Delhi abuzz with rumors of
snap elections as Modi Govt. calls
Special Session of Parliament
BJP government may put forth its achievements and explain to the people the need to
hold snap polls along with state elections that are scheduled to be held this year
Johannesburg (South Africa)
n a surprise move by a tweet on
Thursday Parliamentary Affairs
IMinister Pralhad Joshi called for a
five-day special session of Parliament
from September 18th to the 22nd.
The agenda for this special session,
however, was not revealed.
“Special Session of Parliament
(13th Session of 17th Lok Sabha and
261st Session of Rajya Sabha) is being
called from 18th to 22nd September
having 5 sittings. Amid Amrit Kaal
looking forward to have fruitful dis-
cussions and debate in Parliament,”
tweeted Joshi.
Soon after the announcement
was made speculations on the agenda
for the five-day session began to circu-
late. One of the agenda items specu-
lated upon was dissolving the current
Parliament and announcement of ear-
ly Lok Sabha elections. Union Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pralhad Joshi tweeted this picture showing the old and the new parliament buildings
This decision, however, can be as a special session (the 13th Session of the 17th Lok Sabha and the 261st Session of the Rajya Sabha) to be called in Parliament from
brought about by a cabinet decision
and therefore convening a special sit- September 18th–22nd, which will have five sittings, in New Delhi on Thursday (ANI)
ting of Parliament if early Lok Sabha
elections was indeed the agenda, was under the second term of PM Modi cial session. ment over fresh allegations concern-
not a requirement. coined as ‘Amrit Kaal’, a term used After the Modi government ing the Adani group, Rahul Gandhi
However, what could be part of to denote a ‘Golden’ period of gover- called for a “special session of Parlia- accused the Prime Minister of “being
the BJP government’s plan as per nance. Also in the possible agenda list ment” to be held from September 18 quiet” and said the least that should
sources is that the government would was introduction of the ‘One Nation, to 22, Congress MP Rahul Gandhi on be done is a Joint Parliamentary
put forth its achievements of the past One Election’ bill, which as the name Thursday said that maybe it is an indi- Committee probe.
five years and explain to the people via suggests would mean simultaneous cator of a ‘little panic’. Addressing a press conference
the parliament session the need to hold state and general elections. “I think maybe it is an indicator here, Gandhi accused the Prime Min-
snap polls along with state elections However, One Nation – One of a little panic. The same type of pan- ister of “protecting one person” and
that are scheduled to be held this year. Election would need a constitutional ic that happened when I spoke in Par- asked “why he is he not forcing an in-
However, all this is only a matter amendment and then it would need to liament House, the panic that sudden- vestigation”.
of speculation sources said, confirm- be taken to state assemblies. It is not a ly made them revoke my Parliament Gandhi referred to the G20 Sum-
ing that no one is quite sure what the new concept having taken place four membership,” a Congress leader said mit being hosted by India and the re-
agenda is for the parliament session times in the 1950’s and 60’s but India in Mumbai. ports on the Adani group in two British
next month. has fewer states and a smaller popula- “So, I think it is panic because papers and said the allegations impact
Some of the other agenda items tion that could vote. these matters are very close to the perception about India. Congress
that were in this speculative list in- On all the three speculative agen- Prime Minister. Whenever you touch General Secretary in-charge Commu-
cluded a discussion on the Centre’s da items listed above there was no the Adani matter, the PM gets very nications Jairam Ramesh on Thursday
recent achievements, including the confirmation or denial by government uncomfortable and very nervous,” he launched an attack on PM Modi-led
G20 Leaders’ summit in Delhi and sources who were asked to comment added. government and said that “Man-
success of Chandrayaan-3 mission, on the snap announcement of a spe- Targeting the BJP-led govern- aging the News Cycle, Modi style”.